How to use the merlin.config.configfile.CONFIG.results_backend function in merlin

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def get_ssl_config(celery_check=False):
    Return the ssl config based on the configuration specified in the
    `app.yaml` config file.

    :param celery_check : Return the proper results ssl setting when configuring celery
    results_backend = ""
        results_backend = CONFIG.results_backend.url.split(":")[0]
    except AttributeError:

        results_backend =
    except AttributeError:

    if results_backend not in BACKENDS:
        return False

        certs_path = CONFIG.celery.certs
    except AttributeError:
        certs_path = None
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def get_ssl_config(celery_check=False):
    Return the ssl config based on the configuration specified in the
    `app.yaml` config file.

    :param celery_check : Return the proper results ssl setting when configuring celery
    results_backend = ""
        results_backend = CONFIG.results_backend.url.split(":")[0]
    except AttributeError:

        results_backend =
    except AttributeError:

    if results_backend not in BACKENDS:
        return False

        certs_path = CONFIG.celery.certs
    except AttributeError:
        certs_path = None

    results_backend_ssl = get_ssl_entries(
        "Results Backend", results_backend, CONFIG.results_backend, certs_path

    if results_backend == "rediss":
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def get_redis(certs_path=None, include_password=True, ssl=False):
    Return the redis or rediss specific connection

    :param certs_path : The path for ssl certificates and passwords
    :param include_password : Format the connection for ouput by setting this True
    :param ssl : Flag to use rediss output
    server = CONFIG.results_backend.server
    password_file = ""

    urlbase = "rediss" if ssl else "redis"

        port = CONFIG.results_backend.port
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        port = 6379
        LOG.debug(f"Results backend: redis using default port = {port}")

        db_num = CONFIG.results_backend.db_num
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        db_num = 0
        LOG.debug(f"Results backend: redis using default db_num = {db_num}")
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def _get_key_path():
    """ Loads the redis encryption key path from the file described in config."""
        key_filepath = CONFIG.results_backend.encryption_key
    except AttributeError:
        key_filepath = "~/.merlin/encrypt_data_key"

        key_filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(key_filepath))
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Error! No password provided for RabbitMQ")
    return key_filepath
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        results_backend =
    except AttributeError:

    if results_backend not in BACKENDS:
        return False

        certs_path = CONFIG.celery.certs
    except AttributeError:
        certs_path = None

    results_backend_ssl = get_ssl_entries(
        "Results Backend", results_backend, CONFIG.results_backend, certs_path

    if results_backend == "rediss":
        if not results_backend_ssl:
            results_backend_ssl = True
        return results_backend_ssl

    if results_backend and "mysql" in results_backend:
        if not celery_check:
            return results_backend_ssl

    return False
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def get_mysql(certs_path=None, mysql_certs=None, include_password=True):
    Returns the formatted MySQL connection string.

    :param certs_path : The path for ssl certificates and passwords
    :param mysql_certs : The dict of mysql certificates
    :param include_password : Format the connection for ouput by setting this True
    dbname = CONFIG.results_backend.dbname
    password_file = CONFIG.results_backend.password
    server = CONFIG.results_backend.server

    # Adding an initial start for printing configurations. This should
    # eventually be configured to use a logger. This logic should also
    # eventually be decoupled so we can print debug messages similar to our
    # Python debugging messages.
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: dbname = {dbname}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: password_file = {password_file}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: server = {server}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: certs_path = {certs_path}")

    if not server:
        msg = f"Results backend: server {server} does not have a configuration"
        raise Exception(msg)

    password = get_backend_password(password_file, certs_path=certs_path)
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if not server:
        msg = f"Results backend: server {server} does not have a configuration"
        raise Exception(msg)

    password = get_backend_password(password_file, certs_path=certs_path)

    if mysql_certs is None:
        mysql_certs = MYSQL_CONFIG_FILENAMES

    mysql_config = get_mysql_config(certs_path, mysql_certs)

    if not mysql_config:
        msg = f"The connection information for MySQL could not be set, cannot find:\n {mysql_certs}\ncheck the celery/certs path or set the ssl information in the app.yaml file."
        raise Exception(msg)

    mysql_config["user"] = CONFIG.results_backend.username
    if include_password:
        mysql_config["password"] = password
        mysql_config["password"] = "******"
    mysql_config["server"] = server

    return MYSQL_CONNECTION_STRING.format(**mysql_config)
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db_num = CONFIG.results_backend.db_num
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        db_num = 0
        LOG.debug(f"Results backend: redis using default db_num = {db_num}")

        username = CONFIG.results_backend.username
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        username = ""

        password_file = CONFIG.results_backend.password
            password = get_backend_password(password_file, certs_path=certs_path)
        except IOError:
            password = CONFIG.results_backend.password

        if include_password:
            spass = "%s:%s@" % (username, password)
            spass = "%s:%s@" % (username, "******")
    except (KeyError, AttributeError):
        spass = ""
        LOG.debug(f"Results backend: redis using default password = {spass}")

    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: password_file = {password_file}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: server = {server}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: certs_path = {certs_path}")

    return f"{urlbase}://{spass}{server}:{port}/{db_num}"
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def get_mysql(certs_path=None, mysql_certs=None, include_password=True):
    Returns the formatted MySQL connection string.

    :param certs_path : The path for ssl certificates and passwords
    :param mysql_certs : The dict of mysql certificates
    :param include_password : Format the connection for ouput by setting this True
    dbname = CONFIG.results_backend.dbname
    password_file = CONFIG.results_backend.password
    server = CONFIG.results_backend.server

    # Adding an initial start for printing configurations. This should
    # eventually be configured to use a logger. This logic should also
    # eventually be decoupled so we can print debug messages similar to our
    # Python debugging messages.
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: dbname = {dbname}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: password_file = {password_file}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: server = {server}")
    LOG.debug(f"Results backend: certs_path = {certs_path}")

    if not server:
        msg = f"Results backend: server {server} does not have a configuration"
        raise Exception(msg)

    password = get_backend_password(password_file, certs_path=certs_path)