Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
mask = np.zeros(varPro.shape, 'uint8')
mask[:] = 1
mask[varPro > 0] = 64
# add VRT with array with data from projected variable
# add metadata to the dictionary
'src': {'SourceFilename': (self.band_vrts['mask'][-1].
'SourceBand': 1},
'dst': {'name': 'mask'}})
# add VRT with array with data from projected variable
# add metadata to the dictionary
metaEntry = {
'src': {'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts['lonlat'][-1].filename,
'SourceBand': 1},
'dst': {'wkv': varWKV, 'original_name': varName}}
# add wavelength for nLw
longName = 'Fully normalised water leaving radiance'
if longName in f.variables[varName].long_name:
simWavelength = varName.split('L')[1].split('_mean')[0]
metaEntry['dst']['suffix'] = simWavelength
metaEntry['dst']['wavelength'] = simWavelength
# add all metadata from NC-file
for attr in var.ncattrs():
adsHeight = self.dsOffsetDict["NUM_DSR"]
adsParams = self.allADSParams['list'][adsName]
array = self.get_array_from_ADS(adsName)
raise NansatReadError('ENVISAT data cannot be read because scipy is not installed...')
# zoom the array
array = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(array,
zoomSize / float(adsHeight),
# create VRT from the array
adsVrt = VRT.from_array(array=array)
# add "name" and "units" to band metadata
bandMetadata = {"name": adsName, "units": adsParams['units']}
return adsVrt
# Add incidence angle and look direction through small VRT objects
lon = self.get_array_from_ADS('first_line_longs')
lat = self.get_array_from_ADS('first_line_lats')
inc = self.get_array_from_ADS('first_line_incidence_angle')
# Calculate SAR look direction (ASAR is always right-looking)
look_direction = initial_bearing(lon[:, :-1], lat[:, :-1],
lon[:, 1:], lat[:, 1:])
# Interpolate to regain lost row
look_direction = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
look_direction, (1, 11./10.))
# Decompose, to avoid interpolation errors around 0 <-> 360
look_direction_u = np.sin(np.deg2rad(look_direction))
look_direction_v = np.cos(np.deg2rad(look_direction))
look_u_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_u)
look_v_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_v)
# Note: If incidence angle and look direction are stored in
# same VRT, access time is about twice as large
incVRT = VRT.from_array(inc)
lookVRT = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat)
lookVRT.create_band([{'SourceFilename': look_u_VRT.filename,
'SourceBand': 1},
{'SourceFilename': look_v_VRT.filename,
'SourceBand': 1}],
{'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionTo'})
# Blow up bands to full size
incVRT = incVRT.get_resized_vrt(gdalDataset.RasterXSize, gdalDataset.RasterYSize)
lookVRT = lookVRT.get_resized_vrt(gdalDataset.RasterXSize, gdalDataset.RasterYSize)
# Store VRTs so that they are accessible later
sat_heading = initial_bearing(lon[:, 1:], lat[:, 1:],
lon[:, :-1], lat[:, :-1]) + 90
print 'Can not decode pass direction: ' + str(passDirection)
# Calculate SAR look direction
look_direction = sat_heading + antennaPointing
# Interpolate to regain lost row
look_direction = np.mod(look_direction, 360)
look_direction = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.zoom(
look_direction, (1, 11./10.))
# Decompose, to avoid interpolation errors around 0 <-> 360
look_direction_u = np.sin(np.deg2rad(look_direction))
look_direction_v = np.cos(np.deg2rad(look_direction))
look_u_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_u)
look_v_VRT = VRT.from_array(look_direction_v)
# Note: If incidence angle and look direction are stored in
# same VRT, access time is about twice as large
lookVRT = VRT.from_lonlat(lon, lat)
[{'SourceFilename': look_u_VRT.filename, 'SourceBand': 1},
{'SourceFilename': look_v_VRT.filename, 'SourceBand': 1}],
{'PixelFunctionType': 'UVToDirectionTo'})
# Blow up to full size
lookVRT = lookVRT.get_resized_vrt(gdalDataset.RasterXSize, gdalDataset.RasterYSize)
# Store VRTs so that they are accessible later
self.band_vrts['look_u_VRT'] = look_u_VRT
self.band_vrts['look_v_VRT'] = look_v_VRT
self.band_vrts['lookVRT'] = lookVRT
def hardcopy_bands(self):
"""Make 'hardcopy' of bands: evaluate array from band and put into original band"""
bands = range(1, self.dataset.RasterCount+1)
for i in bands:
self.band_vrts[i] = VRT.from_array(self.dataset.GetRasterBand(i).ReadAsArray())
node0 = Node.create(str(self.xml))
for i, iNode1 in enumerate(node0.nodeList('VRTRasterBand')):
iNode1.node('SourceFilename').value = self.band_vrts[i+1].filename
iNode1.node('SourceBand').value = str(1)
>>> n.add_bands([array1, array2]) # add new bands, keep in memory
# replace empty parameters with list of empty dictionaries
if parameters is None:
parameters = [{}] * len(arrays)
self.vrt = self.vrt.get_super_vrt()
# create VRTs from arrays and generate band_metadata
band_metadata = []
for array, parameter in zip(arrays, parameters):
vrt = VRT.from_array(array, nomem=nomem)
'src': {'SourceFilename': vrt.filename, 'SourceBand': 1},
'dst': parameter
self.vrt.band_vrts[vrt.filename] = vrt
band_name = self.vrt.create_bands(band_metadata)
add_gcps : bool
Add GCPs to dataset
**kwargs : dict
arguments for VRT() and VRT._lonlat2gcps
self - adds all VRT attributes
self.dataset - sets size and georeference
self.geolocation - add Geolocation object with all attributes
VRT.__init__(self, lon.shape[1], lon.shape[0], **kwargs)
if add_gcps:
self.dataset.SetGCPs(VRT._lonlat2gcps(lon, lat, **kwargs), NSR().wkt)
self._add_geolocation(Geolocation(VRT.from_array(lon), VRT.from_array(lat)))
self.dataset.SetMetadataItem(str('filename'), self.filename)
i = self._find_complex_band()
if i is None:
band = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(i)
band_array = band.ReadAsArray()
band_metadata_orig = remove_keys(band.GetMetadata(), rm_metadata)
band_name_orig = band_metadata_orig.get('name', 'complex_%003d'%i)
# Copy metadata, modify 'name' and create VRTs for real and imag parts of each band
band_description = []
for part in ['real', 'imag']:
band_metadata = band_metadata_orig.copy()
band_name = band_name_orig + '_' + part
band_metadata['name'] = band_name
self.band_vrts[band_name] = VRT.from_array(eval('band_array.' + part))
band_description.append({'src': {
'SourceFilename': self.band_vrts[band_name].filename,
'SourceBand': 1},
'dst': band_metadata})
# create bands with parts
# delete the complex band
# find and split more complex bands
variable names that should be converted to VRTs
pol : str
HH, HV, etc
resize : bool
Shall VRT be zoomed to full size?
resample_alg : int
Index of resampling algorithm. See VRT.get_resized_vrt()
vrts : dict with (resized) VRTs
vrts = {}
for var_name in variable_names:
vrts[var_name+pol] = VRT.from_array(data[var_name+pol])
if resize:
vrts[var_name+pol] = vrts[var_name+pol].get_resized_vrt(self.dataset.RasterXSize,
return vrts
raise ValueError('Cannot find latitude band')
lat = band_lat.ReadAsArray()
band_lon = self.dataset.GetRasterBand(self._longitude_band_number(gdal_dataset))
# Check that it is actually longitudes
if not band_lon.GetMetadata()['standard_name'] == 'longitude':
raise ValueError('Cannot find longitude band')
lon = band_lon.ReadAsArray()
# Apply correction of longitudes (they are defined on 0:360 degrees but also contain
# negative values)
# TODO: consider making this core to nansat - different ways of defining longitudes
# (-180:180 og 0:360 degrees) often cause problems...
lon = np.mod(lon+180., 360.) - 180.
self.band_vrts['new_lon_VRT'] = VRT.from_array(lon)
self.dataset.SetGCPs(VRT._lonlat2gcps(lon, lat, n_gcps=400), NSR().wkt)
# Add geolocation from correct longitudes and latitudes
Geolocation(self.band_vrts['new_lon_VRT'], self, x_band=1, y_band=self._latitude_band_number(gdal_dataset))
# Get dictionary describing the instrument and platform according to
# the GCMD keywords
mm = pti.get_gcmd_instrument('seawinds')
ee = pti.get_gcmd_platform('quikscat')
# TODO: Validate that the found instrument and platform are indeed what