How to use the ipykernel.kernelapp.IPKernelApp.initialized function in ipykernel

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ipykernel examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github JovianML / jovian-py / jovian / utils / View on Github external
def in_notebook():
    """Check if this code is being executed in a notebook"""
    if not has_ipynb_shell():
        return False
    from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPKernelApp
    return IPKernelApp.initialized()
github ipython / ipykernel / ipykernel / View on Github external
def get_connection_file(app=None):
    """Return the path to the connection file of an app

    app : IPKernelApp instance [optional]
        If unspecified, the currently running app will be used
    if app is None:
        from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPKernelApp
        if not IPKernelApp.initialized():
            raise RuntimeError("app not specified, and not in a running Kernel")

        app = IPKernelApp.instance()
    return filefind(app.connection_file, ['.', app.connection_dir])
github eset / ipyida / ipyida / View on Github external
def start(self):
        if self._timer is not None:
            raise Exception("IPython kernel is already running.")

        # The IPKernelApp initialization is based on the IPython source for
        # IPython.embed_kernel available here:

        if IPKernelApp.initialized():
            app = IPKernelApp.instance()
            # Load IPyIDA's user init file into the user namespace if it exists.
            if os.path.exists(IPYIDARC_PATH):
                IPKernelApp.exec_files = [ IPYIDARC_PATH ]

            app = IPKernelApp.instance(

            main =
            if main is not None:
                sys.modules[] = main
            # IPython <= 3.2.x will send exception to sys.__stderr__ instead of
github ipython / ipyparallel / ipyparallel / View on Github external
def bind_kernel(**kwargs):
    """Bind an Engine's Kernel to be used as a full IPython kernel.
    This allows a running Engine to be used simultaneously as a full IPython kernel
    with the QtConsole or other frontends.
    This function returns immediately.
    from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPKernelApp
    from ipyparallel.apps.ipengineapp import IPEngineApp
    # first check for IPKernelApp, in which case this should be a no-op
    # because there is already a bound kernel
    if IPKernelApp.initialized() and isinstance(IPKernelApp._instance, IPKernelApp):
    if IPEngineApp.initialized():
            app = IPEngineApp.instance()
        except MultipleInstanceError:
            return app.bind_kernel(**kwargs)

    raise RuntimeError("bind_kernel be called from an IPEngineApp instance")
github ipython / ipykernel / ipykernel / View on Github external
    module : ModuleType, optional
        The module to load into IPython globals (default: caller)
    local_ns : dict, optional
        The namespace to load into IPython user namespace (default: caller)

    kwargs : various, optional
        Further keyword args are relayed to the IPKernelApp constructor,
        allowing configuration of the Kernel.  Will only have an effect
        on the first embed_kernel call for a given process.

    # get the app if it exists, or set it up if it doesn't
    if IPKernelApp.initialized():
        app = IPKernelApp.instance()
        app = IPKernelApp.instance(**kwargs)
        # Undo unnecessary sys module mangling from init_sys_modules.
        # This would not be necessary if we could prevent it
        # in the first place by using a different InteractiveShell
        # subclass, as in the regular embed case.
        main =
        if main is not None:
            sys.modules[] = main

    # load the calling scope if not given
    (caller_module, caller_locals) = extract_module_locals(1)
    if module is None:
        module = caller_module
github eset / ipyida / ipyida / View on Github external
def do_one_iteration():
    """Perform an iteration on IPython kernel runloop"""
    if IPKernelApp.initialized():
        app = IPKernelApp.instance()
        raise Exception("Kernel is not initialized")
github fastai / fastec2 / fastec2 / View on Github external
elif clname == 'ec2.Volume':
        return f'{} ({} {self.state}): {self.size}GB'
    elif clname == 'ec2.Snapshot':
        return f'{} ({} {self.state}): {self.volume_size}GB'
    elif clname == 'ec2.Image':
        root_dev = [o for o in self.block_device_mappings if self.root_device_name == o['DeviceName']]
        return f'{} ({} {self.state}): {root_dev[0]["Ebs"]["VolumeSize"]}GB'
        identifiers = [f'{ident}={repr(getattr(self, ident))}' for ident in self.meta.identifiers]
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(identifiers)})"
boto3.resources.base.ServiceResource.__repr__ = _boto3_repr

_in_notebook = False
    from ipykernel.kernelapp import IPKernelApp
    _in_notebook = IPKernelApp.initialized()
except: pass

def listify(p=None, q=None):
    "Make `p` listy and the same length as `q`."
    if p is None: p=[]
    elif isinstance(p, str):          p=[p]
    elif not isinstance(p, Iterable): p=[p]
    n = q if type(q)==int else len(p) if q is None else len(q)
    if len(p)==1: p = p * n
    assert len(p)==n, f'List len mismatch ({len(p)} vs {n})'
    return list(p)

def make_filter(d:Dict=None):
    if d is None: d={}
    d = {k.replace('_','-'):v for k,v in d.items()}
    return {'Filters': [{'Name':k, 'Values':listify(v)} for k,v in (d or {}).items()]}