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def test_a_with_title(self):
md('<a title="The "Goog"" href="">Google</a>'),
r'[Google]( "The \"Goog\"")'
def test_img():
assert md('<img title="Optional title" alt="Alt text" src="/path/to/img.jpg">') == ''
assert md('<img alt="Alt text" src="/path/to/img.jpg">') == ''
def test_do_not_convert(self):
md('<a href="">Some Text</a>', convert=[]),
'Some Text')
def test_whitespace(self):
self.assertEqual(md(' a b \n\n c '), ' a b c ')
def test_a_no_autolinks():
text = md('<a href=""></a>', autolinks=False)
assert text == '[]('
def test_ol():
assert md('<ol><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>') == '1. a\n2. b\n'
def test_b(self):
self.assertEqual(md('<b>Hello</b>'), '**Hello**')
def test_ul():
assert md('<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>') == '* a\n* b\n'
def test_ol(self):
self.assertEqual(md('<ol><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>'), '1. a\n2. b\n')
def test_atx_headings():
assert md('<h1>Hello</h1>', heading_style=ATX) == '# Hello\n\n'
assert md('<h2>Hello</h2>', heading_style=ATX) == '## Hello\n\n'