How to use the kmodes.kmodes function in kmodes

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kmodes examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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gamma * cat_dissim(centroids[1], Xcat[ipoint], X=Xcat, membship=membship)
        if membship[clust, ipoint]:
            # Point is already in its right place.

        # Move point, and update old/new cluster frequencies and centroids.
        moves += 1
        old_clust = np.argwhere(membship[:, ipoint])[0][0]

        # Note that membship gets updated by kmodes.move_point_cat.
        # move_point_num only updates things specific to the k-means part.
        cl_attr_sum, cl_memb_sum = move_point_num(
            Xnum[ipoint], clust, old_clust, cl_attr_sum, cl_memb_sum
        cl_attr_freq, membship, centroids[1] = kmodes.move_point_cat(
            Xcat[ipoint], ipoint, clust, old_clust,
            cl_attr_freq, membship, centroids[1]

        # Update old and new centroids for numerical attributes using
        # the means and sums of all values
        for iattr in range(len(Xnum[ipoint])):
            for curc in (clust, old_clust):
                if cl_memb_sum[curc]:
                    centroids[0][curc, iattr] = cl_attr_sum[curc, iattr] / cl_memb_sum[curc]
                    centroids[0][curc, iattr] = 0.

        # In case of an empty cluster, reinitialize with a random point
        # from largest cluster.
        if not cl_memb_sum[old_clust]:
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if cl_memb_sum[curc]:
                    centroids[0][curc, iattr] = cl_attr_sum[curc, iattr] / cl_memb_sum[curc]
                    centroids[0][curc, iattr] = 0.

        # In case of an empty cluster, reinitialize with a random point
        # from largest cluster.
        if not cl_memb_sum[old_clust]:
            from_clust = membship.sum(axis=1).argmax()
            choices = [ii for ii, ch in enumerate(membship[from_clust, :]) if ch]
            rindx = random_state.choice(choices)

            cl_attr_sum, cl_memb_sum = move_point_num(
                Xnum[rindx], old_clust, from_clust, cl_attr_sum, cl_memb_sum
            cl_attr_freq, membship, centroids[1] = kmodes.move_point_cat(
                Xcat[rindx], rindx, old_clust, from_clust,
                cl_attr_freq, membship, centroids[1]

    return centroids, moves
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n_clusters, n_points, max_iter,
                                         num_dissim, cat_dissim, gamma,
                                         init, init_no, verbose, seed)
            for init_no, seed in enumerate(seeds))
    all_centroids, all_labels, all_costs, all_n_iters, all_epoch_costs = zip(*results)

    best = np.argmin(all_costs)
    if n_init > 1 and verbose:
        print("Best run was number {}".format(best + 1))

    # Note: return gamma in case it was automatically determined.
    return all_centroids[best], enc_map, all_labels[best], all_costs[best], \
        all_n_iters[best], all_epoch_costs[best], gamma

class KPrototypes(kmodes.KModes):
    """k-protoypes clustering algorithm for mixed numerical/categorical data.

    n_clusters : int, optional, default: 8
        The number of clusters to form as well as the number of
        centroids to generate.

    max_iter : int, default: 300
        Maximum number of iterations of the k-modes algorithm for a
        single run.

    num_dissim : func, default: euclidian_dissim
        Dissimilarity function used by the algorithm for numerical variables.
        Defaults to the Euclidian dissimilarity function.