How to use the mip.Var function in mip

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mip examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def add(
        self: "VVarList",
        name: str = "",
        lb: numbers.Real = 0.0,
        ub: numbers.Real = mip.INF,
        obj: numbers.Real = 0.0,
        var_type: str = mip.CONTINUOUS,
        column: "mip.Column" = None,
    ) -> "mip.Var":
        solver = self.__model.solver
        if not name:
            name = "var({})".format(len(self))
        if var_type == mip.BINARY:
            lb = 0.0
            ub = 1.0
        new_var = mip.Var(self.__model, solver.num_cols())
        solver.add_var(obj, lb, ub, var_type, column, name)
        return new_var
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def __getitem__(self: "VVarList", key):
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self.__model.var_by_name(key)
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            return VVarList(self.__model, key.start, key.end)
        if isinstance(key, int):
            if key < 0:
                key = self.__end - key
            if key >= self.__end:
                raise IndexError

            return mip.Var(self.__model, key + self.__start)

        raise TypeError("Unknown type {}".format(type(key)))
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def conflicting(
        self: "SolverCbc", e1: Union["LinExpr", "Var"], e2: Union["LinExpr", "Var"],
    ) -> bool:
        idx1, idx2 = (None, None)
        if isinstance(e1, Var):
            idx1 = e1.idx
        elif isinstance(e1, LinExpr):
            if len(e1.expr) == 1 and e1.sense == EQUAL:
                v1 = next(iter(e1.expr.keys()))
                if abs(e1.const) <= 1e-15:
                    idx1 = v1.idx + v1.model.num_cols
                elif abs(e1.const + 1.0) <= 1e-15:
                    idx1 = v1.idx
                    raise InvalidParameter(
                        "LinExpr should contain an "
                        "assignment to a binary variable, "
                        "e.g.: x1 == 1"
                raise InvalidParameter(
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def update_vars(self: "VarList", n_vars: int):
        self.__vars = [mip.Var(self.__model, i) for i in range(n_vars)]
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objects: Union[mip.Var, mip.Constr, List[Union["mip.Var", "mip.Constr"]]],
        """removes variable(s) and/or constraint(s) from the model

            objects (Union[mip.Var, mip.Constr, List[Union[mip.Var, mip.Constr]]]):
                can be a :class:`~mip.Var`, a :class:`~mip.Constr` or a list of these objects
        if isinstance(objects, (mip.Var, mip.Constr)):
            objects = [objects]

        if isinstance(objects, list):
            vlist = []
            clist = []
            for o in objects:
                if isinstance(o, mip.Var):
                elif isinstance(o, mip.Constr):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Cannot handle removal of object of type "
                        "{} from model".format(type(o))
            if vlist:
            if clist:
            raise TypeError(
                "Cannot handle removal of object of type "
                + type(objects)
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def add(
        name: str = "",
        lb: numbers.Real = 0.0,
        ub: numbers.Real = mip.INF,
        obj: numbers.Real = 0.0,
        var_type: str = mip.CONTINUOUS,
        column: "mip.Column" = None,
    ) -> "mip.Var":
        if not name:
            name = "var({})".format(len(self.__vars))
        if var_type == mip.BINARY:
            lb = 0.0
            ub = 1.0
        new_var = mip.Var(self.__model, len(self.__vars))
        self.__model.solver.add_var(obj, lb, ub, var_type, column, name)
        return new_var
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def conflicting_nodes(
        self: "SolverCbc", v1: Union["Var", "LinExpr"]
    ) -> Tuple[List["Var"], List["Var"]]:
        """Returns all assignment conflicting with the assignment in v1 in the
        conflict graph.
        cg = cbclib.Cbc_conflictGraph(self._model)
        if cg == ffi.NULL:
            return (list(), list())

        idx1 = None
        if isinstance(v1, Var):
            idx1 = v1.idx
        elif isinstance(v1, LinExpr):
            if len(v1.expr) == 1 and v1.sense == EQUAL:
                var = next(iter(v1.expr.keys()))
                if abs(v1.const) <= 1e-15:
                    idx1 = var.idx + var.model.num_cols
                elif abs(v1.const + 1.0) <= 1e-15:
                    idx1 = var.idx
                    raise InvalidParameter(
                        "LinExpr should contain an "
                        "assignment to a binary variable, "
                        "e.g.: x1 == 1"
                raise InvalidParameter(
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"""Returns from the conflict graph all assignments conflicting with one
        specific assignment.

            v (Union[mip.Var, mip.LinExpr]): binary variable, if assignment to be
                tested is the assignment to one or a linear expression like x == 0
                to indicate the complement.

        :rtype: Tuple[List[mip.Var], List[mip.Var]]

            Returns a tuple with two lists. The first one indicates variables
            whose conflict occurs when setting them to one. The second list
            includes variable whose conflict occurs when setting them to zero.
        if not isinstance(v, (mip.LinExpr, mip.Var)):
            raise TypeError("type {} not supported".format(type(v)))

        return self.model.solver.conflicting_nodes(v)
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def minimize(objective: Union["mip.LinExpr", "mip.Var"]) -> "mip.LinExpr":
    Function that should be used to set the objective function to MINIMIZE
    a given linear expression (passed as argument).

        objective(Union[mip.LinExpr, Var]): linear expression

    :rtype: mip.LinExpr
    if isinstance(objective, mip.Var):
        objective = mip.LinExpr([objective], [1.0])
    objective.sense = mip.MINIMIZE
    return objective