How to use the kiwisolver.strength function in kiwisolver

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kiwisolver examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    def get_max_size(self, width, height, strength=kiwi.strength.medium):
        """ Run an iteration of the solver with the suggested size of
        the component set to a very large value. This will cause the
        solver to effectively compute the maximum size that the window
        can be to solve the system. The return value is a tuple numbers.
        If one of the numbers is -1, it indicates there is no maximum in
        that direction.

        width : Constraint Variable
            The constraint variable representing the width of the
            main layout container.

        height : Constraint Variable
            The constraint variable representing the height of the
            main layout container.


A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver

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