How to use the niworkflows.interfaces.report_base.SegmentationRC function in niworkflows

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from seaborn import color_palette
from .. import NIWORKFLOWS_LOG
from . import report_base as nrc

class _BETInputSpecRPT(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, fsl.preprocess.BETInputSpec):

class _BETOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, fsl.preprocess.BETOutputSpec

class BETRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, fsl.BET):
    input_spec = _BETInputSpecRPT
    output_spec = _BETOutputSpecRPT

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        if self.generate_report:
            self.inputs.mask = True

        return super(BETRPT, self)._run_interface(runtime)

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        """ generates a report showing slices from each axis of an arbitrary
        volume of in_file, with the resulting binary brain mask overlaid """

        self._anat_file = self.inputs.in_file
        self._mask_file = self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime).mask_file
        self._seg_files = [self._mask_file]
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from nipype.interfaces.mixins import reporting
from . import report_base as nrc
from .. import NIWORKFLOWS_LOG

class _FASTInputSpecRPT(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, fsl.preprocess.FASTInputSpec):

class _FASTOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, fsl.preprocess.FASTOutputSpec

class FASTRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, fsl.FAST):
    input_spec = _FASTInputSpecRPT
    output_spec = _FASTOutputSpecRPT

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        if self.generate_report:
            self.inputs.segments = True

        return super(FASTRPT, self)._run_interface(runtime)

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        """ generates a report showing nine slices, three per axis, of an
        arbitrary volume of `in_files`, with the resulting segmentation
        overlaid """
        self._anat_file = self.inputs.in_files[0]
        outputs = self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime)
        self._mask_file = outputs.tissue_class_map
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        return super(BrainExtractionRPT, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

# TODO: move this interface to nipype.interfaces.nilearn
class _ComputeEPIMaskInputSpec(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_file = File(exists=True, desc="3D or 4D EPI file")
    dilation = traits.Int(desc="binary dilation on the nilearn output")

class _ComputeEPIMaskOutputSpec(reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec):
    mask_file = File(exists=True, desc="Binary brain mask")

class ComputeEPIMask(nrc.SegmentationRC):
    input_spec = _ComputeEPIMaskInputSpec
    output_spec = _ComputeEPIMaskOutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        orig_file_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file)
        in_file_data = orig_file_nii.get_fdata()

        # pad the data to avoid the mask estimation running into edge effects
        in_file_data_padded = np.pad(
            in_file_data, (1, 1), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0)

        padded_nii = nb.Nifti1Image(
            in_file_data_padded, orig_file_nii.affine, orig_file_nii.header
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return super(ACompCorRPT, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

class _TCompCorInputSpecRPT(
    nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, confounds.TCompCorInputSpec

class _TCompCorOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, confounds.TCompCorOutputSpec

class TCompCorRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, confounds.TCompCor):
    input_spec = _TCompCorInputSpecRPT
    output_spec = _TCompCorOutputSpecRPT

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """

        high_variance_masks = self.aggregate_outputs(

        if isinstance(high_variance_masks, list):
            raise ValueError(
                "TCompCorRPT only supports a single output high variance mask. "
                "A list %s was found." % high_variance_masks
        self._anat_file = self.inputs.realigned_file
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return super(BETRPT, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

class _BrainExtractionInputSpecRPT(
    nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, ants.segmentation.BrainExtractionInputSpec

class _BrainExtractionOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, ants.segmentation.BrainExtractionOutputSpec

class BrainExtractionRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, ants.segmentation.BrainExtraction):
    input_spec = _BrainExtractionInputSpecRPT
    output_spec = _BrainExtractionOutputSpecRPT

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """

        brain_extraction_mask = self.aggregate_outputs(

        if (
            and self.inputs.keep_temporary_files == 1
            self._anat_file = self.aggregate_outputs(runtime=runtime).N4Corrected0
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        return super(ComputeEPIMask, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

class _ACompCorInputSpecRPT(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec, confounds.CompCorInputSpec):

class _ACompCorOutputSpecRPT(
    reporting.ReportCapableOutputSpec, confounds.CompCorOutputSpec

class ACompCorRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, confounds.ACompCor):
    input_spec = _ACompCorInputSpecRPT
    output_spec = _ACompCorOutputSpecRPT

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        """ generates a report showing slices from each axis """

        if len(self.inputs.mask_files) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "ACompCorRPT only supports a single input mask. "
                "A list %s was found." % self.inputs.mask_files
        self._anat_file = self.inputs.realigned_file
        self._mask_file = self.inputs.mask_files[0]
        self._seg_files = self.inputs.mask_files
        self._masked = False
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            'Generating report for tCompCor. file "%s", mask "%s"',

        return super(TCompCorRPT, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

class _SimpleShowMaskInputSpec(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec):
    background_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="file before")
    mask_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="file before")

class SimpleShowMaskRPT(nrc.SegmentationRC, nrc.ReportingInterface):
    input_spec = _SimpleShowMaskInputSpec

    def _post_run_hook(self, runtime):
        self._anat_file = self.inputs.background_file
        self._mask_file = self.inputs.mask_file
        self._seg_files = [self.inputs.mask_file]
        self._masked = True

        return super(SimpleShowMaskRPT, self)._post_run_hook(runtime)

class _ROIsPlotInputSpecRPT(nrc._SVGReportCapableInputSpec):
    in_file = File(
        exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the volume where ROIs are defined"
    in_rois = InputMultiPath(