How to use the jrnl.time.parse function in jrnl

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for line in edited.splitlines():
            # try to parse line as UUID => new entry begins
            line = line.rstrip()
            m = re.match("# *([a-f0-9]+) *$", line.lower())
            if m:
                if current_entry:
                current_entry = Entry.Entry(self)
                current_entry.modified = False
                current_entry.uuid =
                date_blob_re = re.compile("^\\[[^\\]]+\\] ")
                date_blob = date_blob_re.findall(line)
                if date_blob:
                    date_blob = date_blob[0]
                    new_date = jrnl_time.parse(date_blob.strip(" []"))
                    if line.endswith("*"):
                        current_entry.starred = True
                        line = line[:-1]
                    current_entry.title = line[len(date_blob) - 1 :]
           = new_date
                elif current_entry:
                    current_entry.body += line + "\n"

        # Append last entry
        if current_entry:

        # Now, update our current entries if they changed
        for entry in entries:
            matched_entries = [e for e in self.entries if e.uuid.lower() == entry.uuid]
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starred = False

        if not date:
            colon_pos = first_line.find(": ")
            if colon_pos > 0:
                date = time.parse(
                if date:  # Parsed successfully, strip that from the raw text
                    starred = raw[:colon_pos].strip().endswith("*")
                    raw = raw[colon_pos + 1:].strip()
        starred = starred or first_line.startswith("*") or first_line.endswith("*")
        if not date:  # Still nothing? Meh, just live in the moment.
            date = time.parse("now")
        entry = Entry.Entry(self, date, raw, starred=starred)
        entry.modified = True
        if sort:
        return entry
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"""Removes all entries from the journal that don't match the filter.

        tags is a list of tags, each being a string that starts with one of the
        tag symbols defined in the config, e.g. ["@John", "#WorldDomination"].

        start_date and end_date define a timespan by which to filter.

        starred limits journal to starred entries

        If strict is True, all tags must be present in an entry. If false, the

        exclude is a list of the tags which should not appear in the results.
        entry is kept if any tag is present, unless they appear in exclude."""
        self.search_tags = {tag.lower() for tag in tags}
        excluded_tags = {tag.lower() for tag in exclude}
        end_date = time.parse(end_date, inclusive=True)
        start_date = time.parse(start_date)

        # If strict mode is on, all tags have to be present in entry
        tagged = self.search_tags.issubset if strict else self.search_tags.intersection
        excluded = lambda tags: len([tag for tag in tags if tag in excluded_tags]) > 0
        result = [
            entry for entry in self.entries
            if (not tags or tagged(entry.tags))
            and (not starred or entry.starred)
            and (not start_date or >= start_date)
            and (not end_date or <= end_date)
            and (not exclude or not excluded(entry.tags))

        self.entries = result
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# Return empty array if the journal is blank
        if not journal_txt:
            return []

        # Initialise our current entry
        entries = []

        date_blob_re = re.compile("(?:^|\n)\\[([^\\]]+)\\] ")
        last_entry_pos = 0
        for match in date_blob_re.finditer(journal_txt):
            date_blob = match.groups()[0]
                new_date = datetime.strptime(date_blob, self.config["timeformat"])
            except ValueError:
                # Passing in a date that had brackets around it
                new_date = time.parse(date_blob, bracketed=True)

            if new_date:
                if entries:
                    entries[-1].text = journal_txt[last_entry_pos:match.start()]
                last_entry_pos = match.end()
                entries.append(Entry.Entry(self, date=new_date))

        # If no entries were found, treat all the existing text as an entry made now
        if not entries:
            entries.append(Entry.Entry(self, date=time.parse("now")))

        # Fill in the text of the last entry
        entries[-1].text = journal_txt[last_entry_pos:]

        for entry in entries:
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def new_entry(self, raw, date=None, sort=True):
        """Constructs a new entry from some raw text input.
        If a date is given, it will parse and use this, otherwise scan for a date in the input first."""

        raw = raw.replace('\\n ', '\n').replace('\\n', '\n')
        starred = False
        # Split raw text into title and body
        sep ="\n|[?!.]+ +\n?", raw)
        first_line = raw[:sep.end()].strip() if sep else raw
        starred = False

        if not date:
            colon_pos = first_line.find(": ")
            if colon_pos > 0:
                date = time.parse(
                if date:  # Parsed successfully, strip that from the raw text
                    starred = raw[:colon_pos].strip().endswith("*")
                    raw = raw[colon_pos + 1:].strip()
        starred = starred or first_line.startswith("*") or first_line.endswith("*")
        if not date:  # Still nothing? Meh, just live in the moment.
            date = time.parse("now")
        entry = Entry.Entry(self, date, raw, starred=starred)
        entry.modified = True
        if sort:
        return entry