How to use the kraken.lib.models function in kraken

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kraken examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mittagessen / kraken / tests / View on Github external
def test_load_any_proto(self):
        Test load_any loads protobuf models.
        rnn = models.load_any(os.path.join(resources, 'model.pronn'))
        self.assertIsInstance(rnn, kraken.lib.models.TorchSeqRecognizer)
github mittagessen / kraken / tests / View on Github external
def test_load_invalid(self):
        Tests correct handling of invalid files.
github mittagessen / kraken / tests / View on Github external
def test_load_any_proto(self):
        Test load_any loads protobuf models.
        rnn = models.load_any(os.path.join(resources, 'model.pronn'))
        self.assertIsInstance(rnn, kraken.lib.models.TorchSeqRecognizer)
github mittagessen / kraken / kraken / View on Github external
nm = {}  # type: Dict[str, models.TorchSeqRecognizer]
    ign_scripts = model.pop('ignore')
    for k, v in model.items():
        search = [v,
                  os.path.join(click.get_app_dir(APP_NAME), v),
                  os.path.join(LEGACY_MODEL_DIR, v)]
        location = None
        for loc in search:
            if os.path.isfile(loc):
                location = loc
        if not location:
            raise click.BadParameter('No model {} for {} found'.format(v, k))
        message('Loading RNN {}\t'.format(k), nl=False)
            rnn = models.load_any(location, device=ctx.meta['device'])
            nm[k] = rnn
        except Exception:
            message('\u2717', fg='red')
        message('\u2713', fg='green')

    if 'default' in nm:
        from collections import defaultdict

        nn = defaultdict(lambda: nm['default'])  # type: Dict[str, models.TorchSeqRecognizer]
        nm = nn
    # thread count is global so setting it once is sufficient
github mittagessen / kraken / kraken / View on Github external
from kraken import pageseg
    from kraken import transcribe
    from kraken import binarization

    from kraken.lib import models
    from kraken.lib.util import is_bitonal

    ti = transcribe.TranscriptionInterface(font, font_style)

    if len(images) > 1 and lines:
        raise click.UsageError('--lines option is incompatible with multiple image files')

    if prefill:'Loading model {}'.format(prefill))
        message('Loading RNN', nl=False)
        prefill = models.load_any(prefill)
        message('\u2713', fg='green')

    with log.progressbar(images, label='Reading images') as bar:
        for fp in bar:
  'Reading {}'.format(
            im =
            if im.mode not in ['1', 'L', 'P', 'RGB']:
                logger.warning('Input {} is in {} color mode. Converting to RGB'.format(, im.mode))
                im = im.convert('RGB')
  'Binarizing page')
            im_bin = binarization.nlbin(im)
            im_bin = im_bin.convert('1')
  'Segmenting page')
            if not lines:
                res = pageseg.segment(im_bin, text_direction, scale, maxcolseps, black_colseps, pad=pad)
github mittagessen / kraken / kraken / View on Github external
if not model:
        raise click.UsageError('No model to evaluate given.')

    import numpy as np
    from PIL import Image

    from kraken.serialization import render_report
    from kraken.lib import models
    from kraken.lib.dataset import global_align, compute_confusions, generate_input_transforms'Building test set from {} line images'.format(len(test_set) + len(evaluation_files)))

    nn = {}
    for p in model:
        message('Loading model {}\t'.format(p), nl=False)
        nn[p] = models.load_any(p)
        message('\u2713', fg='green')

    test_set = list(test_set)

    # set number of OpenMP threads
    logger.debug('Set OpenMP threads to {}'.format(threads))

    # merge training_files into ground_truth list
    if evaluation_files:

    if len(test_set) == 0:
        raise click.UsageError('No evaluation data was provided to the test command. Use `-e` or the `test_set` argument.')

    def _get_text(im):
github mittagessen / kraken / kraken / View on Github external
        {'script_detection': True, 'text_direction': '$dir', 'boxes':
        [[(script, (x1, y1, x2, y2)),...]]}: A dictionary containing the text
        direction and a list of lists of reading order sorted bounding boxes
        under the key 'boxes' with each list containing the script segmentation
        of a single line. Script is a ISO15924 4 character identifier.

        KrakenInvalidModelException if no clstm module is available.
    raise NotImplementedError('Temporarily unavailable. Please open a github ticket if you want this fixed sooner.')
    im_str = get_im_str(im)'Detecting scripts with {} in {} lines on {}'.format(model, len(bounds['boxes']), im_str))
    logger.debug(u'Loading detection model {}'.format(model))
    rnn = models.load_any(model)
    # load numerical to 4 char identifier map
    logger.debug(u'Loading label to identifier map')
    with pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'iso15924.json') as fp:
        n2s = json.load(fp)
    # convert allowed scripts to labels
    val_scripts = []
    if valid_scripts:
        logger.debug(u'Converting allowed scripts list {}'.format(valid_scripts))
        for k, v in n2s.items():
            if v in valid_scripts:
                val_scripts.append(chr(int(k) + 0xF0000))
        valid_scripts = []
    it = rpred(rnn, im, bounds, bidi_reordering=False)
    preds = []
    logger.debug(u'Running detection')
github mittagessen / kraken / kraken / lib / View on Github external
def __init__(self,
                 model: vgsl.TorchVGSLModel,
                 optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer,
                 device: str = 'cpu',
                 filename_prefix: str = 'model',
                 event_frequency: float = 1.0,
                 train_set: = None,
                 val_set = None,
                 stopper = None):
        self.model = model
        self.rec = models.TorchSeqRecognizer(model, train=True, device=device)
        self.optimizer = optimizer
        self.device = device
        self.filename_prefix = filename_prefix
        self.event_frequency = event_frequency
        self.event_it = int(len(train_set) * event_frequency)
        self.train_set = cycle(train_set)
        self.val_set = val_set
        self.stopper = stopper if stopper else NoStopping()
        self.iterations = 0
        self.lr_scheduler = None