How to use the function in jardin

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jardin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    def select(self, **kwargs):
        #select='*', where=None, inner_joins=None, left_joins=None, 
        #group=None, order=None, limit=None, db=None, role='replica'):
        Perform a SELECT statement on the model's table in the replica database.

        :param select: Columns to return in the SELECT statement.
        :type select: string, array, dict
        :param where: WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. This can be a plain string, a dict or an array.
        :type where: string, dict, array
        :param inner_joins: Specifies an INNER JOIN clause. Can be a plain string (without the INNER JOIN part), an array of strings or an array of classes if the relationship was defined in the model.
        :type inner_joins: string, array
        :param left_joins: Specifies an LEFT JOIN clause. Can be a plain string (without the LEFT JOIN part), an array of strings or an array of classes if the relationship was defined in the model.
        :type left_joins: string, array
        :param group: Specifies a GROUP BY clause.
        :type group: string
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    def delete(self, **kwargs):
        Performs a DELETE statement on the model's table in the master database.

        :param where: The WHERE clause. This can be a plain string, a dict or an array.
        :type where: string, dict, array
        kwargs['stack'] = self.stack_mark(inspect.stack())
        return self.db_adapter(role='master').delete(**kwargs)
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    def update(self, **kwargs):
        Performs an UPDATE statement on the model's table in the master database.

        :param values: A dictionary of values to update. ``datetime``, ``dict`` and ``bool`` objects can be passed as is and will be correctly serialized by psycopg2.
        :type values: dict
        :param where: The WHERE clause. This can be a plain string, a dict or an array.
        :type where: string, dict, array
        kwargs['stack'] = self.stack_mark(inspect.stack())
        kwargs['primary_key'] = self.primary_key
        column_names = self.table_schema().keys()
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        if 'updated_at' in column_names:
            if 'updated_at' not in kwargs['values']:
                kwargs['values']['updated_at'] = now
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    def count(self, **kwargs):
        Performs a COUNT statement on the model's table in the replica database.

        :param select: Column to be counted.
        :type select: string
        :param where: WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. This can be a plain string, a dict or an array.
        :type where: string, dict, array
        :param db: Database name from your ````, overrides the default database set in the model declaration.
        :type db: string
        :param role: One of ``('master', 'replica')`` to override the default.
        :type role: string
        :returns: integer
        if 'select' in kwargs:
            kwargs['select'] = {'cnt': 'COUNT(%s)' % kwargs['select']}