How to use the jupytext.cell_metadata.is_active function in jupytext

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def markdown_to_text(self, source):
        """Escape the given source, for a markdown cell"""
        cell_markers = self.unfiltered_metadata.get('cell_marker', self.fmt.get('cell_markers'))
        if cell_markers:
            if ',' in cell_markers:
                left, right = cell_markers.split(',', 1)
                left = cell_markers + '\n'
                right = '\n' + cell_markers
            if left[:3] == right[-3:] and left[:3] in ['"""', "'''"]:
                source = copy(source)
                source[0] = left + source[0]
                source[-1] = source[-1] + right
                return source

        if self.comment and self.comment != "#'" and is_active(self.ext, self.metadata) and \
                self.fmt.get('format_name') not in ['percent', 'hydrogen']:
            source = copy(source)
            comment_magic(source, self.language, self.comment_magics, explicitly_code=self.cell_type == 'code')

        return comment_lines(source, self.comment)
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def code_to_text(self):
        """Return the text representation of a code cell"""
        source = copy(self.source)
        comment_magic(source, self.language, self.comment_magics)

        if self.metadata.get('active') == '':

        self.language = self.metadata.pop('language', self.language)
        if self.cell_type == 'raw' and not is_active(self.ext, self.metadata, False):
            return self.html_comment(self.metadata, 'raw')

        options = metadata_to_text(self.language, self.metadata)
        return ['```' + options] + source + ['```']
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source = source[:-2]
                lines_to_end_of_cell_marker = 2
                lines_to_end_of_cell_marker = 0

            pep8_lines = pep8_lines_between_cells(source, lines[cell_end_marker:], self.ext)
            if lines_to_end_of_cell_marker != (0 if pep8_lines == 1 else 2):
                self.metadata['lines_to_end_of_cell_marker'] = lines_to_end_of_cell_marker

        # Uncomment content
        self.explicit_soc = cell_start > 0
        self.content = self.extract_content(source)

        # Is this an inactive cell?
        if self.cell_type == 'code':
            if not is_active('.ipynb', self.metadata):
                if self.metadata.get('active') == '':
                    del self.metadata['active']
                self.cell_type = 'raw'
            elif self.ext in ['.md', '.markdown'] and not self.language:
                # Markdown files in version >= 1.3 represent code chunks with no language as Markdown cells
                if self.format_version not in ['1.0', '1.1']:
                    self.cell_type = 'markdown'
                    self.explicit_eoc = False
                    cell_end_marker += 1
                    self.content = lines[:cell_end_marker]
                # Previous versions mapped those to raw cells
                    self.cell_type = 'raw'

        # Explicit end of cell marker?
        if (next_cell_start + 1 < len(lines) and
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def cell_to_text(self):
        """Return the text representation for the cell"""
        if self.cell_type != 'code':
            self.metadata['cell_type'] = self.cell_type

        active = is_active(self.ext, self.metadata, self.language == self.default_language)
        if self.cell_type == 'raw' and 'active' in self.metadata and self.metadata['active'] == '':
            del self.metadata['active']

        options = metadata_to_double_percent_options(self.metadata, self.cell_metadata_json)
        if options.startswith('%') or not options:
            lines = [self.comment + ' %%' + options]
            lines = [self.comment + ' %% ' + options]

        if self.cell_type == 'code' and active:
            source = copy(self.source)
            comment_magic(source, self.language, self.comment_magics)
            if source == ['']:
                return lines
            return lines + source
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def is_code(self):
        # Treat markdown cells with metadata as code cells (#66)
        if (self.cell_type == 'markdown' and self.metadata) or self.use_triple_quotes():
            if is_active(self.ext, self.metadata):
                self.metadata['cell_type'] = self.cell_type
                self.source = self.markdown_to_text(self.source)
                self.cell_type = 'code'
                self.unfiltered_metadata.pop('cell_marker', '')
            return True
        return super(LightScriptCellExporter, self).is_code()
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def extract_content(self, lines):
        # Code cells with just a multiline string become Markdown cells
        if self.ext == '.py' and not is_active(self.ext, self.metadata, self.cell_type == 'code'):
            content = '\n'.join(lines).strip()
            for triple_quote in ['"""', "'''"]:
                if content.startswith(triple_quote) and content.endswith(triple_quote) and len(content) >= 6:
                    left = right = triple_quote
                    content = content[3:-3]
                    # Trim first/last line return
                    if content.startswith('\n'):
                        content = content[1:]
                        left = triple_quote + '\n'
                    if content.endswith('\n'):
                        content = content[:-1]
                        right = '\n' + triple_quote
                    if len(left) == len(right) == 4:
                        self.metadata['cell_marker'] = left[:3]
                        self.metadata['cell_marker'] = left + ',' + right
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def uncomment_code_and_magics(self, lines):
        if self.cell_type == 'code' and self.comment_magics and is_active(self.ext, self.metadata):
            uncomment_magic(lines, self.language or self.default_language)

        return lines
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def code_to_text(self):
        """Return the text representation of a code cell"""
        active = is_active(self.ext, self.metadata)
        source = copy(self.source)

        if active:
            comment_magic(source, self.language, self.comment_magics)

        lines = []
        if not is_active(self.ext, self.metadata):
            self.metadata['eval'] = False
        options = metadata_to_rmd_options(self.language, self.metadata, self.use_runtools)
        return lines