How to use the koji.__init__.GenericError function in koji

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few koji examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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callopts['volume'] = volume
        while True:
            lap = time.time()
            chunk =
            if not chunk and not first_cycle:
            first_cycle = False
            result = self._callMethod('rawUpload', (chunk, ofs, path, name), callopts)
            if self.retries > 1:
                problems = True
            hexdigest = util.adler32_constructor(chunk).hexdigest()
            if result['size'] != len(chunk):
                raise GenericError("server returned wrong chunk size: %s != %s" % (result['size'], len(chunk)))
            if result['hexdigest'] != hexdigest:
                raise GenericError('upload checksum failed: %s != %s' \
                        % (result['hexdigest'], hexdigest))
            ofs += len(chunk)
            now = time.time()
            t1 = max(now - lap, 0.00001)
            t2 = max(now - start, 0.00001)
            # max is to prevent possible divide by zero in callback function
            if callback:
                callback(ofs, size, len(chunk), t1, t2)
        if ofs != size:
            self.logger.error("Local file changed size: %s, %s -> %s", localfile, size, ofs)
        chk_opts = {}
        if volume and volume != 'DEFAULT':
            chk_opts['volume'] = volume
        if problems:
            chk_opts['verify'] = 'adler32'
        result = self._callMethod('checkUpload', (path, name), chk_opts)
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def _check_NVRA(nvra):
    if isinstance(nvra, six.string_types):
            nvra = parse_NVRA(nvra)
    if '-' in nvra['version']:
        raise GenericError('The "-" character not allowed in version field')
    if '-' in nvra['release']:
        raise GenericError('The "-" character not allowed in release field')
    if '.' in nvra['arch']:
        raise GenericError('The "." character not allowed in arch field')
    return True
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def rpm_hdr_size(f, ofs=None):
    """Returns the length (in bytes) of the rpm header

    f = filename or file object
    ofs = offset of the header
    if isinstance(f, six.string_types):
        fo = open(f, 'rb')
        fo = f
    if ofs != None:, 0)
    magic =
    if magic != RPM_HEADER_MAGIC:
        raise GenericError("Invalid rpm: bad magic: %r" % magic)

    # skip past section magic and such
    #   (3 bytes magic, 1 byte version number, 4 bytes reserved) + 8, 0)

    # now read two 4-byte integers which tell us
    #  - # of index entries
    #  - bytes of data in header
    data = [_ord(x) for x in]
    il = multibyte(data[0:4])
    dl = multibyte(data[4:8])

    #this is what the section data says the size should be
    hdrsize = 8 + 16 * il + dl

    # hdrsize rounded up to nearest 8 bytes
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class AuthError(GenericError):
    """Raised when there is an error in authentication"""
    faultCode = 1002

class TagError(GenericError):
    """Raised when a tagging operation fails"""
    faultCode = 1003

class ActionNotAllowed(GenericError):
    """Raised when the session does not have permission to take some action"""
    faultCode = 1004

## BEGIN kojikamid dup

class BuildError(GenericError):
    """Raised when a build fails"""
    faultCode = 1005
## END kojikamid dup

class AuthLockError(AuthError):
    """Raised when a lock prevents authentication"""
    faultCode = 1006

class AuthExpired(AuthError):
    """Raised when a session has expired"""
    faultCode = 1007

class SequenceError(AuthError):
    """Raised when requests are received out of sequence"""
    faultCode = 1008
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def _check_NVR(nvr):
    if isinstance(nvr, six.string_types):
        nvr = parse_NVR(nvr)
    if '-' in nvr['version']:
        raise GenericError('The "-" character not allowed in version field')
    if '-' in nvr['release']:
        raise GenericError('The "-" character not allowed in release field')
    # anything else?
    return True
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def parse_NVR(nvr):
    """split N-V-R into dictionary of data"""
    ret = {}
    p2 = nvr.rfind("-", 0)
    if p2 == -1 or p2 == len(nvr) - 1:
        raise GenericError("invalid format: %s" % nvr)
    p1 = nvr.rfind("-", 0, p2)
    if p1 == -1 or p1 == p2 - 1:
        raise GenericError("invalid format: %s" % nvr)
    ret['release'] = nvr[p2+1:]
    ret['version'] = nvr[p1+1:p2]
    ret['name'] = nvr[:p1]
    epochIndex = ret['name'].find(':')
    if epochIndex == -1:
        ret['epoch'] = ''
        ret['epoch'] = ret['name'][:epochIndex]
        ret['name'] = ret['name'][epochIndex + 1:]
    return ret
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now = time.time()
            t1 = max(now - lap, 0.00001)
            t2 = max(now - start, 0.00001)
            # max is to prevent possible divide by zero in callback function
            if callback:
                callback(ofs, size, len(chunk), t1, t2)
        if ofs != size:
            self.logger.error("Local file changed size: %s, %s -> %s", localfile, size, ofs)
        chk_opts = {}
        if volume and volume != 'DEFAULT':
            chk_opts['volume'] = volume
        if problems:
            chk_opts['verify'] = 'adler32'
        result = self._callMethod('checkUpload', (path, name), chk_opts)
        if result is None:
            raise GenericError("File upload failed: %s/%s" % (path, name))
        if int(result['size']) != ofs:
            raise GenericError("Uploaded file is wrong length: %s/%s, %s != %s" \
                    % (path, name, result['size'], ofs))
        if problems and result['hexdigest'] != full_chksum.hexdigest():
            raise GenericError("Uploaded file has wrong checksum: %s/%s, %s != %s" \
                    % (path, name, result['hexdigest'], full_chksum.hexdigest()))
        self.logger.debug("Fast upload: %s complete. %i bytes in %.1f seconds", localfile, size, t2)
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def _get_header_field(hdr, name):
    '''Just get the header field'''
    hdr_key = getattr(rpm, "RPMTAG_%s" % name, None)
    if hdr_key is None:
        # HACK: nosource and nopatch may not be in exported rpm tags
        if name == "NOSOURCE":
            hdr_key = 1051
        elif name == "NOPATCH":
            hdr_key = 1052
            raise GenericError("No such rpm header field: %s" % name)
    return hdr[hdr_key]
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return "src"

    result = _get_header_field(hdr, name)

    if name in ("NOSOURCE", "NOPATCH"):
        # HACK: workaround for
        if result is None:
            result = []
        elif isinstance(result, six.integer_types):
            result = [result]

    sizetags = ('SIZE', 'ARCHIVESIZE', 'FILESIZES', 'SIGSIZE')
    if name in sizetags and (result is None or result == []):
            result = _get_header_field(hdr, 'LONG' + name)
        except GenericError:
            # no such header

    return _decode_item(result)
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def convertFault(fault):
    """Convert a fault to the corresponding Exception type, if possible"""
    code = getattr(fault, 'faultCode', None)
    if code is None:
        return fault
    for v in globals().values():
        if isinstance(v, type(Exception)) and issubclass(v, GenericError) and \
                code == getattr(v, 'faultCode', None):
            ret = v(fault.faultString)
            ret.fromFault = True
            return ret
    return fault