How to use the nassl.TLSV1 function in nassl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nassl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def process_task(self, target, command, args):

        MAX_THREADS = 15
        sslVersionDict = {'sslv2': SSLV2,
                       'sslv3': SSLV3,
                       'tlsv1': TLSV1,
                       'tlsv1_1': TLSV1_1,
                       'tlsv1_2': TLSV1_2}
            sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command]
        except KeyError:
            raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.")

        # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version
        sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion)
        cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list()

        # Create a thread pool
        NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher
        thread_pool = ThreadPool()
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def process_task(self, target, command, args):

        MAX_THREADS = 30
        sslVersionDict = {'sslv2': SSLV2,
                       'sslv3': SSLV3,
                       'tlsv1': TLSV1,
                       'tlsv1_1': TLSV1_1,
                       'tlsv1_2': TLSV1_2}
            sslVersion = sslVersionDict[command]
        except KeyError:
            raise Exception("PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites: Unknown command.")

        # Get the list of available cipher suites for the given ssl version
        sslClient = SslClient(sslVersion=sslVersion)
        cipher_list = sslClient.get_cipher_list()

        # Create a thread pool
        NB_THREADS = min(len(cipher_list), MAX_THREADS) # One thread per cipher
        thread_pool = ThreadPool()
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def process_task(self, target, command, args):
        (host, ip, port, sslVersion) = target

        if sslVersion == SSLV23: # Could not determine the preferred  SSL version - client cert was required ?
            sslVersion = TLSV1 # Default to TLS 1.0
            target = (host, ip, port, sslVersion)

        sslConn = create_sslyze_connection(target, self._shared_settings)
        sslConn.sslVersion = sslVersion # Needed by the heartbleed payload

        # Awful hack #1: replace nassl.sslClient.do_handshake() with a heartbleed
        # checking SSL handshake so that all the SSLyze options
        # (startTLS, proxy, etc.) still work
        sslConn.do_handshake = new.instancemethod(do_handshake_with_heartbleed, sslConn, None)

        heartbleed = None
        try: # Perform the SSL handshake
        except HeartbleedSent:
            # Awful hack #2: directly read the underlying network socket
            heartbleed = sslConn._sock.recv(16381)
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def heartbleed_payload(sslVersion):
    # This heartbleed payload does not exploit the server

        SSLV3 :  '\x00', # Surprising that it works with SSL 3 which doesn't define TLS extensions
        TLSV1 :  '\x01',
        TLSV1_1: '\x02',
        TLSV1_2: '\x03'}

    payload = (
        '\x18'           # Record type - Heartbeat
        '\x03{0}'               # TLS version
        '\x40\x00'              # Record length
        '\x01'                  # Heartbeat type - Request
        '\x3f\xfd')             # Heartbeat length

    payload += '\x01'*16381     # Heartbeat data

    payload += (                # Second Heartbeat request with no padding
        '\x18'                  # Record type - Heartbeat