How to use the ipyparallel.apps.launcher.BatchClusterAppMixin function in ipyparallel

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ipyparallel examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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job_array_regexp = CRegExp('#PBS\W+-J\W+[\w\d\-\$]+')
    job_array_template = Unicode('')

    def stop(self):
        job_ids = self.job_id.split(";")
        for job in job_ids:
            subprocess.check_call("qdel %s" % job, shell=True)

    def notify_start(self, data):
        self.log.debug('Process %r started: %r', self.args[0], data)
        self.start_data = data
        self.state = 'running'
        self.job_id = data
        return data

class BcbioPBSPROEngineSetLauncher(PBSPROLauncher, launcher.BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch Engines using PBSPro"""

    batch_file_name = Unicode('pbspro_engines' + str(uuid.uuid4()),
                              help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")
    tag = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    cores = traitlets.Integer(1, config=True)
    mem = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    numengines = traitlets.Integer(1, config=True)
    resources = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    default_template = Unicode(u"""#!/bin/sh
#PBS -S /bin/sh
#PBS -N {tag}-e
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self.context["account"] = self.account
        self.context["timelimit"] = self.timelimit
        self.context["cores"] = self.cores
        if self.mem:
            self.context["mem"] = "#SBATCH --mem=%s\n" % int(float(self.mem) * 1024.0)
            self.context["mem"] = "#SBATCH --mem=%d\n" % (4 * DEFAULT_MEM_PER_CPU)
        self.context["tag"] = self.tag if self.tag else "bcbio"
        self.context["account"] = ("#SBATCH -A %s\n" % self.account if self.account else "")
        self.context["resources"] = "\n".join(["#SBATCH --%s\n" % r.strip()
                                               for r in str(self.resources).split(";")
                                               if r.strip()])
        return super(BcbioSLURMControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class BcbioOLDSLURMEngineSetLauncher(SLURMLauncher, launcher.BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch engines using SLURM for version < 2.6"""
    machines = traitlets.Integer(1, config=True)
    account = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    timelimit = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    batch_file_name = Unicode("SLURM_engines" + str(uuid.uuid4()),
                              config=True, help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")

    default_template = Unicode(u"""#!/bin/sh
#SBATCH -A {account}
#SBATCH --job-name ipengine
#SBATCH -N {machines}
#SBATCH -t {timelimit}
export IPYTHONDIR={profile_dir}
srun -N {machines} -n {n} %s %s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
    """ % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, engine_cmd_argv)),
           ' '.join(timeout_params)))
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"""Launch a controller using SGE."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'sge_controller', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the ipontroller job.")
    default_template = Unicode(u"""#$ -V
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -N ipcontroller
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
"""%(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipcontroller_cmd_argv))))

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(SGEControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class SGEEngineSetLauncher(SGELauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch Engines with SGE"""
    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'sge_engines', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")
    default_template = Unicode("""#$ -V
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -N ipengine
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
"""%(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipengine_cmd_argv))))

# LSF launchers

class LSFLauncher(BatchSystemLauncher):
    """A BatchSystemLauncher subclass for LSF."""

    submit_command = List(['bsub'], config=True,
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"""Inserts a job array if required into the batch script.
        if not
            self.log.debug("adding job array settings to batch script")
            #HTCondor requires that the job array goes at the bottom of the script
            self.batch_template = '\n'.join([self.batch_template,

    def _insert_options_in_script(self):
        """AFAIK, HTCondor doesn't have a concept of multiple queues that can be
        specified in the script.

class HTCondorControllerLauncher(HTCondorLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch a controller using HTCondor."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'htcondor_controller', config=True,
                              help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    default_template = Unicode(r"""
universe        = vanilla
executable      = ipcontroller
# by default we expect a shared file system
transfer_executable = False
arguments       = '--profile-dir={profile_dir}' --cluster-id='{cluster_id}'

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(HTCondorControllerLauncher, self).start(1)
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bsub < script
        # Here we save profile_dir in the context so they
        # can be used in the batch script template as {profile_dir}
        piped_cmd = self.args[0] + '<\"' + self.args[1] + '\"'
        self.log.debug("Starting %s: %s", self.__class__.__name__, piped_cmd)
        p = Popen(piped_cmd, shell=True, env=os.environ, stdout=PIPE)
        output, err = p.communicate()
        output = output.decode(DEFAULT_ENCODING, 'replace')
        job_id = self.parse_job_id(output)
        return job_id

class LSFControllerLauncher(LSFLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch a controller using LSF."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'lsf_controller', config=True,
                              help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    default_template = Unicode("""#!/bin/sh
    #BSUB -J ipcontroller
    #BSUB -oo ipcontroller.o.%%J
    #BSUB -eo ipcontroller.e.%%J
    %s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
    """ % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipcontroller_cmd_argv))))

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(LSFControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

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self.context["exports"] = _local_environment_exports()
        job_ids = []
        for i in range(n):
            output = subprocess.check_output("qsub < %s" % self.batch_file_name,
                                             shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
            if six.PY3:
                if not isinstance(output, str):
                    output = output.decode('ascii', 'ignore')
        job_id = ";".join(job_ids)
        return job_id

class BcbioPBSPROControllerLauncher(PBSPROLauncher, launcher.BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch a controller using PBSPro."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode("pbspro_controller" + str(uuid.uuid4()),
                              help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    tag = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    cores = traitlets.Integer(1, config=True)
    mem = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    resources = traitlets.Unicode("", config=True)
    default_template = Unicode("""#!/bin/sh
#PBS -S /bin/sh
#PBS -N {tag}-c
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class SlurmControllerLauncher(SlurmLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch a controller using Slurm."""
    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'slurm_controller.sbatch', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    default_template = Unicode("""#!/bin/sh
#SBATCH --job-name=ipy-controller-{cluster_id}
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
"""%(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipcontroller_cmd_argv))))

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(SlurmControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class SlurmEngineSetLauncher(SlurmLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch Engines using Slurm"""
    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'slurm_engine.sbatch', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")
    default_template = Unicode(u"""#!/bin/sh
#SBATCH --job-name=ipy-engine-{cluster_id}
srun %s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
""" % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipengine_cmd_argv))))

#SGE is very similar to PBS

class SGELauncher(PBSLauncher):
    """Sun GridEngine is a PBS clone with slightly different syntax"""
    job_array_regexp = CRegExp(r'#\$\W+\-t')
    job_array_template = Unicode('#$ -t 1-{n}')
    queue_regexp = CRegExp(r'#\$\W+-q\W+\$?\w+')
    queue_template = Unicode('#$ -q {queue}')
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batch_file_name = Unicode(u'htcondor_controller', config=True,
                              help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    default_template = Unicode(r"""
universe        = vanilla
executable      = ipcontroller
# by default we expect a shared file system
transfer_executable = False
arguments       = '--profile-dir={profile_dir}' --cluster-id='{cluster_id}'

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(HTCondorControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class HTCondorEngineSetLauncher(HTCondorLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch Engines using HTCondor"""
    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'htcondor_engines', config=True,
                              help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")
    default_template = Unicode("""
universe        = vanilla
executable      = ipengine
# by default we expect a shared file system
transfer_executable = False
arguments       = " '--profile-dir={profile_dir}' '--cluster-id={cluster_id}'"

# A launcher for ipcluster itself!
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"""Launch a controller using PBS."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'pbs_controller', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the controller job.")
    default_template = Unicode("""#!/bin/sh
#PBS -N ipcontroller
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
""" % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipcontroller_cmd_argv))))

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(PBSControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class PBSEngineSetLauncher(PBSLauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch Engines using PBS"""
    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'pbs_engines', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the engine(s) job.")
    default_template = Unicode(u"""#!/bin/sh
#PBS -N ipengine
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
""" % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipengine_cmd_argv))))

#Slurm is very similar to PBS

class SlurmLauncher(BatchSystemLauncher):
    """A BatchSystemLauncher subclass for slurm."""

    submit_command = List(['sbatch'], config=True,
        help="The slurm submit command ['sbatch']")
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default_template = Unicode(u"""#!/bin/sh
#SBATCH --job-name=ipy-engine-{cluster_id}
srun %s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
""" % (' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipengine_cmd_argv))))

#SGE is very similar to PBS

class SGELauncher(PBSLauncher):
    """Sun GridEngine is a PBS clone with slightly different syntax"""
    job_array_regexp = CRegExp(r'#\$\W+\-t')
    job_array_template = Unicode('#$ -t 1-{n}')
    queue_regexp = CRegExp(r'#\$\W+-q\W+\$?\w+')
    queue_template = Unicode('#$ -q {queue}')

class SGEControllerLauncher(SGELauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):
    """Launch a controller using SGE."""

    batch_file_name = Unicode(u'sge_controller', config=True,
        help="batch file name for the ipontroller job.")
    default_template = Unicode(u"""#$ -V
#$ -S /bin/sh
#$ -N ipcontroller
%s --profile-dir="{profile_dir}" --cluster-id="{cluster_id}"
"""%(' '.join(map(pipes.quote, ipcontroller_cmd_argv))))

    def start(self):
        """Start the controller by profile or profile_dir."""
        return super(SGEControllerLauncher, self).start(1)

class SGEEngineSetLauncher(SGELauncher, BatchClusterAppMixin):