How to use the motor.metaprogramming.ReadOnlyProperty function in motor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few motor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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dereference           = AsyncRead()
    drop_collection       = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorCollection')
    get_collection        = DelegateMethod().wrap(Collection)
    list_collection_names = AsyncRead(doc=list_collection_names_doc)
    list_collections      = AsyncRead()
    name                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    profiling_info        = AsyncRead()
    profiling_level       = AsyncRead()
    set_profiling_level   = AsyncCommand()
    validate_collection   = AsyncRead().unwrap('MotorCollection')
    with_options          = DelegateMethod().wrap(Database)

    incoming_manipulators         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    incoming_copying_manipulators = ReadOnlyProperty()
    outgoing_manipulators         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    outgoing_copying_manipulators = ReadOnlyProperty()

    _async_aggregate = AsyncRead(attr_name='aggregate')

    def __init__(self, client, name, **kwargs):
        self._client = client
        delegate = kwargs.get('_delegate') or Database(
            client.delegate, name, **kwargs)

        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(delegate)

    def aggregate(self, pipeline, **kwargs):
        """Execute an aggregation pipeline on this database.

        Introduced in MongoDB 3.6.

        The aggregation can be run on a secondary if the client is connected
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bulk_write               = AsyncCommand(doc=bulk_write_doc)
    count_documents          = AsyncRead()
    create_index             = AsyncCommand()
    create_indexes           = AsyncCommand(doc=create_indexes_doc)
    delete_many              = AsyncCommand(doc=delete_many_doc)
    delete_one               = AsyncCommand(doc=delete_one_doc)
    distinct                 = AsyncRead()
    drop                     = AsyncCommand(doc=drop_doc)
    drop_index               = AsyncCommand()
    drop_indexes             = AsyncCommand()
    estimated_document_count = AsyncCommand()
    find_one                 = AsyncRead(doc=find_one_doc)
    find_one_and_delete      = AsyncCommand(doc=find_one_and_delete_doc)
    find_one_and_replace     = AsyncCommand(doc=find_one_and_replace_doc)
    find_one_and_update      = AsyncCommand(doc=find_one_and_update_doc)
    full_name                = ReadOnlyProperty()
    index_information        = AsyncRead(doc=index_information_doc)
    inline_map_reduce        = AsyncRead()
    insert_many              = AsyncWrite(doc=insert_many_doc)
    insert_one               = AsyncCommand(doc=insert_one_doc)
    map_reduce               = AsyncCommand(doc=mr_doc).wrap(Collection)
    name                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    options                  = AsyncRead()
    reindex                  = AsyncCommand()
    rename                   = AsyncCommand()
    replace_one              = AsyncCommand(doc=replace_one_doc)
    update_many              = AsyncCommand(doc=update_many_doc)
    update_one               = AsyncCommand(doc=update_one_doc)
    with_options             = DelegateMethod().wrap(Collection)

    _async_aggregate             = AsyncRead(attr_name='aggregate')
    _async_aggregate_raw_batches = AsyncRead(attr_name='aggregate_raw_batches')
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is_mongos                = ReadOnlyProperty()
    is_primary               = ReadOnlyProperty()
    list_databases           = AsyncRead().wrap(CommandCursor)
    list_database_names      = AsyncRead()
    local_threshold_ms       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_bson_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_idle_time_ms         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_message_size         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_write_batch_size     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    min_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    nodes                    = ReadOnlyProperty()
    PORT                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    primary                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_concern             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_reads              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_writes             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    secondaries              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    server_info              = AsyncRead()
    server_selection_timeout = ReadOnlyProperty()
    start_session            = AsyncCommand(doc=start_session_doc).wrap(ClientSession)
    unlock                   = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        Takes the same constructor arguments as
        :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient`, as well as:

          - `io_loop` (optional): Special event loop
            instance to use instead of default
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return change_stream_class(obj, self)
            return obj

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self.database.get_io_loop()

class AgnosticBaseCursor(AgnosticBase):
    """Base class for AgnosticCursor and AgnosticCommandCursor"""
    _refresh      = AsyncRead()
    address       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    cursor_id     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    alive         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    session       = ReadOnlyProperty()

    def __init__(self, cursor, collection):
        """Don't construct a cursor yourself, but acquire one from methods like
        :meth:`MotorCollection.find` or :meth:`MotorCollection.aggregate`.

        .. note::
          There is no need to manually close cursors; they are closed
          by the server after being fully iterated
          with :meth:`to_list`, :meth:`each`, or :attr:`fetch_next`, or
          automatically closed by the client when the :class:`MotorCursor` is
          cleaned up by the garbage collector.
        # 'cursor' is a PyMongo Cursor, CommandCursor, or a _LatentCursor.
        super(AgnosticBaseCursor, self).__init__(delegate=cursor)
        self.collection = collection
        self.started = False
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class AgnosticClient(AgnosticBaseProperties):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorClient'
    __delegate_class__ = pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient

    address                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    arbiters                 = ReadOnlyProperty()
    close                    = DelegateMethod()
    drop_database            = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorDatabase')
    event_listeners          = ReadOnlyProperty()
    fsync                    = AsyncCommand(doc=fsync_doc)
    get_database             = DelegateMethod(doc=get_database_doc).wrap(Database)
    get_default_database     = DelegateMethod(doc=get_default_database_doc).wrap(Database)
    HOST                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    is_mongos                = ReadOnlyProperty()
    is_primary               = ReadOnlyProperty()
    list_databases           = AsyncRead().wrap(CommandCursor)
    list_database_names      = AsyncRead()
    local_threshold_ms       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_bson_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_idle_time_ms         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_message_size         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_write_batch_size     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    min_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    nodes                    = ReadOnlyProperty()
    PORT                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    primary                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_concern             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_reads              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_writes             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    secondaries              = ReadOnlyProperty()
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async with s.start_transaction():
              await collection.delete_one({'x': 1}, session=s)
              await collection.insert_one({'x': 2}, session=s)

    .. versionadded:: 2.0

    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorClientSession'
    __delegate_class__ = ClientSession

    commit_transaction     = AsyncCommand()
    abort_transaction      = AsyncCommand()
    end_session            = AsyncCommand()
    cluster_time           = ReadOnlyProperty()
    has_ended              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    in_transaction         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    options                = ReadOnlyProperty()
    operation_time         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    session_id             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    advance_cluster_time   = DelegateMethod()
    advance_operation_time = DelegateMethod()

    def __init__(self, delegate, motor_client):
        AgnosticBase.__init__(self, delegate=delegate)
        self._client = motor_client

    def get_io_loop(self):
        return self._client.get_io_loop()

    if PY35:
    async def with_transaction(self, coro, read_concern=None,
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is_primary               = ReadOnlyProperty()
    list_databases           = AsyncRead().wrap(CommandCursor)
    list_database_names      = AsyncRead()
    local_threshold_ms       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_bson_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_idle_time_ms         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_message_size         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_write_batch_size     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    min_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    nodes                    = ReadOnlyProperty()
    PORT                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    primary                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_concern             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_reads              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_writes             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    secondaries              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    server_info              = AsyncRead()
    server_selection_timeout = ReadOnlyProperty()
    start_session            = AsyncCommand(doc=start_session_doc).wrap(ClientSession)
    unlock                   = AsyncCommand()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new connection to a single MongoDB instance at *host:port*.

        Takes the same constructor arguments as
        :class:`~pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient`, as well as:

          - `io_loop` (optional): Special event loop
            instance to use instead of default
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address                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    arbiters                 = ReadOnlyProperty()
    close                    = DelegateMethod()
    drop_database            = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorDatabase')
    event_listeners          = ReadOnlyProperty()
    fsync                    = AsyncCommand(doc=fsync_doc)
    get_database             = DelegateMethod(doc=get_database_doc).wrap(Database)
    get_default_database     = DelegateMethod(doc=get_default_database_doc).wrap(Database)
    HOST                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    is_mongos                = ReadOnlyProperty()
    is_primary               = ReadOnlyProperty()
    list_databases           = AsyncRead().wrap(CommandCursor)
    list_database_names      = AsyncRead()
    local_threshold_ms       = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_bson_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_idle_time_ms         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_message_size         = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    max_write_batch_size     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    min_pool_size            = ReadOnlyProperty()
    nodes                    = ReadOnlyProperty()
    PORT                     = ReadOnlyProperty()
    primary                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_concern             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_reads              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    retry_writes             = ReadOnlyProperty()
    secondaries              = ReadOnlyProperty()
    server_info              = AsyncRead()
    server_selection_timeout = ReadOnlyProperty()
    start_session            = AsyncCommand(doc=start_session_doc).wrap(ClientSession)
    unlock                   = AsyncCommand()
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def __eq__(self, other):
        if (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
                and hasattr(self, 'delegate')
                and hasattr(other, 'delegate')):
            return self.delegate == other.delegate
        return NotImplemented

    def __init__(self, delegate):
        self.delegate = delegate

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.delegate)

class AgnosticBaseProperties(AgnosticBase):
    codec_options   = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_preference = ReadOnlyProperty()
    read_concern    = ReadOnlyProperty()
    write_concern   = ReadOnlyProperty()

class AgnosticClient(AgnosticBaseProperties):
    __motor_class_name__ = 'MotorClient'
    __delegate_class__ = pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient

    address                  = ReadOnlyProperty()
    arbiters                 = ReadOnlyProperty()
    close                    = DelegateMethod()
    drop_database            = AsyncCommand().unwrap('MotorDatabase')
    event_listeners          = ReadOnlyProperty()
    fsync                    = AsyncCommand(doc=fsync_doc)
    get_database             = DelegateMethod(doc=get_database_doc).wrap(Database)
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def __init__(self, doc=None):
        ReadOnlyProperty.__init__(self, doc)
        self.wrap_class = None