How to use the mlrun.utils.update_in function in mlrun

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mlrun examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def parse_command(runtime, url):
    idx = url.find('#')
    if idx > -1:
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.image', url[:idx])
        url = url[idx + 1 :]

    if url:
        arg_list = url.split()
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.command', arg_list[0])
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.args', arg_list[1:])
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pod_spec.image_pull_secrets = [

    pod = client.V1Pod(
        metadata=client.V1ObjectMeta(namespace=namespace, labels=pod_labels),
        # annotations=meta.annotation),

    svc_temp = dask.config.get("kubernetes.scheduler-service-template")
    if spec.service_type or spec.node_port:
        if spec.node_port:
            spec.service_type = 'NodePort'
            svc_temp['spec']['ports'][1]['nodePort'] = spec.node_port
        update_in(svc_temp, 'spec.type', spec.service_type)

    norm_name = normalize_name(
            "kubernetes.scheduler-service-template": svc_temp,
            '': 'mlrun-' + norm_name + '-{uuid}',

    cluster = KubeCluster(
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def _run(self, runobj: RunObject, execution: MLClientCtx):
        if runobj.metadata.iteration:
        job = deepcopy(_sparkjob_template)
        meta = self._get_meta(runobj, True)
        pod_labels = deepcopy(meta.labels)
        pod_labels['mlrun/job'] =
        update_in(job, 'metadata', meta.to_dict())
        update_in(job, 'spec.driver.labels', pod_labels)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.labels', pod_labels)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.instances', self.spec.replicas or 1)
        if self.spec.image:
            update_in(job, 'spec.image', self.spec.image)
        update_in(job, 'spec.volumes', self.spec.volumes)

        extra_env = {'MLRUN_EXEC_CONFIG': runobj.to_json()}
        # if self.spec.rundb:
        #     extra_env['MLRUN_DBPATH'] = self.spec.rundb
        extra_env = [{'name': k, 'value': v} for k, v in extra_env.items()]

        update_in(job, 'spec.driver.env', extra_env + self.spec.env)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.env', extra_env + self.spec.env)
        update_in(job, 'spec.driver.volumeMounts', self.spec.volume_mounts)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.volumeMounts', self.spec.volume_mounts)
        update_in(job, 'spec.deps', self.spec.deps)
        if 'requests' in self.spec.resources:
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code = environ.get('MLRUN_EXEC_CODE')
    if get_in(runtime, 'kind', '') == 'dask':
        code = get_in(runtime, '', code)
    if from_env and code:
        code = b64decode(code).decode('utf-8')
        if kfp:
        with open('', 'w') as fp:
        url = url or ''

    if url:
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.command', url)
    if run_args:
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.args', list(run_args))
    if image:
        update_in(runtime, 'spec.image', image)
    set_item(runobj.spec, handler, 'handler')
    set_item(runobj.spec, param, 'parameters', fill_params(param))
    set_item(runobj.spec, hyperparam, 'hyperparams', fill_params(hyperparam))
    set_item(runobj.spec, param_file, 'param_file')
    set_item(runobj.spec, tuning_strategy, 'tuning_strategy')
    set_item(runobj.spec, selector, 'selector')

    set_item(runobj.spec, inputs, run_keys.inputs, list2dict(inputs))
    set_item(runobj.spec, in_path, run_keys.input_path)
    set_item(runobj.spec, out_path, run_keys.output_path)
    set_item(runobj.spec, outputs, run_keys.outputs, list(outputs))
        runobj.spec, secrets, run_keys.secrets, line2keylist(secrets, 'kind', 'source')
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def with_requests(self, mem=None, cpu=None):
        requests = {}
        if mem:
            requests['memory'] = mem
        if cpu:
            requests['cpu'] = cpu
        update_in(self.spec.resources, 'requests', requests)
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def _update_state(self, rundict: dict):
        last_state = get_in(rundict, 'status.state', '')
        if last_state != 'error':
            update_in(rundict, 'status.state', 'completed')
        return rundict
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if _k8s:
            pods = _k8s.get_logger_pods(uid)
            if pods:
                pod, new_status = list(pods.items())[0]
                new_status = new_status.lower()

                # TODO: handle in cron/tracking
                if new_status != 'pending':
                    resp = _k8s.logs(pod)
                    if resp:
                        out = resp.encode()[offset:]
                    if status == 'running':
                        now = str(
                        update_in(data, 'status.last_update', now)
                        if new_status == 'failed':
                            update_in(data, 'status.state', 'error')
                                data, 'status.error', 'error, check logs')
                            _db.store_run(data, uid, project)
                        if new_status == 'succeeded':
                            update_in(data, 'status.state', 'completed')
                            _db.store_run(data, uid, project)
                status = new_status

        out = resp or out

    return Response(out, mimetype='text/plain',
                    headers={"pod_status": status})
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update_in(job, 'spec.executor.labels', pod_labels)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.instances', self.spec.replicas or 1)
        if self.spec.image:
            update_in(job, 'spec.image', self.spec.image)
        update_in(job, 'spec.volumes', self.spec.volumes)

        extra_env = {'MLRUN_EXEC_CONFIG': runobj.to_json()}
        # if self.spec.rundb:
        #     extra_env['MLRUN_DBPATH'] = self.spec.rundb
        extra_env = [{'name': k, 'value': v} for k, v in extra_env.items()]

        update_in(job, 'spec.driver.env', extra_env + self.spec.env)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.env', extra_env + self.spec.env)
        update_in(job, 'spec.driver.volumeMounts', self.spec.volume_mounts)
        update_in(job, 'spec.executor.volumeMounts', self.spec.volume_mounts)
        update_in(job, 'spec.deps', self.spec.deps)
        if 'requests' in self.spec.resources:
            if 'cpu' in self.spec.resources['requests']:
                update_in(job, 'spec.executor.cores', self.spec.resources['requests']['cpu'])
        if 'limits' in self.spec.resources:
            if 'cpu' in self.spec.resources['limits']:
                update_in(job, 'spec.executor.coreLimit', self.spec.resources['limits']['cpu'])
            if 'memory' in self.spec.resources['limits']:
                update_in(job, 'spec.executor.memory', self.spec.resources['limits']['memory'])
        if self.spec.command:
            update_in(job, 'spec.mainApplicationFile', self.spec.command)
        update_in(job, 'spec.arguments', self.spec.args)
        resp = self._submit_job(job, meta.namespace)
        name = get_in(resp, '', 'unknown')

        state = get_in(resp, 'status.applicationState.state','SUBMITTED')'SparkJob {} state={}'.format(, 'STARTING'))
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# clear tag from object in case another function will "take" that tag
        update_in(function, "metadata.tag", "")

        # versioned means whether we want to version this function object so that it will queryable by its hash key
        # to enable that we set the uid to the hash key so it will have a unique record (Unique constraint of function
        # is the set (project, name, uid))
        # when it's not enabled it means we want to have one unique function object for the set (project, name, tag)
        # that will be reused on every store function (cause we don't want to version each version e.g. create a new
        # record) so we set the uid to be unversioned-{tag}
        if versioned:
            uid = hash_key
            uid = f'unversioned-{tag}'

        updated =
        update_in(function, "metadata.updated", updated)
        fn = self._get_function(session, name, project, uid)
        if not fn:
            fn = Function(
        fn.updated = updated
        labels = get_in(function, "metadata.labels", {})
        update_labels(fn, labels)
        fn.struct = function
        self._upsert(session, fn)
        self.tag_objects_v2(session, [fn], project, tag)
        return hash_key