How to use the netflow.v9.V9TemplateNotRecognized function in netflow

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github bitkeks / python-netflow-v9-softflowd / netflow / View on Github external
templates = {"netflow": {}, "ipfix": {}}
            to_retry = []
            while not self._shutdown.is_set():
                    # 0.5s delay to limit CPU usage while waiting for new packets
                    pkt = self.input.get(block=True, timeout=0.5)  # type: RawPacket
                except queue.Empty:

                    # templates is passed as reference, updated in V9ExportPacket
                    export = parse_packet(, templates)
                except UnknownExportVersion as e:
                    logger.error("%s, ignoring the packet", e)
                except (V9TemplateNotRecognized, IPFIXTemplateNotRecognized):
                    # TODO: differentiate between v9 and IPFIX, use separate to_retry lists
                    if time.time() - pkt.ts > PACKET_TIMEOUT:
                        logger.warning("Dropping an old and undecodable v9/IPFIX ExportPacket")
                        logger.debug("Failed to decode a v9/IPFIX ExportPacket - will "
                                     "re-attempt when a new template is discovered")

                if export.header.version == 10:
                    logger.debug("Processed an IPFIX ExportPacket with length %d.", export.header.length)
                    logger.debug("Processed a v%d ExportPacket with %d flows.",
                                 export.header.version, export.header.count)

                # If any new templates were discovered, dump the unprocessable
github bitkeks / python-netflow-v9-softflowd / netflow / View on Github external
def __init__(self, data, templates):
        pack = struct.unpack('!HH', data[:4])

        self.template_id = pack[0]  # flowset_id is reference to a template_id
        self.length = pack[1]
        self.flows = []

        offset = 4

        if self.template_id not in templates:
            raise V9TemplateNotRecognized

        template = templates[self.template_id]

        # As the field lengths are variable V9 has padding to next 32 Bit
        padding_size = 4 - (self.length % 4)  # 4 Byte

        while offset <= (self.length - padding_size):
            new_record = V9DataRecord()

            for field in template.fields:
                flen = field.field_length
                fkey = V9_FIELD_TYPES[field.field_type]

                # The length of the value byte slice is defined in the template
                dataslice = data[offset:offset + flen]