How to use the msrest.service_client.SDKClient function in msrest

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github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / azure-mgmt-servermanager / azure / mgmt / servermanager / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if subscription_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(ServerManagementConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials
        self.subscription_id = subscription_id

class ServerManagement(SDKClient):
    """REST API for Azure Server Management Service.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: ServerManagementConfiguration

    :ivar gateway: Gateway operations
    :vartype gateway: azure.mgmt.servermanager.operations.GatewayOperations
    :ivar node: Node operations
    :vartype node: azure.mgmt.servermanager.operations.NodeOperations
    :ivar session: Session operations
    :vartype session: azure.mgmt.servermanager.operations.SessionOperations
    :ivar power_shell: PowerShell operations
    :vartype power_shell: azure.mgmt.servermanager.operations.PowerShellOperations

    :param credentials: Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
    :type credentials: :mod:`A msrestazure Credentials
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / network / azure-mgmt-network / azure / mgmt / network / v2019_06_01 / View on Github external
from .operations import VpnSitesOperations
from .operations import VpnSiteLinksOperations
from .operations import VpnSitesConfigurationOperations
from .operations import VirtualHubsOperations
from .operations import HubVirtualNetworkConnectionsOperations
from .operations import VpnGatewaysOperations
from .operations import VpnConnectionsOperations
from .operations import VpnSiteLinkConnectionsOperations
from .operations import VpnLinkConnectionsOperations
from .operations import P2sVpnServerConfigurationsOperations
from .operations import P2sVpnGatewaysOperations
from .operations import WebApplicationFirewallPoliciesOperations
from . import models

class NetworkManagementClient(NetworkManagementClientOperationsMixin, SDKClient):
    """Network Client

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: NetworkManagementClientConfiguration

    :ivar application_gateways: ApplicationGateways operations
    :vartype application_gateways:
    :ivar application_security_groups: ApplicationSecurityGroups operations
    :vartype application_security_groups:
    :ivar available_delegations: AvailableDelegations operations
    :vartype available_delegations:
    :ivar available_resource_group_delegations: AvailableResourceGroupDelegations operations
    :vartype available_resource_group_delegations:
    :ivar azure_firewalls: AzureFirewalls operations
    :vartype azure_firewalls:
    :ivar azure_firewall_fqdn_tags: AzureFirewallFqdnTags operations
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / iothub / azure-mgmt-iothub / azure / mgmt / iothub / View on Github external
# regenerated.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from msrest.service_client import SDKClient
from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer

from ._configuration import IotHubClientConfiguration
from .operations import Operations
from .operations import IotHubResourceOperations
from .operations import ResourceProviderCommonOperations
from .operations import CertificatesOperations
from .operations import IotHubOperations
from . import models

class IotHubClient(SDKClient):
    """Use this API to manage the IoT hubs in your Azure subscription.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: IotHubClientConfiguration

    :ivar operations: Operations operations
    :vartype operations: azure.mgmt.iothub.operations.Operations
    :ivar iot_hub_resource: IotHubResource operations
    :vartype iot_hub_resource: azure.mgmt.iothub.operations.IotHubResourceOperations
    :ivar resource_provider_common: ResourceProviderCommon operations
    :vartype resource_provider_common: azure.mgmt.iothub.operations.ResourceProviderCommonOperations
    :ivar certificates: Certificates operations
    :vartype certificates: azure.mgmt.iothub.operations.CertificatesOperations
    :ivar iot_hub: IotHub operations
    :vartype iot_hub: azure.mgmt.iothub.operations.IotHubOperations
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / azure-mgmt-loganalytics / azure / mgmt / loganalytics / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if subscription_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(LogAnalyticsManagementClientConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials
        self.subscription_id = subscription_id

class LogAnalyticsManagementClient(SDKClient):
    """The Log Analytics Client.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: LogAnalyticsManagementClientConfiguration

    :ivar storage_insights: StorageInsights operations
    :vartype storage_insights: azure.mgmt.loganalytics.operations.StorageInsightsOperations
    :ivar workspaces: Workspaces operations
    :vartype workspaces: azure.mgmt.loganalytics.operations.WorkspacesOperations
    :ivar saved_searches: SavedSearches operations
    :vartype saved_searches: azure.mgmt.loganalytics.operations.SavedSearchesOperations
    :ivar linked_services: LinkedServices operations
    :vartype linked_services: azure.mgmt.loganalytics.operations.LinkedServicesOperations
    :ivar data_sources: DataSources operations
    :vartype data_sources: azure.mgmt.loganalytics.operations.DataSourcesOperations
    :ivar operations: Operations operations
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / advisor / azure-mgmt-advisor / azure / mgmt / advisor / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if subscription_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(AdvisorManagementClientConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials
        self.subscription_id = subscription_id

class AdvisorManagementClient(SDKClient):
    """REST APIs for Azure Advisor

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: AdvisorManagementClientConfiguration

    :ivar configurations: Configurations operations
    :vartype configurations: azure.mgmt.advisor.operations.ConfigurationsOperations
    :ivar recommendations: Recommendations operations
    :vartype recommendations: azure.mgmt.advisor.operations.RecommendationsOperations
    :ivar operations: Operations operations
    :vartype operations: azure.mgmt.advisor.operations.Operations
    :ivar suppressions: Suppressions operations
    :vartype suppressions: azure.mgmt.advisor.operations.SuppressionsOperations

    :param credentials: Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
    :type credentials: :mod:`A msrestazure Credentials
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / containerservice / azure-mgmt-containerservice / azure / mgmt / containerservice / v2018_03_31 / View on Github external
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
# regenerated.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from msrest.service_client import SDKClient
from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer

from ._configuration import ContainerServiceClientConfiguration
from .operations import Operations
from .operations import ManagedClustersOperations
from . import models

class ContainerServiceClient(SDKClient):
    """The Container Service Client.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: ContainerServiceClientConfiguration

    :ivar operations: Operations operations
    :vartype operations: azure.mgmt.containerservice.v2018_03_31.operations.Operations
    :ivar managed_clusters: ManagedClusters operations
    :vartype managed_clusters: azure.mgmt.containerservice.v2018_03_31.operations.ManagedClustersOperations

    :param credentials: Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
    :type credentials: :mod:`A msrestazure Credentials
    :param subscription_id: Subscription credentials which uniquely identify
     Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI
     for every service call.
github Azure / azure-cli-extensions / src / db-up / azext_db_up / vendored_sdks / azure_mgmt_rdbms / mariadb / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if subscription_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(MariaDBManagementClientConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials
        self.subscription_id = subscription_id

class MariaDBManagementClient(SDKClient):
    """MariaDB Client

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: MariaDBManagementClientConfiguration

    :ivar servers: Servers operations
    :vartype servers: azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb.operations.ServersOperations
    :ivar firewall_rules: FirewallRules operations
    :vartype firewall_rules: azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb.operations.FirewallRulesOperations
    :ivar virtual_network_rules: VirtualNetworkRules operations
    :vartype virtual_network_rules: azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb.operations.VirtualNetworkRulesOperations
    :ivar databases: Databases operations
    :vartype databases: azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb.operations.DatabasesOperations
    :ivar configurations: Configurations operations
    :vartype configurations: azure.mgmt.rdbms.mariadb.operations.ConfigurationsOperations
    :ivar log_files: LogFiles operations
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / azure-mgmt-storage / azure / mgmt / storage / v2017_10_01 / View on Github external
raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if subscription_id is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'subscription_id' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(StorageManagementClientConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials
        self.subscription_id = subscription_id

class StorageManagementClient(SDKClient):
    """The Azure Storage Management API.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: StorageManagementClientConfiguration

    :ivar operations: Operations operations
    :vartype operations:
    :ivar skus: Skus operations
    :vartype skus:
    :ivar storage_accounts: StorageAccounts operations
    :vartype storage_accounts:
    :ivar usage: Usage operations
    :vartype usage:

    :param credentials: Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
    :type credentials: :mod:`A msrestazure Credentials
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / appservice / azure-mgmt-web / azure / mgmt / web / View on Github external
# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
# regenerated.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

from msrest.service_client import SDKClient
from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer

from azure.profiles import KnownProfiles, ProfileDefinition
from azure.profiles.multiapiclient import MultiApiClientMixin
from ._configuration import WebSiteManagementClientConfiguration
from ._operations_mixin import WebSiteManagementClientOperationsMixin

class WebSiteManagementClient(WebSiteManagementClientOperationsMixin, MultiApiClientMixin, SDKClient):
    """WebSite Management Client

    This ready contains multiple API versions, to help you deal with all Azure clouds
    (Azure Stack, Azure Government, Azure China, etc.).
    By default, uses latest API version available on public Azure.
    For production, you should stick a particular api-version and/or profile.
    The profile sets a mapping between the operation group and an API version.
    The api-version parameter sets the default API version if the operation
    group is not described in the profile.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: WebSiteManagementClientConfiguration

    :param credentials: Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
    :type credentials: :mod:`A msrestazure Credentials
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-python / sdk / azure-mgmt / azureactivedirectory / View on Github external
self, credentials, base_url=None):

        if credentials is None:
            raise ValueError("Parameter 'credentials' must not be None.")
        if not base_url:
            base_url = ''

        super(azureactivedirectoryClientConfiguration, self).__init__(base_url)


        self.credentials = credentials

class azureactivedirectoryClient(SDKClient):
    """Azure Active Directory Client.

    :ivar config: Configuration for client.
    :vartype config: azureactivedirectoryClientConfiguration

    :ivar metrics: Metrics operations
    :vartype metrics: microsoft.aadiam.operations.MetricsOperations
    :ivar metric_definitions: MetricDefinitions operations
    :vartype metric_definitions: microsoft.aadiam.operations.MetricDefinitionsOperations
    :ivar operations: Operations operations
    :vartype operations: microsoft.aadiam.operations.Operations
    :ivar diagnostic_settings: DiagnosticSettings operations
    :vartype diagnostic_settings: microsoft.aadiam.operations.DiagnosticSettingsOperations
    :ivar diagnostic_settings_category: DiagnosticSettingsCategory operations
    :vartype diagnostic_settings_category: microsoft.aadiam.operations.DiagnosticSettingsCategoryOperations