How to use the localstack.utils.common.to_bytes function in localstack

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github localstack / localstack / tests / integration / View on Github external
aws_stack.create_kinesis_stream(TEST_CHAIN_STREAM2_NAME, delete=True)

        # deploy test lambdas connected to Kinesis streams
        zip_file = testutil.create_lambda_archive(load_file(TEST_LAMBDA_PYTHON), get_content=True,
            libs=TEST_LAMBDA_LIBS, runtime=LAMBDA_RUNTIME_PYTHON27)
        testutil.create_lambda_function(func_name=TEST_CHAIN_LAMBDA1_NAME, zip_file=zip_file,
            event_source_arn=get_event_source_arn(TEST_CHAIN_STREAM1_NAME), runtime=LAMBDA_RUNTIME_PYTHON27)
        testutil.create_lambda_function(func_name=TEST_CHAIN_LAMBDA2_NAME, zip_file=zip_file,
            event_source_arn=get_event_source_arn(TEST_CHAIN_STREAM2_NAME), runtime=LAMBDA_RUNTIME_PYTHON27)

        # publish test record
        test_data = {'test_data': 'forward_chain_data_%s with \'quotes\\"' % short_uid()}
        data = clone(test_data)
        data[lambda_integration.MSG_BODY_MESSAGE_TARGET] = 'kinesis:%s' % TEST_CHAIN_STREAM2_NAME
        kinesis.put_record(Data=to_bytes(json.dumps(data)), PartitionKey='testId', StreamName=TEST_CHAIN_STREAM1_NAME)

        # check results
        all_objects = testutil.list_all_s3_objects()
        testutil.assert_objects(test_data, all_objects)

        # clean up
github localstack / localstack / tests / integration / View on Github external
def _perform_multipart_upload(self, bucket, key, data=None, zip=False, acl=None):
        kwargs = {'ACL': acl} if acl else {}
        multipart_upload_dict = self.s3_client.create_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **kwargs)
        uploadId = multipart_upload_dict['UploadId']

        # Write contents to memory rather than a file.
        data = data or (5 * short_uid())
        data = to_bytes(data)
        upload_file_object = BytesIO(data)
        if zip:
            upload_file_object = BytesIO()
            with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=upload_file_object, mode='w') as filestream:

        response = self.s3_client.upload_part(Bucket=bucket, Key=key,
            Body=upload_file_object, PartNumber=1, UploadId=uploadId)

        multipart_upload_parts = [{'ETag': response['ETag'], 'PartNumber': 1}]

        return self.s3_client.complete_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket,
            Key=key, MultipartUpload={'Parts': multipart_upload_parts}, UploadId=uploadId)
github localstack / localstack / localstack / services / dynamodbstreams / View on Github external
def random_id(stream_arn, kinesis_shard_id):
    namespace = uuid.UUID(bytes=hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(stream_arn)).digest()[:16])
    if six.PY2:
        kinesis_shard_id = to_bytes(kinesis_shard_id, 'utf-8')
    return uuid.uuid5(namespace, kinesis_shard_id).hex
github localstack / localstack / localstack / services / apigateway / View on Github external
if isinstance(result, FlaskResponse):
                return flask_to_requests_response(result)
            if isinstance(result, Response):
                return result

            response = Response()
            parsed_result = result if isinstance(result, dict) else json.loads(str(result))
            parsed_result = common.json_safe(parsed_result)
            parsed_result = {} if parsed_result is None else parsed_result
            response.status_code = int(parsed_result.get('statusCode', 200))
            response.headers.update(parsed_result.get('headers', {}))
                if isinstance(parsed_result['body'], dict):
                    response._content = json.dumps(parsed_result['body'])
                    response._content = to_bytes(parsed_result['body'])
            except Exception:
                response._content = '{}'
            response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(response._content)
            return response
            msg = 'API Gateway action uri "%s" not yet implemented' % uri
            return make_error_response(msg, 404)

    elif integration['type'] == 'HTTP':
        function = getattr(requests, method.lower())
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            data = json.dumps(data)
        result = function(integration['uri'], data=data, headers=headers)
        return result
github localstack / localstack / localstack / services / s3 / View on Github external
modified_data = None

        # check bucket name
        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)
        if method == 'PUT' and not re.match(BUCKET_NAME_REGEX, bucket_name):
            if len(parsed_path.path) <= 1:
                return error_response('Unable to extract valid bucket name. Please ensure that your AWS SDK is ' +
                    'configured to use path style addressing, or send a valid "Host" header',
                    'InvalidBucketName', status_code=400)
            return error_response('The specified bucket is not valid.', 'InvalidBucketName', status_code=400)

        # TODO: For some reason, moto doesn't allow us to put a location constraint on us-east-1
        to_find = to_bytes('us-east-1')
        if data and data.startswith(to_bytes('<')) and to_find in data:
            modified_data = data.replace(to_find, to_bytes(''))

        # If this request contains streaming v4 authentication signatures, strip them from the message
        # Related isse:
        # TODO we should evaluate whether to replace moto s3 with scality/S3:
        if headers.get('x-amz-content-sha256') == 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD':
            modified_data = strip_chunk_signatures(modified_data or data)
            headers['content-length'] = headers.get('x-amz-decoded-content-length')

        # POST requests to S3 may include a "${filename}" placeholder in the
        # key, which should be replaced with an actual file name before storing.
        if method == 'POST':
            original_data = modified_data or data
            expanded_data = multipart_content.expand_multipart_filename(original_data, headers)
            if expanded_data is not original_data:
                modified_data = expanded_data
github localstack / localstack / localstack / services / dynamodb / View on Github external
def fix_headers_for_updated_response(response):
    response.headers['content-length'] = len(to_bytes(response.content))
    response.headers['x-amz-crc32'] = calculate_crc32(response)
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content_length_sent = False
            for header_key, header_value in iteritems(response.headers):
                # filter out certain headers that we don't want to transmit
                if header_key.lower() not in ('transfer-encoding', 'date', 'server'):
                    self.send_header(header_key, header_value)
                    content_length_sent = content_length_sent or header_key.lower() == 'content-length'
            if not content_length_sent:
                self.send_header('Content-Length', '%s' % len(response.content) if response.content else 0)

            # allow pre-flight CORS headers by default

            if response.content and len(response.content):
        except Exception as e:
            trace = str(traceback.format_exc())
            conn_errors = ('ConnectionRefusedError', 'NewConnectionError',
                           'Connection aborted', 'Unexpected EOF', 'Connection reset by peer')
            conn_error = any(e in trace for e in conn_errors)
            error_msg = 'Error forwarding request: %s %s' % (e, trace)
            if 'Broken pipe' in trace:
                LOG.warn('Connection prematurely closed by client (broken pipe).')
            elif not self.proxy.quiet or not conn_error:
                if os.environ.get(ENV_INTERNAL_TEST_RUN):
                    # During a test run, we also want to print error messages, because
                    # log messages are delayed until the entire test run is over, and
                    # hence we are missing messages if the test hangs for some reason.
                    print('ERROR: %s' % error_msg)
            self.send_response(502)  # bad gateway
github localstack / localstack / localstack / services / s3 / View on Github external
if response is not None:
                return response

        modified_data = None

        # check bucket name
        bucket_name = get_bucket_name(path, headers)
        if method == 'PUT' and not re.match(BUCKET_NAME_REGEX, bucket_name):
            if len(parsed_path.path) <= 1:
                return error_response('Unable to extract valid bucket name. Please ensure that your AWS SDK is ' +
                    'configured to use path style addressing, or send a valid "Host" header',
                    'InvalidBucketName', status_code=400)
            return error_response('The specified bucket is not valid.', 'InvalidBucketName', status_code=400)

        # TODO: For some reason, moto doesn't allow us to put a location constraint on us-east-1
        to_find = to_bytes('us-east-1')
        if data and data.startswith(to_bytes('<')) and to_find in data:
            modified_data = data.replace(to_find, to_bytes(''))

        # If this request contains streaming v4 authentication signatures, strip them from the message
        # Related isse:
        # TODO we should evaluate whether to replace moto s3 with scality/S3:
        if headers.get('x-amz-content-sha256') == 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD':
            modified_data = strip_chunk_signatures(modified_data or data)
            headers['content-length'] = headers.get('x-amz-decoded-content-length')

        # POST requests to S3 may include a "${filename}" placeholder in the
        # key, which should be replaced with an actual file name before storing.
        if method == 'POST':
            original_data = modified_data or data
            expanded_data = multipart_content.expand_multipart_filename(original_data, headers)