How to use jellyfish - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jellyfish examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jamesturk / jellyfish / jellyfish / View on Github external
return 0

    min_len = max(ying_len, yang_len)
    search_range = (min_len // 2) - 1
    if search_range < 0:
        search_range = 0

    ying_flags = [False]*ying_len
    yang_flags = [False]*yang_len

    # looking only within search range, count & flag matched pairs
    common_chars = 0
    for i, ying_ch in enumerate(ying):
        low = i - search_range if i > search_range else 0
        hi = i + search_range if i + search_range < yang_len else yang_len - 1
        for j in _range(low, hi+1):
            if not yang_flags[j] and yang[j] == ying_ch:
                ying_flags[i] = yang_flags[j] = True
                common_chars += 1

    # short circuit if no characters match
    if not common_chars:
        return 0

    # count transpositions
    k = trans_count = 0
    for i, ying_f in enumerate(ying_flags):
        if ying_f:
            for j in _range(k, yang_len):
                if yang_flags[j]:
                    k = j + 1
github AwesomeLemon / document-recognition / View on Github external
def jaro_dist(scan_res, desired):
        scan_line = get_file_as_string(scan_res)
        desired_line = get_file_as_string(desired)
        return jellyfish.jaro_winkler(scan_line, desired_line, long_tolerance=True)
github LaureBerti / Learn2Clean / python-package / learn2clean / duplicate_detection / View on Github external
for row in data.index:

            data[row] = data[row].lower()

        out = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Dup_ID1", "Dup_ID2", "Dup_1", "Dup_2"])

        if metric == "DL":  # Damerau Levenshtein Distance

            res = {_d: [] for _d in data}

            for _d in res.keys():

                for row in data.index:

                    if _d != data[row] \
                        and jf.damerau_levenshtein_distance(_d, data[row]) < \
                            ((len(_d) + len(data[row])/2)*threshold):


                        out.loc[len(out)] = (
                            _d.split("*")[-1], row, _d, data[row])

        elif metric == "LM":  # Levenshtein Distance

            res = {_d: [] for _d in data}

            for _d in res.keys():

                for row in data.index:

                    if _d != data[row] \
github arkhn / pagai / pagai / engine / structure / View on Github external
def match_name_score(self, query):
        corpus = [self.table, self.column] + self.column.split(".")
        score = 10e10
        for word in corpus:
            distance = jellyfish.damerau_levenshtein_distance(word, query)
            if query in word:
                distance /= 2
            score = min(score, distance)
        return score
github unitedstates / python-us / View on Github external
def pickle_data():

    dbpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PWD, 'data.db'))

    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath)
    conn.row_factory = dict_factory

    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("""SELECT * FROM states ORDER BY name""")

    states = []

    for row in c:
        row['name_metaphone'] = jellyfish.metaphone(row['name'])
        row['is_territory'] = row['is_territory'] == 1
        row['is_obsolete'] = row['is_obsolete'] == 1
        row['is_contiguous'] = row['is_contiguous'] == 1
        row['is_continental'] = row['is_continental'] == 1
        row['time_zones'] = row['time_zones'].split(',')

    pkl_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(PWD, 'us', 'states.pkl'))

    with open(pkl_path, 'wb') as pkl_file:
        # Use `protocol=2` to ensure package compatibility with Python 2,
        # even if the `.pkl` file is built under Python 3
        pickle.dump(states, pkl_file, protocol=2)
github openstates / openstates / billy / View on Github external
def keywordize(str):
    Splits a string into words, removes common stopwords, stems and removes
    import jellyfish
    return set([jellyfish.porter_stem(word.lower().encode('ascii',
                for word in tokenize(str)
                if (word.isalpha() or word.isdigit()) and
                word.lower() not in stop_words])
github sunlightlabs / read_FEC / fecreader / reconciliation / View on Github external
name2 = simple_clean(name2_name.last) + " " + unnickname(name2_name.first)
        # calculate a buncha metrics
        text1 = name1_standardized
        text2 = name2
        #print "comparing '%s' to '%s'" % (text1, text2)
        ratio = 1/100.0*fuzz.ratio(text1, text2)
        partial_ratio = 1/100.0*fuzz.partial_ratio(text1, text2)
        token_sort_ratio = 1/100.0*fuzz.token_sort_ratio(text1, text2)
        token_set_ratio = 1/100.0*fuzz.token_set_ratio(text1, text2)
        avg_len = 1/2*len(text1)+len(text2)
        min_len = min(len(text1), len(text2))
        l_ratio = 0
            l_distance = jellyfish.levenshtein_distance(text1, text2)
            l_ratio = 1.0 - ( (0.0 + l_distance) / (0.0+avg_len) )
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
        long_match = longest_match(text1, text2)
        lng_ratio = (0.0 + long_match) / (0.0 + min_len)
        score = 0
        if ( ratio > 0.6 or partial_ratio > 0.6 or l_ratio > 0.6 or lng_ratio > 0.6):
            score = compute_scores([ratio,partial_ratio,l_ratio,lng_ratio])
        if debug:
            log.debug("|fuzzymatchresult|%s|'%s'|'%s'|score=%s|ratio=%s|partial_ratio=%s|token_sort_ratio=%s|token_set_ratio=%s| l_ratio=%s|lng_ratio=%s" % (match['cand_id'], match['cand_name'], name, score, ratio, partial_ratio, token_sort_ratio, token_set_ratio, l_ratio, lng_ratio))
        if (score > 0.8):
github openstates / billy / billy / site / api / View on Github external
if prop['pid'] in ('state', 'chamber'):
                spec[prop['pid']] = prop['v']

        legislators = db.legislators.find(spec)

        results = []
        for leg in legislators:
            if legislators.count() == 1:
                match = True
                score = 100
                match = False
                if leg['last_name'] == query['query']:
                    score = 90
                    distance = levenshtein_distance(leg['full_name'].lower(),
                    score = 100.0 / (1 + distance)

            # Note: There's a bug in Refine that causes reconciliation
            # scores to be overwritten if the same legislator is returned
            # for multiple queries. see:

            results.append({"id": leg['_id'],
                            "name": leg['full_name'],
                            "score": score,
                            "match": match,
                            "type": [
                                {"id": "/billy/legislator",
                                 "name": "Legislator"}]})
github openstates / openstates / billy / site / api / View on Github external
if prop['pid'] in ('state', 'chamber'):
                spec[prop['pid']] = prop['v']

        legislators = db.legislators.find(spec)

        results = []
        for leg in legislators:
            if legislators.count() == 1:
                match = True
                score = 100
                match = False
                if leg['last_name'] == query['query']:
                    score = 90
                    distance = levenshtein_distance(leg['full_name'].lower(),
                    score = 100.0 / (1 + distance)

            # Note: There's a bug in Refine that causes reconciliation
            # scores to be overwritten if the same legislator is returned
            # for multiple queries. see:

            results.append({"id": leg['_id'],
                            "name": leg['full_name'],
                            "score": score,
                            "match": match,
                            "type": [
                                {"id": "/billy/legislator",
                                 "name": "Legislator"}]})
github mandricigor / imrep / View on Github external
v_cl[self.v_chain_type[v]] = []
                                if self.v_chain_type[v] == "IGHV":

                            f, s = pSeq[:pos1[1]], pSeq[pos1[1] + 1:]

                            v_overlap = len(f) + len(s) + 1
                            for v1, v2 in v_cl.items():
                                for v3 in v2:
                                    if v3 not in self.vi_pieces:
                                    v, vv = self.vi_pieces[v3]
                                    minlen1 = min(len(f), len(v))
                                    minlen2 = min(len(s), len(vv))
                                    if minlen1 > 0:
                                        mismatch1 = jellyfish.levenshtein_distance(unicode(f[-minlen1:]), unicode(v[-minlen1:]))
                                        mismatch1 = 0
                                    if minlen2 > 0:
                                        mismatch2 = jellyfish.levenshtein_distance(unicode(s[:minlen2]), unicode(vv[:minlen2]))
                                        mismatch2 = 0
                                    if (minlen1 <= 3 and mismatch2 <= 1) or (minlen1 >= self.__settings.minlen1 and mismatch1 <= self.__settings.mismatch1 and minlen2 >= self.__settings.minlen2 and mismatch2 <= self.__settings.mismatch2):

                                        vtypes[v3] = (minlen1 + minlen2 + 1, mismatch1 + mismatch2)

                    if pos2 != [-1, -1]:
                        if pos2[0] != -1:
                            if True: #pos2[0] + 3 < len(pSeq) and pSeq[pos2[0] + 3] == "G":
                                if pos2[0] > 10:
                                    offset = pos2[0] - 10