How to use the lab.B.matmul function in lab

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few lab examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_inverse_and_logdet():
    # Test `Dense`.
    a = np.random.randn(3, 3)
    a = Dense(
    allclose(B.matmul(a, B.inverse(a)), np.eye(3))
    allclose(B.matmul(B.inverse(a), a), np.eye(3))
    allclose(B.logdet(a), np.log(np.linalg.det(to_np(a))))

    # Test `Diagonal`.
    d = Diagonal(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
    allclose(B.matmul(d, B.inverse(d)), np.eye(3))
    allclose(B.matmul(B.inverse(d), d), np.eye(3))
    allclose(B.logdet(d), np.log(np.linalg.det(to_np(d))))
    assert B.shape(B.inverse(Diagonal(np.array([1, 2]),
                                      rows=2, cols=4))) == (4, 2)

    # Test `Woodbury`.
    a = np.random.randn(3, 2)
    b = np.random.randn(2, 2) + 1e-2 * np.eye(2)
    wb = d + LowRank(left=a,
    for _ in range(4):
        allclose(B.matmul(wb, B.inverse(wb)), np.eye(3))
        allclose(B.matmul(B.inverse(wb), wb), np.eye(3))
        allclose(B.logdet(wb), np.log(np.linalg.det(to_np(wb))))
        wb = B.inverse(wb)

    # Test `LowRank`.
github wesselb / stheno / tests / View on Github external
def test_sample():
    a = np.random.randn(3, 3)
    a = Dense(
    b = np.random.randn(2, 2)
    wb = Diagonal(B.diag(a)) + LowRank(left=np.random.randn(3, 2),

    # Test `Dense` and `Woodbury`.
    num_samps = 500000
    for cov in [a, wb]:
        samps = B.sample(cov, num_samps)
        cov_emp = B.matmul(samps, samps, tr_b=True) / num_samps
        assert np.mean(np.abs(to_np(cov_emp) - to_np(cov))) <= 5e-2
github wesselb / stheno / tests / View on Github external
def compare(a, b):
        return np.allclose(to_np(B.matmul(a, b)),
                           B.matmul(to_np(a), to_np(b)))
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def lr_diff(a, b):
    """Subtract two low-rank matrices, forcing the resulting middle part to
    be positive definite if the result is so.

        a (:class:`.matrix.LowRank`): `a`.
        b (:class:`.matrix.LowRank`): `b`.

        :class:`.matrix.LowRank`: Difference between `a` and `b`.
    diff = a - b
    u_left, s_left, v_left = B.svd(diff.left)
    u_right, s_right, v_right = B.svd(diff.right)
    middle = B.matmul(Diagonal(s_left, *B.shape(diff.left)),
                      B.matmul(v_left, diff.middle, v_right, tr_a=True),
                      Diagonal(s_right, *B.shape(diff.right)).T)
    return LowRank(left=u_left,
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def inverse(a):
    # Use the Woodbury matrix identity.
    if a.inverse is None:
        inv_diag = B.inverse(a.diag)
        lr = LowRank(left=B.matmul(inv_diag,,
        if a.lr_pd:
            a.inverse = Woodbury(diag=inv_diag, lr=-lr, lr_pd=False)
            a.inverse = Woodbury(diag=inv_diag, lr=lr, lr_pd=True)
    return a.inverse
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def matmul(*xs, **trs):
    def tr(name):
        return trs['tr_' + name] if 'tr_' + name in trs else False

    # Compute the first product.
    res = B.matmul(xs[0], xs[1], tr_a=tr('a'), tr_b=tr('b'))

    # Compute the remaining products.
    for name, x in zip(ascii_lowercase[2:], xs[2:]):
        res = B.matmul(res, x, tr_b=tr(name))

    return res
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def matmul(a, b, tr_a=False, tr_b=False):
    # Prioritise expanding out the Woodbury matrix. Give this one even higher
    # precedence to resolve ambiguity in the case of two Woodbury matrices.
    return B.add(B.matmul(a,, tr_a=tr_a, tr_b=tr_b),
                 B.matmul(a, b.diag, tr_a=tr_a, tr_b=tr_b))
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def diag(a):
    # The matrix might be non-square, so handle that.
    diag_len = B.diag_len(a)
    return B.sum(B.matmul(a.left, a.middle)[:diag_len, :] *
                 a.right[:diag_len, :], axis=1)
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def ratio(a, b): return B.sum(B.qf_diag(b, a.right, B.matmul(a.left, a.middle)))
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def sum(a, axis=None):
    # Efficiently handle a number of common cases.
    if axis is None:
        left = B.expand_dims(B.sum(a.left, axis=0), axis=0)
        right = B.expand_dims(B.sum(a.right, axis=0), axis=1)
        return B.matmul(left, a.middle, right)[0, 0]
    elif axis is 0:
        left = B.expand_dims(B.sum(a.left, axis=0), axis=0)
        return B.matmul(left, a.middle, a.right, tr_c=True)[0, :]
    elif axis is 1:
        right = B.expand_dims(B.sum(a.right, axis=0), axis=1)
        return B.matmul(a.left, a.middle, right)[:, 0]
        # Fall back to generic implementation.
        return B.sum.invoke(Dense)(a, axis=axis)