How to use the mackup.appsdb.ApplicationsDatabase function in mackup

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mackup examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def get_apps_to_backup(self):
        Get the list of applications that should be backed up by Mackup.

        It's the list of allowed apps minus the list of ignored apps.

            (set) List of application names to back up
        # Instantiate the app db
        app_db = appsdb.ApplicationsDatabase()

        # If a list of apps to sync is specify, we only allow those
        # Or we allow every supported app by default
        apps_to_backup = self._config.apps_to_sync or app_db.get_app_names()

        # Remove the specified apps to ignore
        for app_name in self._config.apps_to_ignore:

        return apps_to_backup
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def __init__(self):
        """Create a ApplicationsDatabase instance."""
        # Build the dict that will contain the properties of each application
        self.apps = dict()

        for config_file in ApplicationsDatabase.get_config_files():
            config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)

            # Needed to not lowercase the configuration_files in the ini files
            config.optionxform = str

                # Get the filename without the directory name
                filename = os.path.basename(config_file)
                # The app name is the cfg filename with the extension
                app_name = filename[: -len(".cfg")]

                # Start building a dict for this app
                self.apps[app_name] = dict()

                # Add the fancy name for the app, for display purpose
                app_pretty_name = config.get("application", "name")
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elif args["restore"]:
        # Check the env where the command is being run

        # Restore the Mackup config before any other config, as we might need
        # it to know about custom settings
        mackup_app = ApplicationProfile(
            mckp, app_db.get_files(MACKUP_APP_NAME), dry_run, verbose

        # Initialize again the apps db, as the Mackup config might have changed
        # it
        mckp = Mackup()
        app_db = ApplicationsDatabase()

        # Restore the rest of the app configs, using the restored Mackup config
        app_names = mckp.get_apps_to_backup()
        # Mackup has already been done

        for app_name in sorted(app_names):
            app = ApplicationProfile(mckp, app_db.get_files(app_name), dry_run, verbose)

    elif args["uninstall"]:
        # Check the env where the command is being run

        if dry_run or (
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def main():
    """Main function."""
    # Get the command line arg
    args = docopt(__doc__, version="Mackup {}".format(VERSION))

    mckp = Mackup()
    app_db = ApplicationsDatabase()

    def printAppHeader(app_name):
        if verbose:
            print(("\n{0} {1} {0}").format(header("---"), bold(app_name)))

    # If we want to answer mackup with "yes" for each question
    if args["--force"]:
        utils.FORCE_YES = True

    dry_run = args["--dry-run"]

    verbose = args["--verbose"]

    if args["backup"]:
        # Check the env where the command is being run