How to use the function in mrjob

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mrjob examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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which only checks for preconfigured fields.

        These checks include

        - there is room for our job in the cluster (clusters top out at
          256 steps)
        - the cluster does not have a running step

        :param emr_client: a boto3 EMR client. See
        :param cluster: EMR cluster dict to check if we are able to join.
        :param num_steps: The number of steps this job requires.

        :return: -1 on failure or num_steps_in_cluster on success
        steps = list(_boto3_paginate(
            emr_client, 'list_steps', ClusterId=cluster['Id']))

        if self._opts['release_label']:
            max_steps = _4_X_MAX_STEPS
            image_version = cluster.get('RunningAmiVersion', '')
            max_steps = map_version(image_version, _IMAGE_VERSION_TO_MAX_STEPS)

        # don't add more steps than EMR will allow/display through the API
        if len(steps) + num_steps > max_steps:
            log.debug('    no room for our steps')
            return -1

        # in rare cases, cluster can be WAITING *and* have incomplete
        # steps. We could just check for PENDING steps, but we're
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emr_client = EMRJobRunner(**runner_kwargs).make_emr_client()

    # if --max-days-ago is set, only look at recent jobs
    created_after = None
    if max_days_ago is not None:
        created_after = now - timedelta(days=max_days_ago)

    # use _DELAY to sleep 1 second after each API call (see #1091). Could
    # implement some sort of connection wrapper for this if it becomes more
    # generally useful.
    list_clusters_kwargs = dict(_delay=_DELAY)
    if created_after is not None:
        list_clusters_kwargs['CreatedAfter'] = created_after

    for cluster_summary in _boto3_paginate(
            'Clusters', emr_client, 'list_clusters', **list_clusters_kwargs):

        cluster_id = cluster_summary['Id']

        cluster = emr_client.describe_cluster(ClusterId=cluster_id)['Cluster']

        cluster['Steps'] = list(reversed(list(_boto3_paginate(
            'Steps', emr_client, 'list_steps',
            ClusterId=cluster_id, _delay=_DELAY))))

        yield cluster
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def _get_job_steps(emr_client, cluster_id, job_key):
    """Efficiently fetch steps for a particular mrjob run from the EMR API.

    :param emr_client: a boto3 EMR client. See
    :param cluster_id: ID of EMR cluster to fetch steps from. See
    :param job_key: Unique key for a mrjob run. See
    steps = []

    for step in _boto3_paginate('Steps', emr_client, 'list_steps',
        if step['Name'].startswith(job_key):
        elif steps:
            # all steps for job will be together, so stop
            # when we find a non-job step

    return list(reversed(list(steps)))
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        :param invalid_clusters: A set of clusters with an invalid setup; thus
                                 we skip these clusters.
        :param locked_clusters: A set of clusters managed by the callee that
                                are in a "locked" state.
        :param num_steps: The number of steps this job requires.

        :return: list of tuples of (cluster_id, num_steps_in_cluster)
        emr_client = self.make_emr_client()
        req_pool_hash = self._pool_hash()

        # list of (sort_key, cluster_id, num_steps)
        key_cluster_steps_list = []

        for cluster_summary in _boto3_paginate(
                'Clusters', emr_client, 'list_clusters',
            cluster_id = cluster_summary['Id']

            # this may be a retry due to locked clusters
            if cluster_id in invalid_clusters or cluster_id in locked_clusters:
                log.debug('    excluded')

            # if we haven't seen this cluster before then check the setup
            cluster, instance_sort_key = valid_clusters.get(cluster_id,
                                                            (None, None,))
            if cluster is None:
                cluster = emr_client.describe_cluster(
                instance_sort_key = self._compare_cluster_setup(
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if not matches:
            log.debug('    subnet mismatch')

        collection_type = cluster.get('InstanceCollectionType',

        instance_sort_key = None

        if self._opts['instance_fleets']:
            if collection_type != 'INSTANCE_FLEET':
                log.debug('    does not use instance fleets')

            actual_fleets = list(_boto3_paginate(
                'InstanceFleets', emr_client, 'list_instance_fleets',

            req_fleets = self._opts['instance_fleets']

            instance_sort_key = _instance_fleets_satisfy(
                actual_fleets, req_fleets)
            if collection_type != 'INSTANCE_GROUP':
                log.debug('    does not use instance groups')

            # check memory and compute units, bailing out if we hit
            # an instance with too little memory
            actual_igs = list(_boto3_paginate(
                'InstanceGroups', emr_client, 'list_instance_groups',
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if max_mins_idle is None:
        max_mins_idle = _DEFAULT_MAX_MINS_IDLE

    runner = EMRJobRunner(**kwargs)
    emr_client = runner.make_emr_client()

    num_starting = 0
    num_bootstrapping = 0
    num_done = 0
    num_idle = 0
    num_pending = 0
    num_running = 0

    # include RUNNING to catch clusters with PENDING jobs that
    # never ran (see #365).
    for cluster_summary in _boto3_paginate(
            'Clusters', emr_client, 'list_clusters',
            ClusterStates=['WAITING', 'RUNNING']):

        cluster_id = cluster_summary['Id']

        # check if cluster is done
        if _is_cluster_done(cluster_summary):
            num_done += 1

        # check if cluster is starting
        if _is_cluster_starting(cluster_summary):
            num_starting += 1

        # check if cluster is bootstrapping