How to use the function in jcvi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jcvi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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root.text((na + nb) / 2, .54, "ChrC02", ha="center")
    HorizontalChromosome(root, na, nb, .5, height=.025,
                             fc=lsg, fill=True)

    order = Bed(bed).order
    fp = open(deletions)
    scale = lambda x: na + x * (nb - na) / 52886895
    for i, row in enumerate(fp):
        i += 1
        num, genes = row.split()
        genes = genes.split("|")
        ia, a = order[genes[0]]
        ib, b = order[genes[-1]]
        mi, mx = a.start, a.end
        mi, mx = scale(mi), scale(mx)
        root.add_patch(Rectangle((mi, .475), mx - mi, .05,
                       fc="red", ec="red"))
        if i == 1:   # offset between two adjacent regions for aesthetics
            mi -= .015
        elif i == 2:
            mi += .015
        TextCircle(root, mi, .44, str(i), fc="red")

    for i, mi in zip(range(1, 4), (.83, .78, .73)):
        TextCircle(root, mi, .2, str(i), fc="red")

    root.set_xlim(0, 1)
    root.set_ylim(0, 1)

    image_name = deletion_genes + ".pdf"
    savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
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ax.plot((p, p), (.5, .5 - tick), "k-")
        ax.text(p, .5 - 2.5 * tick, str(mya), ha="center", va="center")
    ax.text((a + b) / 2, .5 - 5 * tick, "Time before present (million years)",
            ha="center", va="center")

    # Source:
    Geo = (("Neogene", 2.6, 23.0, "#fee400"),
           ("Paleogene", 23.0, 65.5, "#ff9a65"),
           ("Cretaceous", 65.5, 145.5, "#80ff40"),
           ("Jurassic", 145.5, 201.6, "#33fff3"))
    h = .05
    for era, start, end, color in Geo:
        start, end = cv(start), cv(end)
        end = max(a, end)
        p = Rectangle((end, .5 + tick / 2), abs(start - end),
                      h, lw=1, ec="w", fc=color)
        ax.text((start + end) / 2, .5 + (tick + h) / 2, era,
                ha="center", va="center", size=9)
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logging.debug("xsize=%d ysize=%d" % (xsize, ysize))
    qbreaks = qbed.get_breaks()
    sbreaks = sbed.get_breaks()
    xlim, ylim = plot_breaks_and_labels(fig, root, ax, gx, gy, xsize, ysize,
                           qbreaks, sbreaks, sep=sep, chrlw=chrlw,
                           sepcolor=sepcolor, minfont=minfont, stdpf=stdpf, chpf=chpf)

    # create a diagonal to separate mirror image for self comparison
    if is_self:
        ax.plot(xlim, (0, ysize), 'm-', alpha=.5, lw=2)

    if palette:  # bottom-left has the palette, if available
        colors = palette.colors
        xstart, ystart = .1, .05
        for category, c in sorted(colors.items()):
            root.add_patch(Rectangle((xstart, ystart), .03, .02, lw=0, fc=c))
            root.text(xstart + .04, ystart, category, color=c)
            xstart += .1

    if title is None:
        title = "Inter-genomic comparison: {0} vs {1}".format(gx, gy)
        if is_self:
            title = "Intra-genomic comparison within {0}".format(gx)
            npairs /= 2
        title += " ({0} gene pairs)".format(thousands(npairs))
    root.set_title(title, x=.5, y=.96, color="k")
    if title:
        logging.debug("Dot plot title: {}".format(title))
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ax4.text(.1, .86, "Label: {0}".format(latex(accession)), color='m')
    yy = .8
    fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
    if not opts.noheader:
        print(Seed.header(calibrate=calib), file=fw)
    for o in objects:
        if calib:
            o.calibrate(pixel_cm_ratio, tr)
        print(o, file=fw)
        i = o.seedno
        if i > 7:
        ax4.text(.01, yy, str(i), va="center", bbox=dict(fc='none', ec='k'))
        ax4.text(.1, yy, o.pixeltag, va="center")
        yy -= .04
        ax4.add_patch(Rectangle((.1, yy - .025), .12, .05, lw=0,
        ax4.text(.27, yy, o.hashtag, va="center")
        yy -= .06
    ax4.text(.1 , yy, "(A total of {0} objects displayed)".format(nb_labels),

    for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3):
        xticklabels = [int(x) for x in ax.get_xticks()]
        yticklabels = [int(x) for x in ax.get_yticks()]
        ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, family='Helvetica', size=8)
        ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels, family='Helvetica', size=8)

    image_name = op.join(outdir, pf + "." + iopts.format)
    savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
    return objects
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coords['d'] = (x + 1.5 * mgap , y)
        coords['ab'] = join_nodes_vertical(root, coords, 'a', 'b', y + ygap / 2)
        coords['cd'] = join_nodes_vertical(root, coords, 'c', 'd', y + ygap / 2)
        coords['abcd'] = join_nodes_vertical(root, coords, 'ab', 'cd', y + ygap)
        for n in 'abcd':
            nx, ny = coords[n]
            root.text(nx, ny - tip, n, ha="center")
            coords[n] = (nx, ny - ygap / 2)

        kdata = regions.get_karyotype(k)
        for kd in kdata:
            g =
            gx, gy = coords[g]
            gsize = ratio * kd.span
            gy -= gsize
            p = Rectangle((gx - gwidth / 2, gy),
                           gwidth, gsize, lw=0, color=set2[i])
            root.text(gx, gy + gsize / 2, kd.chromosome,
                      ha="center", va="center", color='w')
            coords[g] = (gx, gy - tip)

    # Bottom panel shows the location of segments on chromosomes
    # TODO: redundant code, similar to graphics.chromosome
    ystart = .54
    chr_number = len(sizes)
    xstart, xend = xgap - 2 * mgap, 1 - xgap + 2 * mgap
    xinterval = (xend - xstart - gwidth) / (chr_number - 1)
    chrpos = {}
    for a, (chr, clen) in enumerate(sorted(sizes.items())):
        chr = get_number(chr)
        xx = xstart + a * xinterval + gwidth / 2
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mrange = 650.
    m = lambda x: x / mrange * .7 + .1
    for i, (ya, title) in enumerate(zip(titlepos, titles)):
        yb = ya - .1
        plt.plot((.1, .8), (ya, ya), "-", color="gray", lw=2, zorder=1)
        plt.plot((.1, .8), (yb, yb), "-", color="gray", lw=2, zorder=1)
        RoundLabel(root, .5, ya + 4 * ytip, title)
        root.text(.9, ya, "A. thaliana", ha="center", va="center")
        root.text(.9, yb, "B. rapa", ha="center", va="center")
        myhsps = hsps
        if i >= 1:
            myhsps = hsps[:-1]
        for (a, b), (c, d) in myhsps:
            a, b, c, d = [m(x) for x in (a, b, c, d)]
            r1 = Rectangle((a, ya - ytip), b - a, 2 * ytip, fc='r', lw=0, zorder=2)
            r2 = Rectangle((c, yb - ytip), d - c, 2 * ytip, fc='r', lw=0, zorder=2)
            r3 = Rectangle((a, ya - ytip), b - a, 2 * ytip, fill=False, zorder=3)
            r4 = Rectangle((c, yb - ytip), d - c, 2 * ytip, fill=False, zorder=3)
            r5 = Polygon(((a, ya - ytip), (c, yb + ytip),
                          (d, yb + ytip), (b, ya - ytip)),
                          fc='r', alpha=.2)
            rr = (r1, r2, r3, r4, r5)
            if i == 2:
                rr = rr[:-1]
            for r in rr:

    # Gap pairs
    hspa, hspb = zip(*myhsps)
    gapa, gapb = [], []
    for (a, b), (c, d) in pairwise(hspa):
        gapa.append((b + 1, c - 1))
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pos = .9 - pos * .8 / ysize
            root.text(.91, pos, label, size=10,
                    va="center", color="grey")

    # Highlight regions based on a list of BedLine
    qhighlights = shighlights = None
    if highlights:
        if isinstance(highlights[0], BedLine):
            shighlights = highlights
        elif len(highlights) == 2:
            qhighlights, shighlights = highlights

    if qhighlights:
        for hl in qhighlights:
            hls = qsizes.get_position(hl.seqid, hl.start)
            ax.add_patch(Rectangle((hls, 0), hl.span, ysize,\
                         fc="r", alpha=.2, lw=0))
    if shighlights:
        for hl in shighlights:
            hls = ssizes.get_position(hl.seqid, hl.start)
            ax.add_patch(Rectangle((0, hls), xsize, hl.span, \
                         fc="r", alpha=.2, lw=0))

    if baseticks:
        def increaseDensity(a, ratio=4):
            assert len(a) > 1
            stepsize = a[1] - a[0]
            newstepsize = int(stepsize / ratio)
            return np.arange(0, a[-1], newstepsize)

        # Increase the density of the ticks
        xticks = ax.get_xticks()
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scale = width * 1. / chromsize
    xstart, ystart = (1 - width) / 2, ymid - height / 2
    bp_to_pos = lambda x: xstart + x * scale
    in_acen = False
    for chr, start, end, name, gie in data:
        color, alpha = get_color(gie)
        bplen = end - start
        if "acen" in gie:
            if in_acen:
                xys = [(bp_to_pos(start), ymid), (bp_to_pos(end), ystart), (bp_to_pos(end), ystart + height)]
                xys = [(bp_to_pos(start), ystart), (bp_to_pos(start), ystart + height), (bp_to_pos(end), ymid)]
            p = Polygon(xys, closed=True, ec='k', fc=color, alpha=alpha)
            in_acen = True
            p = Rectangle((bp_to_pos(start), ystart), bplen * scale, height,
                              ec='k', fc=color, alpha=alpha)
        #print bp_to_pos(end)
        ax.text(bp_to_pos((start + end) / 2), ymid + height * .8, name, rotation=40, color="lightslategray")

    ax.text(.5, ystart - height, chrom, size=16, ha="center", va="center")

    ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1)