How to use the mangopaysdk.entities.payin.PayIn function in mangopaysdk

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def test_PayIns_Create_DirectDebitWeb(self):
        wallet = self.getJohnsWallet()
        user = self.getJohn()
        # create pay-in PRE-AUTHORIZED DIRECT
        payIn = PayIn()
        payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payIn.AuthorId = user.Id
        payIn.DebitedFunds = Money()
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Amount = 10000
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.Fees = Money()
        payIn.Fees.Amount = 100
        payIn.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
        # payment type as CARD
        payIn.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsDirectDebit()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DirectDebitType = 'GIROPAY'
        payIn.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsWeb()
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.ReturnURL = ''
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.Culture = 'FR'
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.TemplateURLOptions = PayInTemplateURLOptions()
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def getJohnsPayInBankWireDirect(self):
        wallet = self.getJohnsWallet()        
        payIn = PayIn()
        payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payIn.AuthorId = wallet.Owners[0]
        # payment type as CARD
        payIn.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsBankWire()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredDebitedFunds = Money()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredFees = Money()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredDebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredFees.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredDebitedFunds.Amount = 10000
        payIn.PaymentDetails.DeclaredFees.Amount = 1000
        # execution type as DIRECT
        payIn.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsDirect()
        payIn.ExecutionType = ExecutionType.DIRECT
        return self.sdk.payIns.Create(payIn)
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if self._johnsWalletWithMoney == None:
            john = self.getJohn()
            wallet = Wallet()
            wallet.Owners = [john.Id]
            wallet.Currency = 'EUR'
            wallet.Description = 'WALLET IN EUR'            
            wallet = self.sdk.wallets.Create(wallet)    
            cardRegistration = CardRegistration()
            cardRegistration.UserId = wallet.Owners[0]
            cardRegistration.Currency = 'EUR'
            cardRegistration = self.sdk.cardRegistrations.Create(cardRegistration)
            cardRegistration.RegistrationData = self.getPaylineCorrectRegistartionData(cardRegistration)
            cardRegistration = self.sdk.cardRegistrations.Update(cardRegistration)
            card =
            # create pay-in CARD DIRECT
            payIn = PayIn()
            payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
            payIn.AuthorId = cardRegistration.UserId
            payIn.DebitedFunds = Money()
            payIn.DebitedFunds.Amount = amount
            payIn.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
            payIn.Fees = Money()
            payIn.Fees.Amount = 0
            payIn.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
            # payment type as CARD
            payIn.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsCard()
            payIn.PaymentDetails.CardType = card.CardType

            # execution type as DIRECT
            payIn.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsDirect()
            payIn.ExecutionDetails.CardId = card.Id
            payIn.ExecutionDetails.SecureModeReturnURL = ''
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"""Creates Pay-In Card Direct object
        return PayIn
        if wallet == None:
            wallet = self.getJohnsWallet()

        cardRegistration = CardRegistration()
        cardRegistration.UserId = wallet.Owners[0]
        cardRegistration.Currency = 'EUR'
        cardRegistration = self.sdk.cardRegistrations.Create(cardRegistration)
        cardRegistration.RegistrationData = self.getPaylineCorrectRegistartionData(cardRegistration)
        cardRegistration = self.sdk.cardRegistrations.Update(cardRegistration)
        card =
        # create pay-in CARD DIRECT
        payIn = PayIn()
        payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payIn.AuthorId = wallet.Owners[0]
        payIn.DebitedFunds = Money()
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Amount = 10000
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.Fees = Money()
        payIn.Fees.Amount = 0
        payIn.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
        # payment type as CARD
        payIn.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsCard()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.CardType = card.CardType
        # execution type as DIRECT
        payIn.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsDirect()
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.CardId = card.Id
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.SecureModeReturnURL = ''
        return self.sdk.payIns.Create(payIn)
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def getJohnsPayInCardWeb(self):
        """Creates Pay-In Card Web object"""       
        wallet = self.getJohnsWallet()
        user = self.getJohn()
        payIn = PayIn()
        payIn.AuthorId = user.Id
        payIn.CreditedUserId = user.Id
        payIn.DebitedFunds = Money()
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Amount = 1000
        payIn.Fees = Money()
        payIn.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.Fees.Amount = 5
        payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payIn.PaymentDetails = self.getPayInPaymentDetailsCard()
        payIn.ExecutionDetails = self.getPayInExecutionDetailsWeb()
        return self.sdk.payIns.Create(payIn)
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def test_PayIns_PreAuthorizedDirect(self):
        cardPreAuthorization = self.getJohnsCardPreAuthorization()
        wallet = self.getJohnsWalletWithMoney()
        user = self.getJohn()
        # create pay-in PRE-AUTHORIZED DIRECT
        payIn = PayIn()
        payIn.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payIn.AuthorId = user.Id
        payIn.DebitedFunds = Money()
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Amount = 1000
        payIn.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payIn.Fees = Money()
        payIn.Fees.Amount = 0
        payIn.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
        # payment type as CARD
        payIn.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsPreAuthorized()
        payIn.PaymentDetails.PreauthorizationId = cardPreAuthorization.Id
        # execution type as DIRECT
        payIn.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsDirect()
        payIn.ExecutionDetails.SecureModeReturnURL = ''
        createPayIn = self.sdk.payIns.Create(payIn)
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def test_PayIns_Create_PayPal_Web(self):
        wallet = self.getJohnsWallet()
        user = self.getJohn()

        payInPost = PayIn()
        payInPost.AuthorId = user.Id
        payInPost.DebitedFunds = Money()
        payInPost.DebitedFunds.Amount = 1000
        payInPost.DebitedFunds.Currency = 'EUR'
        payInPost.Fees = Money()
        payInPost.Fees.Amount = 0
        payInPost.Fees.Currency = 'EUR'
        payInPost.CreditedWalletId = wallet.Id
        payInPost.PaymentDetails = PayInPaymentDetailsPayPal()
        payInPost.ExecutionDetails = PayInExecutionDetailsWeb()
        payInPost.ExecutionDetails.ReturnURL = 'http://test.test'

        payIn = self.sdk.payIns.Create(payInPost)

        self.assertTrue(payIn.PaymentType == 'PAYPAL')
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def GetReadOnlyProperties(self):
        properties = super(PayIn, self).GetReadOnlyProperties()
        properties.append('PaymentType' )        
        properties.append('ExecutionType' )        
        return properties