How to use the jishaku.paginators.PaginatorInterface function in jishaku

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github Gorialis / jishaku / tests / View on Github external
async def test_paginator_interface():
    bot = commands.Bot('?')

    with open(__file__, 'rb') as file:
        paginator = FilePaginator(file, max_size=200)

    interface = PaginatorInterface(bot, paginator)

    assert interface.pages == paginator.pages
    assert interface.page_count == len(paginator.pages)

    assert interface.page_size > 200
    assert interface.page_size < interface.max_page_size

    send_kwargs = interface.send_kwargs

    assert isinstance(send_kwargs, dict)
    assert 'content' in send_kwargs

    content = send_kwargs['content']

    assert isinstance(content, str)
    assert len(content) <= interface.page_size
github Gorialis / jishaku / tests / View on Github external
embed = send_kwargs['embed']

    assert isinstance(embed, discord.Embed)

    description = embed.description

    assert content.startswith(description)

    # check for raise on too large page size
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        PaginatorInterface(None, commands.Paginator(max_size=2000))

    # check for raise on not-paginator
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        PaginatorInterface(None, 4)

    paginator = commands.Paginator(max_size=100)
    for _ in range(100):
        paginator.add_line("test text")

    # test interfacing
    with utils.mock_ctx(bot) as ctx:
        interface = PaginatorInterface(bot, paginator)

        assert not interface.closed

        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")
github Gorialis / jishaku / tests / View on Github external
            discord.RawReactionActionEvent(payload, emoji, 'REACTION_ADD')
            if discord.version_info >= (1, 3) else
            discord.RawReactionActionEvent(payload, emoji)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

        assert interface.closed

    # test resend, no delete
    with utils.mock_ctx(bot) as ctx:
        interface = PaginatorInterface(bot, paginator)

        assert not interface.closed

        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")

        assert interface.page_count > 1
        assert not interface.closed

        # resend
        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")
github Gorialis / jishaku / tests / View on Github external
# resend
        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")


        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

        assert interface.closed

    # test resend, delete
    with utils.mock_ctx(bot) as ctx:
        interface = PaginatorInterface(bot, paginator, delete_message=True)

        assert not interface.closed

        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")

        assert interface.page_count > 1
        assert not interface.closed

        # resend
        await interface.send_to(ctx)

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await interface.add_line("test text")
github Gorialis / jishaku / jishaku / View on Github external
            async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
                with self.submit(ctx):
                    executor = AsyncCodeExecutor(argument.content, scope, arg_dict=arg_dict)
                    async for send, result in AsyncSender(executor):
                        if result is None:

                        self.last_result = result

                        if isinstance(result, discord.File):
                            send(await ctx.send(file=result))
                        elif isinstance(result, discord.Embed):
                            send(await ctx.send(embed=result))
                        elif isinstance(result, PaginatorInterface):
                            send(await result.send_to(ctx))
                            if not isinstance(result, str):
                                # repr all non-strings
                                result = repr(result)

                            if len(result) > 2000:
                                # inconsistency here, results get wrapped in codeblocks when they are too large
                                #  but don't if they're not. probably not that bad, but noting for later review
                                paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='```py', suffix='```', max_size=1985)


                                interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,
                                send(await interface.send_to(ctx))
github Gorialis / jishaku / jishaku / View on Github external
async def jsk_shell(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, argument: codeblock_converter):
        Executes statements in the system shell.

        This uses the system shell as defined in $SHELL, or `/bin/bash` otherwise.
        Execution can be cancelled by closing the paginator.

        async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
            with self.submit(ctx):
                paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix="```sh", max_size=1985)
                paginator.add_line(f"$ {argument.content}\n")

                interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,

                with ShellReader(argument.content) as reader:
                    async for line in reader:
                        if interface.closed:
                        await interface.add_line(line)

                await interface.add_line(f"\n[status] Return code {reader.close_code}")
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with self.submit(ctx):
                    executor = AsyncCodeExecutor(argument.content, scope, arg_dict=arg_dict)
                    async for send, result in AsyncSender(executor):
                        self.last_result = result

                        header = repr(result).replace("``", "`\u200b`").replace(, "[token omitted]")

                        if len(header) > 485:
                            header = header[0:482] + "..."

                        paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix=f"```prolog\n=== {header} ===\n", max_size=1985)

                        for name, res in all_inspections(result):
                            paginator.add_line(f"{name:16.16} :: {res}")

                        interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,
                        send(await interface.send_to(ctx))
github Gorialis / jishaku / jishaku / View on Github external
if size <= 0:
            return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Cowardly refusing to read a file with no size stat"
                                  f" (it may be empty, endless or inaccessible).")

        if size > 50 * (1024 ** 2):
            return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Cowardly refusing to read a file >50MB.")

            with open(path, "rb") as file:
                paginator = WrappedFilePaginator(file, line_span=line_span, max_size=1985)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Couldn't determine the encoding of this file.")
        except ValueError as exc:
            return await ctx.send(f"`{path}`: Couldn't read this file, {exc}")

        interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,
        await interface.send_to(ctx)
github techwithtim / Discord-Bot / cogs / View on Github external
Execution can be cancelled by closing the paginator.
        message = message if message is not None else "Updated files."

        if pull_push == "push":
            shellcmd = f'sudo git add .&&sudo git commit -m "{message}"&&sudo git push'
        elif pull_push == "pull":
            shellcmd = 'sudo git pull'
            return await ctx.send("Invalid option given")

        async with ReplResponseReactor(ctx.message):
            paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix="```sh", max_size=1985)
            paginator.add_line(f"$ git {pull_push}\n")

            interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,

            with ShellReader(shellcmd) as reader:
                async for line in reader:
                    if interface.closed:
                    await interface.add_line(line)
github Gorialis / jishaku / jishaku / View on Github external
async def jsk_tasks(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        Shows the currently running jishaku tasks.

        if not self.tasks:
            return await ctx.send("No currently running tasks.")

        paginator = commands.Paginator(max_size=1985)

        for task in self.tasks:
            paginator.add_line(f"{task.index}: `{task.ctx.command.qualified_name}`, invoked at "
                               f"{task.ctx.message.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} UTC")

        interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator,
        return await interface.send_to(ctx)