How to use the lale.operators.Operator function in lale

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lale examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def wrap_imported_operators():
    calling_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
    symtab = calling_frame.f_globals
    for name, impl in symtab.items():
        if inspect.isclass(impl) and not issubclass(impl, Operator):
            module = impl.__module__.split('.')[0]
            klass = impl.__name__
                m = importlib.import_module('lale.lib.' + module)
                symtab[name] = clone_op(getattr(m, klass), name)
      'Lale:Wrapped known operator:{name}')
            except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError):
                    m = importlib.import_module('lale.lib.autogen')
                    symtab[name] = clone_op(getattr(m, klass), name)
          'Lale:Wrapped autogen operator:{name}')
                except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError):
                    if hasattr(impl, 'fit') and (
                    hasattr(impl, 'predict') or hasattr(impl, 'transform')):
              'Lale:Wrapped unkwnown operator:{name}')
                        symtab[name] = make_operator(impl=impl, name=name)
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def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params)->'TrainedPipeline':
        X = lale.datasets.data_schemas.add_schema(X)
        y = lale.datasets.data_schemas.add_schema(y)
        self.validate_schema(X, y)
        trained_steps:List[TrainedOperator] = [ ]
        outputs:Dict[Operator, Any] = { }
        meta_outputs:Dict[Operator, Any] = {}
        edges:List[Tuple[TrainableOpType, TrainableOpType]] = self.edges()
        trained_map:Dict[TrainableOpType, TrainedOperator] = {}

        sink_nodes = self._find_sink_nodes()
        for operator in self._steps:
            preds = self._preds[operator]
            if len(preds) == 0:
                inputs = [X]
                meta_data_inputs:Dict[Operator, Any] = {}
                inputs = [outputs[pred] for pred in preds]
                #we create meta_data_inputs as a dictionary with metadata from all previous steps
                #Note that if multiple previous steps generate the same key, it will retain only one of those.
                meta_data_inputs = {key: meta_outputs[pred][key] for pred in preds
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from lale.operators import PlannedOperator, Operator, BasePipeline, OperatorChoice, IndividualOp
from lale.operators import make_choice, make_pipeline, get_pipeline_of_applicable_type
from lale.lib.lale import NoOp
from typing import Optional
from lale.sklearn_compat import clone_op
import random

class NonTerminal(Operator):
    """ Abstract operator for non-terminal grammar rules.
    def __init__(self, name):
        self._name = name
    def _lale_clone(self, cloner):
        return NonTerminal(
    def _has_same_impl(self):
    def is_supervised(self):
        return False

    def validate_schema(self, X, y=None):
        raise NotImplementedError() #TODO
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def __init__(self, base_estimator=None, n_estimators=50, learning_rate=1.0, loss='linear', random_state=None):
        if isinstance(base_estimator, lale.operators.Operator):
            if isinstance(base_estimator, lale.operators.IndividualOp):
                base_estimator = base_estimator._impl_instance()._wrapped_model
                raise ValueError("If base_estimator is a Lale operator, it needs to be an individual operator. ")
        self._hyperparams = {
            'base_estimator': base_estimator,
            'n_estimators': n_estimators,
            'learning_rate': learning_rate,
            'loss': loss,
            'random_state': random_state}
        self._wrapped_model = SKLModel(**self._hyperparams)
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    def is_supervised(self)->bool:
        """Checks if this operator needs labeled data for learning.

            True if the fit method requires a y argument.

Operator.__doc__ = cast(str, Operator.__doc__) + '\n' + _combinators_docstrings

class PlannedOperator(Operator):
    """Abstract class for Lale operators in the planned lifecycle state."""

    def auto_configure(self, X, y = None, optimizer = None, cv = None, scoring = None, **kwargs)->'TrainableOperator':
        Perform combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter tuning on this planned operator.

            Features that conform to the X property of input_schema_fit.
        y: optional
            Labels that conform to the y property of input_schema_fit.
            Default is None.
            lale.lib.lale.HyperoptCV or lale.lib.lale.GridSearchCV
            default is None.
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def __init__(self, base_estimator=None, n_estimators=50, learning_rate=1.0, algorithm='SAMME.R', random_state=None):
        if isinstance(base_estimator, lale.operators.Operator):
            if isinstance(base_estimator, lale.operators.IndividualOp):
                base_estimator = base_estimator._impl_instance()._wrapped_model
                raise ValueError("If base_estimator is a Lale operator, it needs to be an individual operator. ")
        self._hyperparams = {
            'base_estimator': base_estimator,
            'n_estimators': n_estimators,
            'learning_rate': learning_rate,
            'algorithm': algorithm,
            'random_state': random_state}
        self._wrapped_model = SKLModel(**self._hyperparams)
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def _hps_to_json_rec(hps, cls2label: Dict[str, str], gensym: _GenSym, steps) -> Any:
    if isinstance(hps, lale.operators.Operator):
        step_uid, step_jsn = _op_to_json_rec(hps, cls2label, gensym)
        steps[step_uid] = step_jsn
        return {'$ref': f'../steps/{step_uid}'}
    elif isinstance(hps, dict):
        return {hp_name: _hps_to_json_rec(hp_val, cls2label, gensym, steps)
               for hp_name, hp_val in hps.items()}
    elif isinstance(hps, tuple):
        return tuple([_hps_to_json_rec(hp_val, cls2label, gensym, steps)
                      for hp_val in hps])
    elif isinstance(hps, list):
        return [_hps_to_json_rec(hp_val, cls2label, gensym, steps)
                for hp_val in hps]
        return hps
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s_typed = [ret_arr]

    # TODO: more!
    assert not s_all
    ret_all = []
    ret_main = s_extra if s_extra else {}

    if s_type_for_optimizer is not None:
        ret_main["laleType"] = s_type_for_optimizer
    if s_enum:
        # we should simplify these as for s_not_enum
        # now, we do some extra work to keep 'laleType':'operator' annotations
        if s_type_for_optimizer is None:
            from lale.operators import Operator
            if all(isinstance(x,Operator) for x in s_enum):
                # All the enumeration values are operators
                # This means it is probably an operator schema
                # which might have been missed if
                # this is being allOf'ed with an anyOfList
                if s_any and all(hasAnyOperatorSchemas(s) for s in s_any):
                    ret_main["laleType"] = 'operator'
        return ret_main

    if ret_main:
        if s_typed:
            s_typed[0] = {**ret_main, **s_typed[0]}
        elif s_other:
            s_other[0] = {**ret_main, **s_other[0]}
    if s_typed:
github IBM / lale / lale / View on Github external
""" Method for cloning a lale operator, currently intended for internal use

    def is_supervised(self)->bool:
        """Checks if this operator needs labeled data for learning.

            True if the fit method requires a y argument.

Operator.__doc__ = cast(str, Operator.__doc__) + '\n' + _combinators_docstrings

class PlannedOperator(Operator):
    """Abstract class for Lale operators in the planned lifecycle state."""

    def auto_configure(self, X, y = None, optimizer = None, cv = None, scoring = None, **kwargs)->'TrainableOperator':
        Perform combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter tuning on this planned operator.

            Features that conform to the X property of input_schema_fit.
        y: optional
            Labels that conform to the y property of input_schema_fit.
            Default is None.
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                steps: Dict[str, JSON_TYPE] = {}
                jsn['hyperparams'] = _hps_to_json_rec(
                    op.hyperparams(), cls2label, gensym, steps)
                if len(steps) > 0:
                    jsn['steps'] = steps
            jsn['is_frozen_trainable'] = op.is_frozen_trainable()
        if isinstance(op, lale.operators.TrainedIndividualOp):
            if hasattr(op._impl, 'fit'):
                jsn['coefs'] = 'coefs_not_available'
                jsn['coefs'] = None
            jsn['is_frozen_trained'] = op.is_frozen_trained()
    elif isinstance(op, lale.operators.BasePipeline):
        uid = gensym('pipeline')
        child2uid: Dict[lale.operators.Operator, str] = {}
        child2jsn: Dict[lale.operators.Operator, JSON_TYPE] = {}
        for idx, child in enumerate(op.steps()):
            child_uid, child_jsn = _op_to_json_rec(child, cls2label, gensym)
            child2uid[child] = child_uid
            child2jsn[child] = child_jsn
        jsn['edges'] = [[child2uid[x], child2uid[y]] for x, y in op.edges()]
        jsn['steps'] = {child2uid[z]: child2jsn[z] for z in op.steps()}
    elif isinstance(op, lale.operators.OperatorChoice):
        jsn['operator'] = 'OperatorChoice'
        uid = gensym('choice')
        jsn['state'] = 'planned'
        jsn['steps'] = {}
        for step in op.steps():
            child_uid, child_jsn = _op_to_json_rec(step, cls2label, gensym)
            jsn['steps'][child_uid] = child_jsn
    return uid, jsn