How to use the jax.random.PRNGKey function in jax

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jax examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def test_warmup_adapter(jitted):
    def find_reasonable_step_size(step_size, m_inv, z, rng_key):
        return jnp.where(step_size < 1, step_size * 4, step_size / 4)

    num_steps = 150
    adaptation_schedule = build_adaptation_schedule(num_steps)
    init_step_size = 1.
    mass_matrix_size = 3

    wa_init, wa_update = warmup_adapter(num_steps, find_reasonable_step_size)
    wa_update = jit(wa_update) if jitted else wa_update

    rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    z = jnp.ones(3)
    wa_state = wa_init((z, None, None, None), rng_key, init_step_size, mass_matrix_size=mass_matrix_size)
    step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, _, _, _, window_idx, _ = wa_state
    assert step_size == find_reasonable_step_size(init_step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, z, rng_key)
    assert_allclose(inverse_mass_matrix, jnp.ones(mass_matrix_size))
    assert window_idx == 0

    window = adaptation_schedule[0]
    for t in range(window.start, window.end + 1):
        wa_state = wa_update(t, 0.7 + 0.1 * t / (window.end - window.start), z, wa_state)
    last_step_size = step_size
    step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, _, _, _, window_idx, _ = wa_state
    assert window_idx == 1
    # step_size is decreased because accept_prob < target_accept_prob
    assert step_size < last_step_size
    # inverse_mass_matrix does not change at the end of the first window
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def test_param():
    # this test the validity of model/guide sites having
    # param constraints contain composed transformed
    rng_keys = random.split(random.PRNGKey(0), 5)
    a_minval = 1
    c_minval = -2
    c_maxval = -1
    a_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[0])) + a_minval
    b_init = jnp.exp(random.normal(rng_keys[1]))
    c_init = random.uniform(rng_keys[2], minval=c_minval, maxval=c_maxval)
    d_init = random.uniform(rng_keys[3])
    obs = random.normal(rng_keys[4])

    def model():
        a = numpyro.param('a', a_init, constraint=constraints.greater_than(a_minval))
        b = numpyro.param('b', b_init, constraint=constraints.positive)
        numpyro.sample('x', dist.Normal(a, b), obs=obs)

    def guide():
        c = numpyro.param('c', c_init, constraint=constraints.interval(c_minval, c_maxval))
github JuliusKunze / jaxnet / tests / View on Github external
def test_Reparametrized_unparametrized_transform():
    def doubled(params):
        return 2 * params

    def net():
        return parameter((), lambda key, shape: 2 * np.ones(shape))

    scared_params = Reparametrized(net, reparametrization_factory=lambda: doubled)
    params = scared_params.init_parameters(key=PRNGKey(0))
    reg_loss_out = scared_params.apply(params)
    assert 4 == reg_loss_out
github JuliusKunze / jaxnet / tests / View on Github external
def random_inputs(input_shape, key=PRNGKey(0)):
    if type(input_shape) is tuple:
        return random.uniform(key, input_shape, np.float32)
    elif type(input_shape) is list:
        return [random_inputs(key, shape) for shape in input_shape]
        raise TypeError(type(input_shape))
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / contrib / View on Github external
def model(data):
        y_prob = numpyro.sample("y_prob", dist.Beta(1., 1.))
        with numpyro.plate("data", data.shape[0]):
            y = numpyro.sample("y", dist.Bernoulli(y_prob))
            z = numpyro.sample("z", dist.Bernoulli(0.65 * y + 0.1))
            numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(2. * z, 1.), obs=data)

    N = 2000
    y_prob = 0.3
    y = dist.Bernoulli(y_prob).sample(random.PRNGKey(0), (N,))
    z = dist.Bernoulli(0.65 * y + 0.1).sample(random.PRNGKey(1))
    data = dist.Normal(2. * z, 1.0).sample(random.PRNGKey(2))

    nuts_kernel = NUTS(model)
    mcmc = MCMC(nuts_kernel, num_warmup=500, num_samples=500), data)
    samples = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert_allclose(samples["y_prob"].mean(0), y_prob, atol=0.05)
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def test_unnormalized_normal(kernel_cls, dense_mass):
    true_mean, true_std = 1., 2.
    warmup_steps, num_samples = 1000, 8000

    def potential_fn(z):
        return 0.5 * np.sum(((z - true_mean) / true_std) ** 2)

    init_params = np.array(0.)
    kernel = kernel_cls(potential_fn=potential_fn, trajectory_length=9, dense_mass=dense_mass)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps, num_samples), init_params=init_params)
    hmc_states = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert_allclose(np.mean(hmc_states), true_mean, rtol=0.05)
    assert_allclose(np.std(hmc_states), true_std, rtol=0.05)

    if 'JAX_ENABLE_x64' in os.environ:
        assert hmc_states.dtype == np.float64
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def renyi_loss_fn(x):
        return RenyiELBO(alpha=alpha, num_particles=10).loss(random.PRNGKey(0), {}, model, guide, x)
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def test_logistic_regression(kernel_cls):
    N, dim = 3000, 3
    warmup_steps, num_samples = 1000, 8000
    data = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), (N, dim))
    true_coefs = np.arange(1., dim + 1.)
    logits = np.sum(true_coefs * data, axis=-1)
    labels = dist.Bernoulli(logits=logits).sample(random.PRNGKey(1))

    def model(labels):
        coefs = numpyro.sample('coefs', dist.Normal(np.zeros(dim), np.ones(dim)))
        logits = np.sum(coefs * data, axis=-1)
        return numpyro.sample('obs', dist.Bernoulli(logits=logits), obs=labels)

    kernel = kernel_cls(model=model, trajectory_length=10)
    mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps, num_samples), labels)
    samples = mcmc.get_samples()
    assert_allclose(np.mean(samples['coefs'], 0), true_coefs, atol=0.22)

    if 'JAX_ENABLE_x64' in os.environ:
        assert samples['coefs'].dtype == np.float64
github pyro-ppl / numpyro / test / View on Github external
def test_categorical_stats(p):
    rng_key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    n = 10000
    z = categorical(rng_key, p, (n,))
    _, counts = onp.unique(z, return_counts=True)
    assert_allclose(counts / float(n), p, atol=0.01)
github JuliusKunze / jaxnet / tests / View on Github external
def test_internal_param_sharing():
    def shared_net(inputs, layer=Dense(2, zeros, zeros)):
        return layer(layer(inputs))

    inputs = np.zeros((1, 2))
    params = shared_net.init_parameters(inputs, key=PRNGKey(0))
    assert_parameters_equal(((np.zeros((2, 2)), np.zeros(2),),), params)

    out = shared_net.apply(params, inputs)
    assert np.array_equal(np.zeros((1, 2)), out)

    out_ = shared_net.apply(params, inputs, jit=True)
    assert np.array_equal(out, out_)