How to use the libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR function in libusb1

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few libusb1 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def CounterInit(self, counter):
    This command initializes the 32-bit event counter.  On a write, the
    counter will be initialized to zero.
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = 0
    wIndex = 0
    result = self.udev.controlWrite(request_type, self.COUNTER, wValue, wIndex, [counter], timeout = 100)
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def DIn(self, port=0):
    This command reads the current state of the digital port pins.
    port: the port to read (there is only one)  0: onboard (pins 0-7)
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = 0
    wIndex = 0
    data = self.udev.controlRead(request_type, self.DIN, port, wIndex, 2, timeout = 100)
    return data[0]
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def AOutScanStop(self):
    This command stops the analog output scan (if running) and
    clears the output FIFO data.  Any data in the endpoint buffers will
    be flushed, so this command is useful to issue prior to the
    beginning of an output scan.
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR     
    result = self.udev.controlWrite(request_type, self.AOUT_SCAN_STOP, 0x0, 0x0, [0x0], timeout = 100)
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def AInScanStop(self):
      This command stops the analog input scan (if running)
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = 0
    wIndex = 0
    result = self.udev.controlWrite(request_type, self.AIN_SCAN_STOP, wValue, wIndex, [0], timeout = 100)
github glaubitz / linux-minidisc / netmd / View on Github external
def readReply(self):
          Get a raw binary reply from device.
          Returns the reply.
        reply_length = 0
        while reply_length == 0:
            reply_length = self._getReplyLength()
            if reply_length == 0: sleep(0.1)
        reply = self.usb_handle.controlRead(libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR | \
                                            0x81, 0, 0, reply_length)
        #print '%04i< %s' % (len(reply), dump(reply))
        return reply
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def MemoryR(self, address, length):
    This command reads data from the available data EEPROM memory.
    The number of bytes to read is specified in the wLength (for
    writes it is wLength - sizeof(address)).  The first 2 byes of data is
    the address.

    Note: this function is not reentrant
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = address
    wIndex = 0
      result = self.udev.controlRead(request_type, self.MEMORY, wValue, wIndex, length, timeout = 100)
      print('MemoryR: error')
    return result
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def DIn(self, port=0):
    This command reads the current state of the digital port pins.
    port: the port to read (there is only one)  0: onboard (pins 0-7)
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = 0
    wIndex = 0
    data = self.udev.controlRead(request_type, self.DIN, port, wIndex, 2, timeout = 100)
    return data[0]
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def AInScanStop(self):
      This command stops the analog input scan (if running)
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    wValue = 0
    wIndex = 0
    result = self.udev.controlWrite(request_type, self.AIN_SCAN_STOP, wValue, wIndex, [0], timeout = 100)
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
def AOutScanStatus(self):
    This comamnd reads the status of the analog output scan:
    depth: the number of samples currently in the FIFO (max 1024)
    status: bit 0: 1 = scan running
            bit 1: 1 = scan underrun
            bits 2-7: reserved
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR     
    result = unpack('BBB',self.udev.controlRead(request_type, self.AOUT_SCAN_STATUS, 0x0, 0x0, 3, timeout = 100))
    depth = (result[0] | result[1] << 8)
    status = result[2]
    return (depth, status)
github wjasper / Linux_Drivers / USB / python / View on Github external
5: AIn offset calibration
              6: AIn gain calibration
              7: TC Offset Calibration
              8: TC Gain Calibration Positive
              9: TC Gain Calibration Negative
             10: Thermocouple no burnout detect
     range:   0-8  
     rate:    0-15 

     value: signed 24 bit value frad from the analog input channel
     flags: bits  0-6: reserved
            bit7: 1 = TC open detected,  0 = normal reading
    wValue = (mode << 8) | channel
    wIndex = (rate << 8) | gain
    request_type = libusb1.LIBUSB_TYPE_VENDOR 
    data ,= unpack('I',self.udev.controlRead(request_type, self.AIN, wValue, wIndex, 4, timeout = 200))
    flags = (data >> 24)
    data = self.int24ToInt(data)
    return (data, flags)