How to use the msprime.load_text function in msprime

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few msprime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
mutations = six.StringIO("""\
        site    node    derived_state   parent
        0       1       1               -1
        0       2       1               -1
        0       3       2               1
        1       0       1               -1
        1       1       1               3
        1       3       2               4
        1       2       1               3
        1       4       2               6
        2       0       1               -1
        2       1       1               8
        2       2       1               8
        2       4       1               8
        ts = msprime.load_text(
            nodes=nodes, edges=edges, sites=sites, mutations=mutations, strict=False)
github tskit-dev / msprime / simplify_work / View on Github external
0.2     0.8     8       9,10
        0.0     0.2     8       9
        0.7     1.0     7       8
        0.0     0.2     7       10
        0.8     1.0     6       9
        0.0     0.7     6       8
        0.4     1.0     5       2,7
        0.1     0.4     5       7
        0.6     0.9     4       6
        0.0     0.6     4       0,6
        0.9     1.0     3       4,5,6
        0.1     0.9     3       4,5
        0.0     0.1     3       4,5,7

        ts = msprime.load_text(nodes, edgesets)
        tree_dicts = [t.parent_dict for t in ts.trees()]
        self.assertEqual(ts.sample_size, 3)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, len(true_trees))
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_nodes, 11)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(ts.diffs())), ts.num_trees)
        # check topologies agree:
        for a, t in zip(true_trees, tree_dicts):
            for k in a.keys():
                if k in t.keys():
                    self.assertEqual(t[k], a[k])
                    self.assertEqual(a[k], msprime.NULL_NODE)
        self.verify_simplify_topology(ts, [0, 1])
        self.verify_simplify_topology(ts, [1, 2])
        self.verify_simplify_topology(ts, [2, 0])
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
is_sample   time
            1           0
            1           0
        edges = """\
            left right parent child
            0    1     2      0
        for j in range(num_unary_nodes + 2):
            nodes += "0 {}\n".format(j + 2)
        for j in range(num_unary_nodes):
            edges += "0 1 {} {}\n".format(n + j + 1, n + j)
        root = num_unary_nodes + 3
        root_time = num_unary_nodes + 3
        edges += "0    1     {}      1,{}\n".format(root, num_unary_nodes + 2)
        ts = msprime.load_text(six.StringIO(nodes), six.StringIO(edges), strict=False)
        t = next(ts.trees())
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 1), root)
        self.assertEqual(t.tmrca(0, 1), root_time)
        ts_simplified, node_map = ts.simplify(map_nodes=True)
        test_map = [msprime.NULL_NODE for _ in range(ts.num_nodes)]
        test_map[0] = 0
        test_map[1] = 1
        test_map[root] = 2
        self.assertEqual(list(node_map), test_map)
        self.assertEqual(ts_simplified.num_edges, 2)
        t = next(ts_simplified.trees())
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 1), 2)
        self.assertEqual(t.tmrca(0, 1), root_time)
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
id  position    ancestral_state
        0   0.1         0
        1   0.2         0
        2   0.3         0
        3   0.4         0
        4   0.5         0
        mutations = six.StringIO("""\
        site    node    derived_state
        0       0       1
        1       1       1
        2       2       1
        3       3       1
        4       8       1
        ts = msprime.load_text(
            nodes=nodes, edges=edges, sites=sites, mutations=mutations, strict=False)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_nodes, 9)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, 1)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_sites, 5)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_mutations, 5)
        t = next(ts.trees())
        self.assertEqual(t.parent_dict, {0: 4, 1: 5, 2: 7, 3: 7, 4: 6, 5: 6, 8: 7})
        self.assertEqual(list(ts.haplotypes()), ["10000", "01000", "00100", "00010"])
            [v.genotypes for v in ts.variants(as_bytes=True)],
            [b"1000", b"0100", b"0010", b"0001", b"0000"])
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 1), 6)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(2, 3), 7)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(2, 8), 7)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 2), msprime.NULL_NODE)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 3), msprime.NULL_NODE)
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
def test_small_tree_internal_samples(self):
        ts = msprime.load_text(
            edges=six.StringIO(self.small_tree_ex_edges), strict=False)
        tables = ts.dump_tables()
        nodes = tables.nodes
        flags = nodes.flags
        # The parent of samples 0 and 1 is 5. Change this to an internal sample
        # and set 0 and 1 to be unsampled.
        flags[0] = 0
        flags[1] = 0
        flags[5] = msprime.NODE_IS_SAMPLE
        nodes.set_columns(flags=flags, time=nodes.time)
        ts = msprime.load_tables(nodes=nodes, edges=tables.edges)
        self.assertEqual(ts.sample_size, 4)
        tss, node_map = self.do_simplify(ts, [3, 5])
        self.assertEqual(node_map[3], 0)
        self.assertEqual(node_map[5], 1)
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
5       0           3
        edges = six.StringIO("""\
        left    right   parent  child
        0       1       2       0
        0       1       3       1
        0       1       4       2,3
        0       1       5       4
        sites = "position    ancestral_state\n"
        mutations = "site    node    derived_state\n"
        for j in range(5):
            position = j * 1 / 5
            sites += "{} 0\n".format(position)
            mutations += "{} {} 1\n".format(j, j)
        ts = msprime.load_text(
            nodes=nodes, edges=edges, sites=six.StringIO(sites),
            mutations=six.StringIO(mutations), strict=False)

        self.assertEqual(ts.sample_size, 2)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_nodes, 6)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, 1)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_sites, 5)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_mutations, 5)
        self.assertEqual(len(list(ts.edge_diffs())), ts.num_trees)
        t = next(ts.trees())
            t.parent_dict, {0: 2, 1: 3, 2: 4, 3: 4, 4: 5})
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 1), 4)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 2), 2)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 4), 4)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 5), 5)
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
def test_overlapping_unary_edges_internal_samples(self):
        nodes = six.StringIO("""\
        id      is_sample   time
        0       1           0
        1       1           0
        2       1           1
        edges = six.StringIO("""\
        left    right   parent  child
        0       2       2       0
        1       3       2       1
        ts = msprime.load_text(nodes, edges, strict=False)
        self.assertEqual(ts.sample_size, 3)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, 3)
        trees = [{0: 2}, {0: 2, 1: 2}, {1: 2}]
        for t in ts.trees():
            self.assertEqual(t.parent_dict, trees[t.index])
        tss, node_map = self.do_simplify(ts)
        self.assertEqual(list(node_map), [0, 1, 2])
github tskit-dev / msprime / tests / View on Github external
        sites = six.StringIO("""\
        id  position    ancestral_state
        0   0.1         0
        1   0.2         0
        2   0.3         0
        3   0.4         0
        mutations = six.StringIO("""\
        site    node    derived_state
        0       0       1
        1       1       1
        2       2       1
        3       3       1
        ts = msprime.load_text(
            nodes=nodes, edges=edges, sites=sites, mutations=mutations, strict=False)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_nodes, 6)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_trees, 1)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_sites, 4)
        self.assertEqual(ts.num_mutations, 4)
        t = next(ts.trees())
        self.assertEqual(t.parent_dict, {0: 4, 1: 4, 2: 5, 3: 5})
        self.assertEqual(list(ts.haplotypes()), ["1000", "0100", "0010", "0001"])
            [v.genotypes for v in ts.variants(as_bytes=True)],
            [b"1000", b"0100", b"0010", b"0001"])
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 1), 4)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 4), 4)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(2, 3), 5)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 2), msprime.NULL_NODE)
        self.assertEqual(t.mrca(0, 3), msprime.NULL_NODE)
github mcveanlab / treeseq-inference / src / View on Github external
def main(ts, fastARG_executable, fa_in, fa_out, nodes_fh, edges_fh, sites_fh, muts_fh):
    This is just to test if fastarg produces the same haplotypes
    import subprocess
    seq_len = ts.get_sequence_length()
    ts_to_fastARG_in(ts, fa_in)[fastARG_executable, 'build',], stdout=fa_out)
    fastARG_out_to_ts_txts(fa_out, variant_positions_from_fastARGin(fa_in),
        nodes_fh, edges_fh, sites_fh, muts_fh, seq_len=seq_len)

    new_ts = msprime.load_text(nodes=nodes_fh, edges=edges_fh, sites=sites_fh, mutations=muts_fh)
    simple_ts = new_ts.simplify()
    logging.debug("Simplified num_records should always be < unsimplified num_records.\n"
        "For low mutationRate:recombinationRate ratio,"
        " the initial num records will probably be higher than the"
        " fastarg num_records, as the original simulation will have records"
        " which leave no mutational trace. As the mutation rate increases,"
        " we expect the fastarg num_records to equal, then exceed the original"
        " as fastarg starts inferring the wrong (less parsimonious) set of trees")
        "Initial num records = {}, fastARG (simplified) = {}, fastARG (unsimplified) = {}".format(
        ts.get_num_records(), simple_ts.get_num_records(), new_ts.get_num_records()))
github mcveanlab / treeseq-inference / src / View on Github external
def ts_txts_to_trees(ts_nodes, ts_edges, trees_outname=None):
        import shutil
        import msprime"== Converting new ts ARG to .trees ===")
            ts = msprime.load_text(nodes=ts_nodes, edges=ts_edges)
            logging.warning("Can't load the texts file properly. Saved copied to 'bad.nodes' & 'bad.edges' for inspection")
            shutil.copyfile(, "bad.nodes")
            shutil.copyfile(, "bad.edges")
            raise"== loaded {}, {}===".format(,
            simple_ts = ts.simplify()
            logging.warning("Can't simplify. .trees file dumped to 'bad.trees'")
        if trees_outname: