How to use the mindmeld.components.request.Params function in mindmeld

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mindmeld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_freeze_params():
    params = freeze_params({"target_dialogue_state": "some-state"})
    assert params.__class__ == FrozenParams

    input_params = Params()
    input_params.target_dialogue_state = "some-state-2"
    params = freeze_params(input_params)
    assert params.__class__ == FrozenParams

    params = freeze_params(params)
    assert params.__class__ == FrozenParams

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        freeze_params([1, 2, 3])
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def test_convo_params_are_cleared(kwik_e_mart_nlp, kwik_e_mart_app_path):
    """Tests that the params are cleared in one trip from app to mm."""
    convo = Conversation(nlp=kwik_e_mart_nlp, app_path=kwik_e_mart_app_path)
    convo.params = Params(
    convo.say("close door")
    assert convo.params == Params()
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def test_immutability_of_request_and_params():
    """Test the immutability of the request and params objects"""
    with pytest.raises(FrozenInstanceError):
        params = FrozenParams()
        params.allowed_intents = []

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        params = FrozenParams()
        params.dynamic_resource["a"] = "b"

    with pytest.raises(FrozenInstanceError):
        request = Request()
        request.params = Params()

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        request = Request()
        request.frame["a"] = "b"
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def to_json(instance):
        """Convert the responder into a JSON representation.
             instance (DialogueResponder): The responder object.

            (dict): The JSON representation.
        serialized_obj = {}
        for attribute, value in vars(instance).items():
            if isinstance(value, (Params, Request, FrozenParams)):
                serialized_obj[attribute] = DialogueResponder.to_json(value)
            elif isinstance(value, immutables.Map):
                serialized_obj[attribute] = dict(value)
                serialized_obj[attribute] = value
        return serialized_obj
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def _pre_dm(self, processed_query, context, params, frame, history):
        # We pass in the previous turn's responder's params to the current request
        request = self.request_class(

        # We reset the current turn's responder's params
        response = self.responder_class(
        return request, response
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dict: Mapping from parameter name to bool depending on validation.
        return {
            param: self.validate_param(param)
            for param in (

@attr.s(frozen=True, kw_only=True)
class FrozenParams(Params):
    An immutable version of the Params object.

        allowed_intents (list, str): A list of intents that you can set to force the language
            processor to choose from.
        target_dialogue_state (str): The name of the dialogue handler that you want to reach in
            the next turn.
        time_zone (str):  The name of an IANA time zone, such as 'America/Los_Angeles', or
        language (str): The language code representing ISO 639-1/2 language codes
        locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1/2 language code and
            ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character.
        timestamp (long): A unix time stamp for the request accurate to the nearest second.
        dynamic_resource (dict): A dictionary containing data used to influence the language
            classifiers by adding resource data for the given turn.
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        Initializes a dialogue responder.

            frame (dict): The frame object.
            params (Params): The params object.
            history (list): The history of the responder.
            slots (dict): The slots of the responder.
            request (Request): The request object associated with the responder.
            dialogue_state (str): The dialogue state.
            directives (list): The directives of the responder.
        self.directives = directives or []
        self.frame = frame or {}
        self.params = params or Params()
        self.dialogue_state = dialogue_state
        self.slots = slots or {}
        self.history = history or []
        self.request = request or Request()
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def freeze_params(params):
    If params is a dictionary or Params we convert it into FrozenParams.
    Otherwise we raise a TypeError.

        params (dict, Params): The input params to convert

        FrozenParams: The converted params object
    params = params or FrozenParams()
    if isinstance(params, dict):
        params = FrozenParams(**params)
    elif params.__class__ == Params:
        params = FrozenParams(**DialogueResponder.to_json(params))
    elif not isinstance(params, FrozenParams):
        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid type for params argument. "
            "Should be dict or {}".format(FrozenParams.__name__)
    return params