How to use the meshio.__about__.__version__ function in meshio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few meshio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nschloe / meshio / meshio / exodus / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh):
    import netCDF4

    with netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "w") as rootgrp:
        # set global data
        rootgrp.title = "Created by meshio v{}, {}".format(
        rootgrp.version = numpy.float32(5.1)
        rootgrp.api_version = numpy.float32(5.1)
        rootgrp.floating_point_word_size = 8

        # set dimensions
        total_num_elems = sum([[0] for c in mesh.cells])
        rootgrp.createDimension("num_nodes", len(mesh.points))
        rootgrp.createDimension("num_dim", mesh.points.shape[1])
        rootgrp.createDimension("num_elem", total_num_elems)
        rootgrp.createDimension("num_el_blk", len(mesh.cells))
        rootgrp.createDimension("num_node_sets", len(mesh.point_sets))
        rootgrp.createDimension("len_string", 33)
        rootgrp.createDimension("len_line", 81)
        rootgrp.createDimension("four", 4)
        rootgrp.createDimension("time_step", None)
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / flac3d / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh, float_fmt=".16e", binary=False):
    """Write FLAC3D f3grid grid file."""
    if not any(c.type in meshio_only.keys() for c in mesh.cells):
        raise WriteError("FLAC3D format only supports 3D cells")

    mode = "wb" if binary else "w"
    with open_file(filename, mode) as f:
        if binary:
                struct.pack("<2I", 1375135718, 3)
            )  # Don't know what these values represent
            f.write("* FLAC3D grid produced by meshio v{}\n".format(version))
            f.write("* {}\n".format(time.ctime()))

        _write_points(f, mesh.points, binary, float_fmt)
        _write_cells(f, mesh.points, mesh.cells, binary)
        _write_zgroups(f, mesh.cell_data, mesh.field_data, binary)

        if binary:
            f.write(struct.pack("<2I", 0, 0))  # No face and face group
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / _cli / View on Github external
def _get_version_text():
    return "\n".join(
            "meshio {} [Python {}.{}.{}]".format(
            "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Nico Schlömer et al.",
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / tecplot / View on Github external
v = numpy.concatenate([v[ic] for ic in cell_blocks])
                if v.ndim == 1:
                    variables += [k]
                    data += [v]
                    varrange[1] += 1
                elif v.ndim == 2:
                    for i, vv in enumerate(v.T):
                        variables += [f"{k}_{i}"]
                        data += [vv]
                        varrange[1] += 1
                logging.warning(f"Skipping cell data '{k}'.")

    with open_file(filename, "w") as f:
        # Title
        f.write(f'TITLE = "Written by meshio v{version}"\n')

        # Variables
        variables_str = ", ".join(f'"{var}"' for var in variables)
        f.write(f"VARIABLES = {variables_str}\n")

        # Zone record
        num_nodes = len(mesh.points)
        num_cells = sum(len(mesh.cells[ic].data) for ic in cell_blocks)
        f.write(f"ZONE NODES = {num_nodes}, ELEMENTS = {num_cells},\n")
        f.write(f"DATAPACKING = BLOCK, ZONETYPE = {zone_type}")
        if varrange[0] < varrange[1]:
            varlocation_str = (
                if varrange[0] == varrange[1]
                else f"{varrange[0]}-{varrange[1]}"
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / vtk / View on Github external
for name, data in mesh.cell_data.items():
        for k, values in enumerate(data):
            if len(values.shape) == 2 and values.shape[1] == 2:
                    "VTK requires 3D vectors, but 2D vectors given. "
                    "Appending 0 third component to {}.".format(name)
                data[k] = pad(data[k])

    if not binary:
        logging.warning("VTK ASCII files are only meant for debugging.")

    with open_file(filename, "wb") as f:
        f.write(b"# vtk DataFile Version 4.2\n")
        f.write("written by meshio v{}\n".format(__version__).encode("utf-8"))
        f.write(("BINARY\n" if binary else "ASCII\n").encode("utf-8"))
        f.write(b"DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n")

        # write points and cells
        _write_points(f, points, binary)
        _write_cells(f, mesh.cells, binary)

        # write point data
        if mesh.point_data:
            num_points = mesh.points.shape[0]
            f.write("POINT_DATA {}\n".format(num_points).encode("utf-8"))
            _write_field_data(f, mesh.point_data, binary)

        # write cell data
        if mesh.cell_data:
            total_num_cells = sum(len( for c in mesh.cells)
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / tetgen / View on Github external
fh.write(fmt.format(k, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]))

    if not any(c.type == "tetra" for c in mesh.cells):
        raise WriteError("TegGen only supports tetrahedra")

    if any(c.type != "tetra" for c in mesh.cells):
            "TetGen only supports tetrahedra, but mesh has {}. Skipping those.".format(
                ", ".join([c.type for c in mesh.cells if c.type != "tetra"])

    # write cells
    # TODO remove .as_posix when requiring Python 3.6
    with open(ele_filename.as_posix(), "w") as fh:
        fh.write("# This file was created by meshio v{}\n".format(__version__))
        for cell_type, data in filter(lambda c: c.type == "tetra", mesh.cells):
            fh.write("{} {} {}\n".format(data.shape[0], 4, 0))
            for k, tet in enumerate(data):
                fh.write("{} {} {} {} {}\n".format(k, tet[0], tet[1], tet[2], tet[3]))
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / obj / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh):

    for c in mesh.cells:
        if c.type not in ["triangle", "quad"]:
            raise WriteError(
                "Wavefront .obj files can only contain triangle or quad cells."

    with open_file(filename, "w") as f:
            "# Created by meshio v{}, {}\n".format(
        for p in mesh.points:
            f.write("v {} {} {}\n".format(p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        for cell_type, cell_array in mesh.cells:
            fmt = "f {} {} {}"
            if cell_type == "quad":
                fmt += " {}"
            for c in cell_array:
                f.write(f"{fmt}\n".format(*(c + 1)))
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / nastran / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh):
    if mesh.points.shape[1] == 2:
            "Nastran requires 3D points, but 2D points given. "
            "Appending 0 third component."
        points = numpy.column_stack([mesh.points, numpy.zeros(mesh.points.shape[0])])
        points = mesh.points

    with open_file(filename, "w") as f:
        f.write("$ Nastran file written by meshio v{}\n".format(__version__))
        f.write("BEGIN BULK\n")

        # Points
        point_refs = mesh.point_data.get("nastran:ref", None)
        if point_refs is not None:
            for point_id, x in enumerate(points):
                    "GRID, {:d}, {:d}, {:.16e}, {:.16e}, {:.16e}\n".format(
                        point_id + 1, point_refs[point_id], x[0], x[1], x[2]
            for point_id, x in enumerate(points):
                    "GRID, {:d},, {:.16e}, {:.16e}, {:.16e}\n".format(
                        point_id + 1, x[0], x[1], x[2]
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / abaqus / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh, float_fmt=".16e", translate_cell_names=True):
    with open_file(filename, "wt") as f:
        f.write("Abaqus DataFile Version 6.14\n")
        f.write("written by meshio v{}\n".format(__version__))
        fmt = ", ".join(["{}"] + ["{:" + float_fmt + "}"] * mesh.points.shape[1]) + "\n"
        for k, x in enumerate(mesh.points):
            f.write(fmt.format(k + 1, *x))
        eid = 0
        for cell_type, node_idcs in mesh.cells:
            name = (
                meshio_to_abaqus_type[cell_type] if translate_cell_names else cell_type
            f.write("*ELEMENT, TYPE={}\n".format(name))
            for row in node_idcs:
                eid += 1
                nids_strs = (str(nid + 1) for nid in row.tolist())
                f.write(str(eid) + "," + ",".join(nids_strs) + "\n")

        nnl = 8
github nschloe / meshio / meshio / ansys / View on Github external
def write(filename, mesh, binary=True):
    with open_file(filename, "wb") as fh:
        # header
        fh.write('(1 "meshio {}")\n'.format(__version__).encode("utf8"))

        # dimension
        dim = mesh.points.shape[1]
        if dim not in [2, 3]:
            raise WriteError("Can only write dimension 2, 3, got {}.".format(dim))
        fh.write(("(2 {})\n".format(dim)).encode("utf8"))

        # total number of nodes
        first_node_index = 1
                "(10 (0 {:x} {:x} 0))\n".format(first_node_index, len(mesh.points))

        # total number of cells