How to use the lenstronomy.Util.image_util function in lenstronomy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lenstronomy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sibirrer / lenstronomy / test / test_Util / View on Github external
def test_raise(self):

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            grid2d = np.zeros((7, 7))
            x_pos, y_pos = 4, 1
            kernel = np.ones((2, 2))
            added = image_util.add_layer2image_int(grid2d, x_pos, y_pos, kernel)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            image = np.ones((5, 5))
            image_util.re_size(image, factor=2)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            image = np.ones((5, 5))
            image_util.re_size(image, factor=0.5)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            image = np.ones((5, 5))
            image_util.cut_edges(image, numPix=7)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            image = np.ones((5, 6))
            image_util.cut_edges(image, numPix=3)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            image = np.ones((5, 5))
            image_util.cut_edges(image, numPix=2)
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / test / test_Data / View on Github external
def test_kernel_subsampled(self):
        deltaPix = 0.05  # pixel size of image
        numPix = 40  # number of pixels per axis
        subsampling_res = 3  # subsampling scale factor (in each dimension)
        fwhm = 0.3  # FWHM of the PSF kernel
        fwhm_object = 0.2  # FWHM of the Gaussian source to be convolved

        # create Gaussian/Pixelized kernels
        # first we create the sub-sampled kernel
        kernel_point_source_subsampled = kernel_util.kernel_gaussian(kernel_numPix=11*subsampling_res, deltaPix=deltaPix/subsampling_res, fwhm=fwhm)
        # to have the same consistent kernel, we re-size (average over the sub-sampled pixels) the sub-sampled kernel
        kernel_point_source = image_util.re_size(kernel_point_source_subsampled, subsampling_res)
        # here we create the two PSF() classes
        kwargs_pixel_subsampled = {'psf_type': 'PIXEL', 'kernel_point_source': kernel_point_source_subsampled,
                                   'point_source_supersampling_factor': subsampling_res}
        psf_pixel_subsampled = PSF(**kwargs_pixel_subsampled)
        kernel_point_source /= np.sum(kernel_point_source)
        kwargs_pixel = {'psf_type': 'PIXEL',
                        'kernel_point_source': kernel_point_source}
        psf_pixel = PSF(**kwargs_pixel)

        kernel_point_source = psf_pixel.kernel_point_source
        kernel_super = psf_pixel.kernel_point_source_supersampled(supersampling_factor=3)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(kernel_point_source), np.sum(kernel_super), decimal=8)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(np.sum(kernel_point_source), 1, decimal=8)

        deltaPix = 0.05  # pixel size of image
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / test / test_Util / View on Github external
def test_subgrid_kernel():

    kernel = np.zeros((9, 9))
    kernel[4, 4] = 1
    subgrid_res = 3
    subgrid_kernel = kernel_util.subgrid_kernel(kernel, subgrid_res=subgrid_res, odd=True)
    kernel_re_sized = image_util.re_size(subgrid_kernel, factor=subgrid_res) *subgrid_res**2
    #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #plt.matshow(kernel_re_sized- kernel);
    npt.assert_almost_equal(kernel_re_sized[4, 4], 1, decimal=2)
    assert np.max(subgrid_kernel) == subgrid_kernel[13, 13]
    #assert kernel_re_sized[4, 4] == 1
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / Util / View on Github external
:param kwargs_lens_light:
    :param kwargs_ps:
    :param no_noise:
    :param source_add:
    :param lens_light_add:
    :param point_source_add:

    image = image_model_class.image(kwargs_lens, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens_light, kwargs_ps, source_add=source_add, lens_light_add=lens_light_add, point_source_add=point_source_add)
    # add noise
    if no_noise:
        return image
        poisson = image_util.add_poisson(image, exp_time=image_model_class.Data.exposure_map)
        bkg = image_util.add_background(image, sigma_bkd=image_model_class.Data.background_rms)
        return image + bkg + poisson
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / ImSim / Numerics / View on Github external
def convolve2d(self, image_high_res):

        :param image_high_res: supersampled image/model to be convolved on a regular pixel grid
        :return: convolved and re-sized image
        image_low_res = image_util.re_size(image_high_res, factor=self._supersampling_factor)
        return self.re_size_convolve(image_low_res, image_high_res)
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / ImSim / Numerics / View on Github external
:param ra_pos:
        :param dec_pos:
        :param amp:
        subgrid = self._supersampling_factor
        x_pos, y_pos = self._pixel_grid.map_coord2pix(ra_pos, dec_pos)
        # translate coordinates to higher resolution grid
        x_pos_subgird = x_pos * subgrid + (subgrid - 1) / 2.
        y_pos_subgrid = y_pos * subgrid + (subgrid - 1) / 2.
        kernel_point_source_subgrid = self._kernel_supersampled
        # initialize grid with higher resolution
        subgrid2d = np.zeros((self._nx*subgrid, self._ny*subgrid))
        # add_layer2image
        for i in range(len(x_pos)):
            subgrid2d = image_util.add_layer2image(subgrid2d, x_pos_subgird[i], y_pos_subgrid[i], amp[i] * kernel_point_source_subgrid)
        # re-size grid to data resolution
        grid2d = image_util.re_size(subgrid2d, factor=subgrid)
        return grid2d*subgrid**2
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / LensModel / Solver / View on Github external
y_mins = y_mins[delta_map <= min_distance*mag*5]
            if verbose is True:
                print("The number of regions that meet the plausibility criteria are %s" % len(x_mins))
        x_mins = np.append(x_mins, np.random.uniform(low=-search_window/2+x_center, high=search_window/2+x_center,
        y_mins = np.append(y_mins, np.random.uniform(low=-search_window / 2 + y_center, high=search_window / 2 + y_center,
        # iterative solving of the lens equation for the selected grid points
        x_mins, y_mins, solver_precision = self._find_gradient_decent(x_mins, y_mins, sourcePos_x, sourcePos_y, kwargs_lens,
                                                                      precision_limit, num_iter_max, verbose=verbose,
                                                                      min_distance=min_distance, non_linear=non_linear)
        # only select iterative results that match the precision limit
        x_mins = x_mins[solver_precision <= precision_limit]
        y_mins = y_mins[solver_precision <= precision_limit]
        # find redundant solutions within the min_distance criterion
        x_mins, y_mins = image_util.findOverlap(x_mins, y_mins, min_distance)
        if arrival_time_sort is True:
            x_mins, y_mins = self.sort_arrival_times(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens)
        if magnification_limit is not None:
            mag = np.abs(self.lensModel.magnification(x_mins, y_mins, kwargs_lens))
            x_mins = x_mins[mag >= magnification_limit]
            y_mins = y_mins[mag >= magnification_limit]
        return x_mins, y_mins
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / ImSim / View on Github external
        ra_pos = kwargs_else['ra_pos']
        dec_pos = kwargs_else['dec_pos']
        x_pos, y_pos = self.Data.map_coord2pix(ra_pos, dec_pos)
        n_points = len(x_pos)
        data =
        psf_point_source = kwargs_psf['kernel_point_source']
        point_amp = kwargs_else['point_amp']
        error_map = np.zeros_like(data)
        if self._error_map:
            for i in range(0, n_points):
                error_map = self.get_error_map(data, x_pos[i], y_pos[i], psf_point_source, point_amp[i], error_map, kwargs_psf['error_map'])
        grid2d = np.zeros_like(data)
        for i in range(n_points):
            grid2d = image_util.add_layer2image(grid2d, x_pos[i], y_pos[i], psf_point_source * point_amp[i])
        point_source = grid2d
        return point_source, error_map
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / ImSim / Numerics / View on Github external
def psf_error_map(self, ra_pos, dec_pos, amp, data, fix_psf_error_map=False):
        x_pos, y_pos = self._pixel_grid.map_coord2pix(ra_pos, dec_pos)
        psf_kernel = self._psf.kernel_point_source
        psf_error_map = self._psf.psf_error_map
        error_map = np.zeros_like(data)
        for i in range(len(x_pos)):
            if fix_psf_error_map:
                amp_estimated = amp
                amp_estimated = kernel_util.estimate_amp(data, x_pos[i], y_pos[i], psf_kernel)
            error_map = image_util.add_layer2image(error_map, x_pos[i], y_pos[i], psf_error_map * (psf_kernel * amp_estimated) ** 2)
        return error_map
github sibirrer / lenstronomy / lenstronomy / Util / View on Github external
d_y = 1. / nx
    y_in = np.linspace(d_y/2, 1-d_y/2, ny)
    nx_new = nx * subgrid_res
    ny_new = ny * subgrid_res
    if odd is True:
        if nx_new % 2 == 0:
            nx_new -= 1
        if ny_new % 2 == 0:
            ny_new -= 1

    d_x_new = 1. / nx_new
    d_y_new = 1. / ny_new
    x_out = np.linspace(d_x_new/2., 1-d_x_new/2., nx_new)
    y_out = np.linspace(d_y_new/2., 1-d_y_new/2., ny_new)
    kernel_input = copy.deepcopy(kernel)
    kernel_subgrid = image_util.re_size_array(x_in, y_in, kernel_input, x_out, y_out)
    kernel_subgrid = kernel_norm(kernel_subgrid)
    for i in range(max(num_iter, 1)):
        # given a proposition, re-size it to original pixel size
        if subgrid_res % 2 == 0:
            kernel_pixel = averaging_even_kernel(kernel_subgrid, subgrid_res)
            kernel_pixel = util.averaging(kernel_subgrid, numGrid=nx_new, numPix=nx)
        delta = kernel - kernel_pixel
        temp_kernel = kernel_input + delta
        kernel_subgrid = image_util.re_size_array(x_in, y_in, temp_kernel, x_out, y_out)#/norm_subgrid
        kernel_subgrid = kernel_norm(kernel_subgrid)
        kernel_input = temp_kernel