How to use the medaka.common.Pileup function in medaka

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few medaka examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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pos_chunker = chunker(c.pileups[0].positions)

        if c.labels is None:
            labels_gen = itertools.repeat(None)
            labels_gen = chunker(c.labels)

        if c.ref_seq is None:
            ref_seq_gen = itertools.repeat(None)
            ref_seq_gen = chunker(c.ref_seq)

        for pos in pos_chunker:
            chunk_labels = next(labels_gen)
            chunk_ref_seq = next(ref_seq_gen)
            chunk_pileups = tuple([Pileup(p.bam, p.ref_name, next(rc), pos) for p, rc in zip(c.pileups, read_chunkers)])
            msg = "Chunking positions {}:{} ({} bases)"
            logger.debug(msg.format(pos['major'][0], pos['major'][-1], len(pos)))
            yield LabelledPileup(pileups=chunk_pileups, labels=chunk_labels, ref_seq=chunk_ref_seq)
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array, along with some meta information.

        :param ref_name: name of reference to which reads are aligned.
        :param start: start position in reference coordinates.
        :param end: end position in reference coordinates.

        :returns: a tuple of `Pileup` tuples

        # TODO: caching the reindexed regions
        pileups, ref_seqs = zip(*(tv.pileup(ref_name, start=start, end=end) for tv in self.tviews))

        if self.n_inputs > 1:
            positions = get_common_index([p.positions for p in pileups])
            # all pileups should be aligned to same ref, so just use the first
            ref_p = Pileup(reads=ref_seqs[0], positions=pileups[0].positions)
            ref_seq = reindex_labels(ref_p, positions)
            pileups = (reindex_pileup(p, positions, self._minor_gaps) for p in pileups)
            ref_seq = ref_seqs[0]

        pileups = tuple(pileups)
        return pileups, ref_seq
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if 'ref_seq' not in hdf[chunk_str]:
                ref_seq = None
                ref_seq = np.char.decode(hdf[chunk_str]['ref_seq'][()])

            if data_types is None:
                data_types = [d for d in hdf[chunk_str] if d.startswith('datatype')]

            pileups = []
            for dtype in data_types:
                grp = hdf[chunk_str][dtype]
                ref_name = grp.attrs['rname']
                bam = grp.attrs['bam']
                reads = grp['data'][()]
                positions = grp['positions'][()]
                pileups.append(Pileup(bam, ref_name, reads, positions))

            yield LabelledPileup(pileups=pileups, labels=labels, ref_seq=ref_seq)
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is_minor_pos = new_positions['minor'] > 0

    for i, row in enumerate(reindexed):
        if minor_gaps:
            is_minor_pos_and_nan = np.logical_and(is_minor_pos, np.isnan(row))
            reindexed[i, np.where(is_minor_pos_and_nan)] = encoding[_ref_gap_]
        # fill all remaining np.nan with _gap_
        reindexed[i, np.where(np.isnan(reindexed[i]))] = encoding[_gap_]
    # convert back to pileup.dtype (we used nan above)
    reindexed = reindexed.astype(pileup.reads.dtype)

    # join up / expand read separators (relies on equality, hence done after casting back)
    for i, row in enumerate(reindexed):
        reindexed[i] = join_read_seps(reindexed[i], encoding[_read_sep_], encoding[_gap_])

    return Pileup(pileup.bam, pileup.ref_name, reindexed, new_positions)
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columns = int(self._columns_per_base * (end - start))
            tview = self._run_tview(ref_name, start, columns)
            actual_end = tview.end # actually this is the last number in the header line
            self._columns_per_base = self._column_pad * columns / float(actual_end - start)
        self.logger.debug("Grabbing tview region required {} iterations.".format(it))

        t0 = now()
        reads, positions, ref_seq = self._tview_to_numpy(tview, end)
        t1 = now()
            "Parsed tview output for {}:{}-{}. Shape: {}.\t({:.3f}s)".format(
            self._bam, start, end, reads.shape, t1 - t0)
        assert len(ref_seq) == len(positions)
        self._ref_seq = ref_seq
        self._pileup = Pileup(self._bam, ref_name, reads, positions)
        return self