How to use the mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException function in mlflow

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github mlflow / mlflow / tests / keras / View on Github external
        def load_model(file, **kwars):
            return MyModel(file.get("x").value)

    def _import_module(name, **kwargs):
        if name.startswith(FakeKerasModule.__name__):
            return FakeKerasModule
            return importlib.import_module(name, **kwargs)

    with mock.patch("importlib.import_module") as import_module_mock:
        import_module_mock.side_effect = _import_module
        x = MyModel("x123")
        path0 = os.path.join(model_path, "0")
        with pytest.raises(MlflowException):
            mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path0)
        mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path0, keras_module=FakeKerasModule)
        y = mlflow.keras.load_model(path0)
        assert x == y
        path1 = os.path.join(model_path, "1")
        mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path1, keras_module=FakeKerasModule.__name__)
        z = mlflow.keras.load_model(path1)
        assert x == z
        # Tests model log
        with mlflow.start_run() as active_run:
            with pytest.raises(MlflowException):
                mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model0")
            mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model0", keras_module=FakeKerasModule)
            a = mlflow.keras.load_model("runs:/{}/model0".format(
            assert x == a
            mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model1", keras_module=FakeKerasModule.__name__)
github mlflow / mlflow / tests / keras / View on Github external
with mock.patch("importlib.import_module") as import_module_mock:
        import_module_mock.side_effect = _import_module
        x = MyModel("x123")
        path0 = os.path.join(model_path, "0")
        with pytest.raises(MlflowException):
            mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path0)
        mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path0, keras_module=FakeKerasModule)
        y = mlflow.keras.load_model(path0)
        assert x == y
        path1 = os.path.join(model_path, "1")
        mlflow.keras.save_model(x, path1, keras_module=FakeKerasModule.__name__)
        z = mlflow.keras.load_model(path1)
        assert x == z
        # Tests model log
        with mlflow.start_run() as active_run:
            with pytest.raises(MlflowException):
                mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model0")
            mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model0", keras_module=FakeKerasModule)
            a = mlflow.keras.load_model("runs:/{}/model0".format(
            assert x == a
            mlflow.keras.log_model(x, "model1", keras_module=FakeKerasModule.__name__)
            b = mlflow.keras.load_model("runs:/{}/model1".format(
            assert x == b
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / store / artifact / View on Github external
def _parse_uri(uri):
        Returns (name, version, stage). Since a models:/ URI can only have one of {version, stage},
        it will return (name, version, None) or (name, None, stage).
        parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
        if parsed.scheme != "models":
            raise MlflowException(ModelsArtifactRepository._improper_model_uri_msg(uri))

        path = parsed.path
        if not path.startswith('/') or len(path) <= 1:
            raise MlflowException(ModelsArtifactRepository._improper_model_uri_msg(uri))
        parts = path[1:].split("/")

        if len(parts) != 2 or parts[0].strip() == "":
            raise MlflowException(ModelsArtifactRepository._improper_model_uri_msg(uri))

        if parts[1].isdigit():
            return parts[0], int(parts[1]), None
            return parts[0], None, parts[1]
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / sagemaker / View on Github external
def _get_preferred_deployment_flavor(model_config):
    Obtains the flavor that MLflow would prefer to use when deploying the model.
    If the model does not contain any supported flavors for deployment, an exception
    will be thrown.

    :param model_config: An MLflow model object
    :return: The name of the preferred deployment flavor for the specified model
    if mleap.FLAVOR_NAME in model_config.flavors:
        return mleap.FLAVOR_NAME
    elif pyfunc.FLAVOR_NAME in model_config.flavors:
        return pyfunc.FLAVOR_NAME
        raise MlflowException(
                "The specified model does not contain any of the supported flavors for"
                " deployment. The model contains the following flavors: {model_flavors}."
                " Supported flavors: {supported_flavors}".format(
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / utils / View on Github external
def verify_rest_response(response, endpoint):
    """Verify the return code and raise exception if the request was not successful."""
    if response.status_code != 200:
        if _can_parse_as_json(response.text):
            raise RestException(json.loads(response.text))
            base_msg = "API request to endpoint %s failed with error code " \
                       "%s != 200" % (endpoint, response.status_code)
            raise MlflowException("%s. Response body: '%s'" % (base_msg, response.text))
    return response
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / store / tracking / View on Github external
def _get_run_info(self, run_uuid):
        Note: Will get both active and deleted runs.
        exp_id, run_dir = self._find_run_root(run_uuid)
        if run_dir is None:
            raise MlflowException("Run '%s' not found" % run_uuid,

        meta = read_yaml(run_dir, FileStore.META_DATA_FILE_NAME)
        run_info = _read_persisted_run_info_dict(meta)
        if run_info.experiment_id != exp_id:
            logging.warning("Wrong experiment ID (%s) recorded for run '%s'. It should be %s. "
                            "Run will be ignored.", str(run_info.experiment_id),
                            str(run_info.run_id), str(exp_id), exc_info=True)
            return None
        return run_info
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / sagemaker / View on Github external
and is contained in the specified model. If one of these conditions
    is not met, an exception is thrown.

    :param model_config: An MLflow Model object
    :param flavor: The deployment flavor to validate
        raise MlflowException(
                "The specified flavor: `{flavor_name}` is not supported for deployment."
                " Please use one of the supported flavors: {supported_flavor_names}".format(
    elif flavor not in model_config.flavors:
        raise MlflowException(
            message=("The specified model does not contain the specified deployment flavor:"
                     " `{flavor_name}`. Please use one of the following deployment flavors"
                     " that the model contains: {model_flavors}".format(
                        flavor_name=flavor, model_flavors=model_config.flavors.keys())),
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / store / tracking / View on Github external
def get_run(self, run_id):
        Note: Will get both active and deleted runs.
        run_info = self._get_run_info(run_id)
        if run_info is None:
            raise MlflowException("Run '%s' metadata is in invalid state." % run_id,
        metrics = self.get_all_metrics(run_id)
        params = self.get_all_params(run_id)
        tags = self.get_all_tags(run_id)
        return Run(run_info, RunData(metrics, params, tags))
github mlflow / mlflow / mlflow / store / tracking / View on Github external
# on attributes and on joined tables as we must keep all clauses in the same order
    if order_by_list:
        for order_by_clause in order_by_list:
            clause_id += 1
            (key_type, key, ascending) = SearchUtils.parse_order_by(order_by_clause)
            if SearchUtils.is_attribute(key_type, '='):
                order_value = getattr(SqlRun, SqlRun.get_attribute_name(key))
                if SearchUtils.is_metric(key_type, '='):  # any valid comparator
                    entity = SqlLatestMetric
                elif SearchUtils.is_tag(key_type, '='):
                    entity = SqlTag
                elif SearchUtils.is_param(key_type, '='):
                    entity = SqlParam
                    raise MlflowException("Invalid identifier type '%s'" % key_type,

                # build a subquery first because we will join it in the main request so that the
                # metric we want to sort on is available when we apply the sorting clause
                subquery = session \
                    .query(entity) \
                    .filter(entity.key == key) \

                order_value = subquery.c.value

            # sqlite does not support NULLS LAST expression, so we sort first by
            # presence of the field (and is_nan for metrics), then by actual value
            # As the subqueries are created independently and used later in the
            # same main query, the CASE WHEN columns need to have unique names to