How to use the letsencrypt.interfaces.IDisplay function in letsencrypt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few letsencrypt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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"""Perform the parent process side of the TCP listener task.

        This should only be called by :meth:`start_listener`.  We will
        wait up to delay_amount seconds to hear from the child process
        via a signal.

        :param int port: Which TCP port to bind.
        :param float delay_amount: How long in seconds to wait for the
            subprocess to notify us whether it succeeded.

        :returns: ``True`` or ``False`` according to whether we were notified
            that the child process succeeded or failed in binding the port.
        :rtype: bool

        display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)

        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + delay_amount:
            if self.subproc_state == "ready":
                return True
            elif self.subproc_state == "inuse":
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because it is already in "
                    "use by another process on this system (such as a web "
                    "server). Please stop the program in question and then "
                    "try again.".format(port))
                return False
            elif self.subproc_state == "cantbind":
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because you don't have "
                    "the appropriate permissions (for example, you "
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def choose_plugin(prepared, question):
    """Allow the user to choose their plugin.

    :param list prepared: List of `~.PluginEntryPoint`.
    :param str question: Question to be presented to the user.

    :returns: Plugin entry point chosen by the user.
    :rtype: `~.PluginEntryPoint`

    opts = [plugin_ep.description_with_name +
            (" [Misconfigured]" if plugin_ep.misconfigured else "")
            for plugin_ep in prepared]

    while True:
        code, index = util(interfaces.IDisplay).menu(
            question, opts, help_label="More Info")

        if code == display_util.OK:
            plugin_ep = prepared[index]
            if plugin_ep.misconfigured:
                    "The selected plugin encountered an error while parsing "
                    "your server configuration and cannot be used. The error "
                    height=display_util.HEIGHT, pause=False)
                return plugin_ep
        elif code == display_util.HELP:
            if prepared[index].misconfigured:
                msg = "Reported Error: %s" % prepared[index].prepare()
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def perform(self, achalls):  # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
        if any(util.already_listening(port) for port in self._necessary_ports):
            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(
                "At least one of the (possibly) required ports is "
                "already taken.")

            return self.perform2(achalls)
        except errors.StandaloneBindError as error:
            display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)

            if error.socket_error.errno == socket.errno.EACCES:
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because you don't have "
                    "the appropriate permissions (for example, you "
                    "aren't running this program as "
            elif error.socket_error.errno == socket.errno.EADDRINUSE:
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because it is already in "
                    "use by another process on this system (such as a web "
                    "server). Please stop the program in question and then "
                    "try again.".format(error.port))
                raise  # XXX: How to handle unknown errors in binding?
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def confirm_revocation(self, cert, version=None):
        """Confirm revocation screen.

        :param storage.RenewableCert cert: Renewable certificate object

        :returns: True if user would like to revoke, False otherwise
        :rtype: bool

        if version is None:
            info = self._more_info_lineage(cert)
            return zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).yesno(
                "Are you sure you would like to revoke all of valid certificates "
                "in this lineage?{br}{info}".format(br=os.linesep, info=info))
            return zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).yesno(
                "Are you sure you would like to revoke the following "
                "This action cannot be reversed!".format(
                    br=os.linesep, info=self._more_info_cert(cert, version)))
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This should only be called by :meth:`start_listener`.  We will
        wait up to delay_amount seconds to hear from the child process
        via a signal.

        :param int port: Which TCP port to bind.
        :param float delay_amount: How long in seconds to wait for the
            subprocess to notify us whether it succeeded.

        :returns: ``True`` or ``False`` according to whether we were notified
            that the child process succeeded or failed in binding the port.
        :rtype: bool


        display = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay)

        start_time = time.time()
        while time.time() < start_time + delay_amount:
            if self.subproc_state == "ready":
                return True
            elif self.subproc_state == "inuse":
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because it is already in "
                    "use by another process on this system (such as a web "
                    "server). Please stop the program in question and then "
                    "try again.".format(port))
                return False
            elif self.subproc_state == "cantbind":
                    "Could not bind TCP port {0} because you don't have "
                    "the appropriate permissions (for example, you "
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skip it
    :param bool invalid: true if the user just typed something, but it wasn't
        a valid-looking email

    :returns: Email or ``None`` if cancelled by user.
    :rtype: str

    msg = "Enter email address (used for urgent notices and lost key recovery)"
    if invalid:
        msg = "There seem to be problems with that address. " + msg
    if more:
        msg += ('\n\nIf you really want to skip this, you can run the client with '
                '--register-unsafely-without-email but make sure you backup your '
                'account key from /etc/letsencrypt/accounts\n\n')
    code, email = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).input(msg)

    if code == display_util.OK:
        if le_util.safe_email(email):
            return email
            # TODO catch the server's ACME invalid email address error, and
            # make a similar call when that happens
            return get_email(more=True, invalid=(email != ""))
        return None
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def more_info_cert(cert):
    """Displays more info about the cert.

    :param dict cert: cert dict used throughout

        "Certificate Information:{0}{1}".format(
            os.linesep, cert.pretty_print()),
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:returns: tuple of the form (code, selection) where
        code is a display exit code
        selection is the user's int selection
    :rtype: tuple

    list_choices = [
        "%s | %s | %s" % (
            str(cert.get_cn().ljust(display_util.WIDTH - 39)),
            "Installed" if cert.installed and cert.installed != ["Unknown"]
            else "") for cert in certs

    code, tag = util(interfaces.IDisplay).menu(
        "Which certificates would you like to revoke?",
        list_choices, help_label="More Info", ok_label="Revoke",

    return code, tag
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# Displayer
    if args.text_mode:
        displayer = display_util.FileDisplay(sys.stdout)
        displayer = display_util.NcursesDisplay()

    # Reporter
    report = reporter.Reporter()

    # TODO: remove developer EULA prompt for the launch
    if not config.eula:
        eula = pkg_resources.resource_string("letsencrypt", "EULA")
        if not zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).yesno(
                eula, "Agree", "Cancel"):
            raise errors.Error("Must agree to TOS")

    if not os.geteuid() == 0:
            "Root (sudo) is required to run most of letsencrypt functionality.")
        # check must be done after arg parsing as --help should work
        # w/o root; on the other hand, e.g. "letsencrypt run
        # --authenticator dns" or "letsencrypt plugins" does not
        # require root as well
        #return (
        #    "{0}Root is required to run letsencrypt.  Please use sudo.{0}"
        #    .format(os.linesep))

    return args.func(args, config, plugins)