How to use the movingpandas.overlay.SpatioTemporalRange function in movingpandas

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def _get_segments_for_ranges(traj, ranges):
    counter = 0
    segments = []  # list of trajectories
    for the_range in ranges:
        temp_traj = traj.copy()
        if type(the_range) == SpatioTemporalRange:
            temp_traj.df = create_entry_and_exit_points(traj, the_range)
            segment = temp_traj.get_segment_between(the_range.t_0, the_range.t_n)
        except ValueError as e:
            continue = "{}_{}".format(, counter)
        segment.parent = traj
        counter += 1
    return segments
github anitagraser / movingpandas / movingpandas / View on Github external
length = row['line'].length
        t0 = t + (t_delta * row['line'].project(pt0)/length)
        tn = t + (t_delta * row['line'].project(ptn)/length)
        # to avoid numerical issues with microseconds beyond six digits, we reconstruct the timestamps
        t0 = datetime(t0.year, t0.month,, t0.hour, t0.minute, t0.second, t0.microsecond)
        tn = datetime(tn.year, tn.month,, tn.hour, tn.minute, tn.second, tn.microsecond)
        # to avoid intersection issues with zero length lines
        if ptn == translate(pt0, 0.00000001, 0.00000001):
            t0 = row['prev_t']
            tn = row['t']
        # to avoid numerical issues with timestamps
        if is_equal(tn, row['t']):
            tn = row['t']
        if is_equal(t0, row['prev_t']):
            t0 = row['prev_t']
        return SpatioTemporalRange(pt0, ptn, t0, tn)
        return None
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end = r.t_n
            pt0 = r.pt_0
            ptn = r.pt_n
        elif end == r.t_0:
            end = r.t_n
            ptn = r.pt_n
        elif r.t_0 > end and is_equal(r.t_0, end):
            end = r.t_n
            ptn = r.pt_n
            new.append(SpatioTemporalRange(pt0, ptn, start, end))
            start = r.t_0
            end = r.t_n
            pt0 = r.pt_0
            ptn = r.pt_n
    new.append(SpatioTemporalRange(pt0, ptn, start, end))
    return new
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for r in ranges:
        if r is None:
            continue  # raise ValueError('Received range that is None!')
        if start is None:
            start = r.t_0
            end = r.t_n
            pt0 = r.pt_0
            ptn = r.pt_n
        elif end == r.t_0:
            end = r.t_n
            ptn = r.pt_n
        elif r.t_0 > end and is_equal(r.t_0, end):
            end = r.t_n
            ptn = r.pt_n
            new.append(SpatioTemporalRange(pt0, ptn, start, end))
            start = r.t_0
            end = r.t_n
            pt0 = r.pt_0
            ptn = r.pt_n
    new.append(SpatioTemporalRange(pt0, ptn, start, end))
    return new
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t1 : datetime.datetime
            Start time for the segment
        t2 : datetime.datetime
            End time for the segment
        method : str
            Extraction method

        shapely LineString
            Extracted trajectory segment
        if method not in ['interpolated', 'within']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid split method {}. Must be one of [interpolated, within]'.format(method))
        if method == 'interpolated':
            st_range = SpatioTemporalRange(self.get_position_at(t1), self.get_position_at(t2), t1, t2)
            temp_df = create_entry_and_exit_points(self, st_range)
            temp_df = temp_df[t1:t2]
            return point_gdf_to_linestring(temp_df)
                return point_gdf_to_linestring(self.get_segment_between(t1, t2).df)
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot generate linestring between {0} and {1}".format(t1, t2))