How to use the janus.janus_logging.janus_logger.error function in janus

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#for each member containing an Attribute object that is no relations set its value
        #to the value retrieved from the python object as specified in the
        #Attribute mapping and set it to the Attribute objects value.
        for attr in attributes:
            value = obj #start in the object itself to search for value
            value_path = attributes[attr].mapping.split('.') #get mapping and split by '.', because this indicates a deeper path to get it.
            for path_element in value_path: #go down this path in the python object to find the value
                try: #Did a simple try/except, because hassattr actually calls the member
                    current_value = getattr(value,path_element) #get the next value of current path element.
                    value = current_value() if callable(current_value) else current_value #call the attribute if it is callable otherwise just read value
                except AttributeError:
                    value = None

            if value == None: #check if this field is required
                if attributes[attr].required:
                    janus_logger.error('Missing required field ' + str(attributes[attr].name) + ".")
                    raise Exception('Missing required field ' + str(attributes[attr].name) + ".")
                if isinstance(value,attributes[attr].value_type) == False: #check if actual value fit's value_type
                    if ((attributes[attr].value_type == str or attributes[attr].value_type == str) and (isinstance(value,bytes) or isinstance(value,str))) == False:
                        janus_logger.error('Expected ' + str(attributes[attr].value_type) + " got " + str(type(value)) + " for " + str(attributes[attr].name) + " of " + str(self.__type_name) + ".")
                        raise Exception('Expected ' + str(attributes[attr].value_type) + " got " + str(type(value)) + " for " + str(attributes[attr].name) + " of " + str(self.__type_name) + ".")

                if attributes[attr].name == 'id': #if the attributes name is id, set it to the object'S id, because id is not inside "attributes"
                    attributes[attr].value = value #set loaded value to the Attribute object's value.

        if do_nesting:
            #nested records
            #get all members of the subclass containing Attribute members that are nested as a dict.
            #key => member name in the sub class.
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#for each member containing an Attribute object that is a relations set its value
        #to the value retrieved from the python object as specified in the
        #Attribute mapping and set it to the Attribute objects value.
        for attr in relations:
            #load key first (for relations element)
            value = self.__data_object
            value_path = relations[attr].mapping.split('.') #get mapping to the keys of this relations and split by '.', because this indicates a deeper path to get it.

            for path_element in value_path: #go down this path in the python object to find the value
                if hasattr(value,path_element):
                    current_value = getattr(value,path_element) #get the next value of current path element.
                    value = current_value() if callable(current_value) else current_value #call the attribute if it is callable otherwise just read value
                    if relations[attr].required:
                        janus_logger.error("Keypath: " + str(value_path) + " returned None for path element " + path_element + " on message type " + self.__type_name)
                        raise InternalServerErrorException("Keypath: " + str(value_path) + " returned None for path element " + path_element + " on message type " + self.__type_name)
                        value = None
                        continue # skip this not required relationship, because it'S value is None.

                #current_value = getattr(value,path_element) #get the next value of current path element.
                #value = current_value() if callable(current_value) else current_value #call the attribute if it is callable otherwise just read value

            if value == None:
                if relations[attr].required:
                    janus_logger.error("Keypath: " + str(value_path) + " returned None for path element " + path_element + " on message type " + self.__type_name)
                    raise InternalServerErrorException("Keypath: " + str(value_path) + " returned None for path element " + path_element + " on message type " + self.__type_name)
                    continue # skip this not required relationship, because it'S value is None.
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def __check_list(self,list_value):
        for item in list_value:
            if not item in self.__primitive_types:
                janus_logger.error('Attribute ' + + ' contains invalid object of type ' + str(type(item)) + ". Valid types are " + str(self.__primitive_types))
                raise Exception('Attribute ' + + ' contains invalid object of type ' + str(type(item)) + ". Valid types are " + str(self.__primitive_types))
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janus_logger.error("JanusResponse data can't be None.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse data can't be None.")

        #check message
        if self.message == None:
            janus_logger.error("JanusResponse message can't be None.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse message can't be None.")

        #check message type
        if issubclass(self.message,DataMessage) == False:
            janus_logger.error("JanusResponse message must be subclass of janus.DataMessage.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse message must be subclass of janus.DataMessage.")

        #check meta
        if self.meta != None and isinstance(self.meta,dict) == False:
            janus_logger.error("Meta has to be a dict with non jsonapi standard information.")
            raise Exception('Meta has to be a dict with non jsonapi standard information.')
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def __get_id_attribute(self):
        #check if there is a id attribute in the subclass
        result = [attr for attr in dir(self)
                    if not callable(getattr(self,attr))
                    and type(object.__getattribute__(self,attr)) == Attribute
                    and issubclass(object.__getattribute__(self,attr).value_type,DataMessage) == False
                    and object.__getattribute__(self,attr).mapping != None
                    and object.__getattribute__(self,attr).name == 'id'
                    and not attr.startswith("__")]

        if len(result) == 1: #id attribute found
            return result[0]
            janus_logger.error(self.__type_name + " is missing Attribute 'id'.")
            raise Exception(self.__type_name + " is missing Attribute 'id'.")
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def __convert_to_value_type(self,name,value):
        if value == None:
            return None
            #try to convert to desired type for simple types
            if issubclass(object.__getattribute__(self,name).value_type,DataMessage) == False:
                _type = object.__getattribute__(self,name).value_type
                    return _type(value)
                    janus_logger.error("Failed to convert " + str(value) + " to " + str(_type) + " in " + self.__type_name)
                    raise AttributeError("Failed to convert " + str(value) + " to " + str(_type) + " in " + self.__type_name)
                return value
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        Used to get a DataMessage (an object derived from DataMessage) with values in its
        Attribute members loaded from a jsonapi request object (raw string request) according to Attribute objects mapping.
        msg_class => the class (derived from DataMessage) which should be used as message class. (This class will be initialized and returned)
        json_message = json.loads(raw_message) #parse raw_message to json

        if json_message == None: #no request body
            return None

        #get data part
        data = None
        if 'data' in json_message:
            data = json_message['data']
            janus_logger.error("Message is missing data.")
            raise Exception("Message is missing data.")

        msg = msg_class()
        return msg
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self.message = message
        self.include_relationships = include_relationships

        #check data
        if == None:
            janus_logger.error("JanusResponse data can't be None.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse data can't be None.")

        #check message
        if self.message == None:
            janus_logger.error("JanusResponse message can't be None.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse message can't be None.")

        #check message type
        if issubclass(self.message,DataMessage) == False:
            janus_logger.error("JanusResponse message must be subclass of janus.DataMessage.")
            raise Exception("JanusResponse message must be subclass of janus.DataMessage.")

        #check meta
        if self.meta != None and isinstance(self.meta,dict) == False:
            janus_logger.error("Meta has to be a dict with non jsonapi standard information.")
            raise Exception('Meta has to be a dict with non jsonapi standard information.')