How to use the lkml.tokens.Token function in lkml

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def __init__(self, stream: Sequence[tokens.Token]):
        """Initializes the Parser with a stream of tokens and sets the index.

            stream: Lexed sequence of tokens to be parsed

            TypeError: If an object in the stream is not a valid token

        for token in stream:
            if not isinstance(token, tokens.Token):
                raise TypeError(
                    f"Type {type(token)} for {token} is not a valid token type."
        self.tokens = stream
        self.index: int = 0
        self.progress: int = 0
        self.logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.depth: int = -1
        self.log_debug: bool = self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
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# These are keys for fields in Looker that have a "name" attribute. Since lkml uses the
# key `name` to represent the name of the field (e.g. for `dimension: dimension_name {`,
# the `name` key would hold the value `dimension_name`.)

KEYS_WITH_NAME_FIELDS: Tuple[str, ...] = (

CHARACTER_TO_TOKEN: Dict[str, Type[tokens.Token]] = {
    "\0": tokens.StreamEndToken,
    "{": tokens.BlockStartToken,
    "}": tokens.BlockEndToken,
    "[": tokens.ListStartToken,
    "]": tokens.ListEndToken,
    ",": tokens.CommaToken,
    ":": tokens.ValueToken,
    ";": tokens.ExpressionBlockEndToken,
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            TypeError: If one or more of the token_types are not actual token types

            bool: True if the current token matches one of the token_types

        if self.log_debug:
                "%sCheck %s == %s",
                (1 + self.depth) * DELIMITER,
                " or ".join(t.__name__ for t in token_types),
        for token_type in token_types:
            if not issubclass(token_type, tokens.Token):
                raise TypeError(f"{token_type} is not a valid token type.")
        if type(self.peek()) in token_types:
            return True
            return False
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>>> token.value = 'A string value'
            >>> token.__repr__()
            'Token(A string value)'

            >>> token.value = 'A very, very, very long string value'
            >>> token.__repr__()
            'Token(A very, very, very long s ... )'

        value = getattr(self, "value", "").strip()
        value = (value[:25].rstrip() + " ... ") if len(value) > 25 else value
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({value})"

class ContentToken(Token):
    """Base class for LookML tokens that contain a string of content."""

    def __init__(self, value: str, line_number: int):
        """Initializes a ContentToken with string content.

            value: A string value for the token's content
            line_number: The corresponding line in the text where this token begins

        self.value: str = value
        self.line_number: int = line_number

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare one ContentToken to another by their values."""
        return == and self.value == other.value
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        self.value: str = value
        self.line_number: int = line_number

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare one ContentToken to another by their values."""
        return == and self.value == other.value

class StreamStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a stream of characters."""

    id = ""

class StreamEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a stream of characters."""

    id = ""

class BlockStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a block."""

    id = "{"

class BlockEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a block."""

    id = "}"
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id = ":"

class ExpressionBlockEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of an expression block."""

    id = ";;"

class CommaToken(Token):
    """Separates elements in a list."""

    id = ","

class ListStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a list."""

    id = "["

class ListEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a list."""

    id = "]"

class ExpressionBlockToken(ContentToken):
    """Contains the value of an expression block."""

    id = ""
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def __init__(self, text: str):
        """Initializes the Lexer with a LookML string and sets the index.

            text: LookML string to be lexed

        self.text: str = text + "\0"
        self.index: int = 0
        self.tokens: List[tokens.Token] = []
        self.line_number: int = 1
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id = ";;"

class CommaToken(Token):
    """Separates elements in a list."""

    id = ","

class ListStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a list."""

    id = "["

class ListEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a list."""

    id = "]"

class ExpressionBlockToken(ContentToken):
    """Contains the value of an expression block."""

    id = ""

class LiteralToken(ContentToken):
    """Contains the value of an unquoted literal."""

    id = ""
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"""Initializes a ContentToken with string content.

            value: A string value for the token's content
            line_number: The corresponding line in the text where this token begins

        self.value: str = value
        self.line_number: int = line_number

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Compare one ContentToken to another by their values."""
        return == and self.value == other.value

class StreamStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a stream of characters."""

    id = ""

class StreamEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a stream of characters."""

    id = ""

class BlockStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a block."""

    id = "{"
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id = ""

class StreamEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a stream of characters."""

    id = ""

class BlockStartToken(Token):
    """Represents the start of a block."""

    id = "{"

class BlockEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of a block."""

    id = "}"

class ValueToken(Token):
    """Separates a key from a value."""

    id = ":"

class ExpressionBlockEndToken(Token):
    """Represents the end of an expression block."""

    id = ";;"