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def insert_submission_dump(dump):
"""Helper function to insert submisson dump via run_sql()"""
for sql_statement in dump.replace(r'\"', '"').splitlines():
if sql_statement:
@type selected_display_format_option: string
@ln: language
@type ln: string
query_params = ""
nb_total_pages = 0
if selected_display_format_option in ('rc', 'co'):
nb_total_results = run_sql("SELECT count(id) from cmtRECORDCOMMENT WHERE id_user=%s AND star_score = 0", \
(user_info['uid'], ))[0][0]
if selected_order_by_option in ('grlf', 'grof'):
nb_total_results = run_sql("SELECT count(distinct(id_bibrec)) from cmtRECORDCOMMENT WHERE id_user=%s AND star_score = 0", \
(user_info['uid'], ))[0][0]
nb_total_results = run_sql("SELECT count(id_bibrec) from cmtRECORDCOMMENT WHERE id_user=%s AND star_score = 0", \
(user_info['uid'], ))[0][0]
if page_number < 1:
page_number = 1
if selected_display_number_option != 'all' and \
not selected_display_number_option.isdigit():
# must be some garbage
selected_display_number_option = 'all'
query = ''
if selected_order_by_option == "lcf":
query_params += " ORDER BY date_creation DESC"
elif selected_order_by_option == "ocf":
query_params += " ORDER BY date_creation ASC"
elif selected_order_by_option == "grlf":
query = "SELECT cmt.id_bibrec,, cmt.date_creation, cmt.body, cmt.status, cmt.in_reply_to_id_cmtRECORDCOMMENT FROM cmtRECORDCOMMENT as cmt left join (SELECT max(date_creation) as maxdatecreation, id_bibrec FROM cmtRECORDCOMMENT WHERE id_user=%s AND star_score = 0 GROUP BY id_bibrec) as grp on cmt.id_bibrec = grp.id_bibrec WHERE id_user=%s AND star_score = 0 ORDER BY grp.maxdatecreation DESC, cmt.date_creation DESC"
def clean_bibedit_cache():
"""Deletes experied bibedit cache entries"""
datecut = - datetime.timedelta(days=CFG_MAX_ATIME_BIBEDIT_TMP)
datecut_str = datecut.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
run_sql("DELETE FROM bibEDITCACHE WHERE post_date < %s", [datecut_str])
loan_period, status, expected_arrival_date):
Add a new copy
barcode: identify the item. It is the primary key of the table
recid: identify the record. It is also the primary key of
the table bibrec.
library_id: identify the library. It is also the primary key of
the table crcLIBRARY.
run_sql("""insert into crcITEM (barcode, id_bibrec, id_crcLIBRARY,
collection, location, description, loan_period,
status, expected_arrival_date, creation_date,
values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, NOW(), NOW())""",
(barcode, recid, library_id, collection, location, description or '-',
loan_period, status, expected_arrival_date))
def mail_cookie_check_common(cookie, delete=False):
"""Retrieve data pointed by a cookie, returning a tuple (kind, params) or None
if the cookie is not valid or is expired"""
password = cookie[:16]+cookie[-16:]
cookie_id = int(cookie[16:-16], 16)
except Exception, e:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie not valid: %s" % e
res = run_sql("SELECT kind, AES_DECRYPT(data,%s), onetime, status FROM accMAILCOOKIE WHERE "
"id=%s AND expiration>=NOW()", (password, cookie_id), run_on_slave=True)
if not res:
raise StandardError
except StandardError:
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie doesn't exist"
(kind, data, onetime, status) = res[0]
(kind_check, params, expiration, onetime_check) = loads(data)
if not (kind == kind_check and onetime == onetime_check):
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieError, "Cookie is corrupted"
if status == 'D':
raise InvenioWebAccessMailCookieDeletedError, "Cookie has been deleted"
if onetime or delete:
run_sql("UPDATE accMAILCOOKIE SET status='D' WHERE id=%s", (cookie_id, ))
return (kind, params)
def update_step_score_doctypesubmission_function(doctype, action, function, oldstep, oldscore, newstep, newscore):
numrows_function = get_number_functions_doctypesubmission_functionname_step_score(doctype=doctype, action=action,
function=function, step=oldstep, score=oldscore)
if numrows_function == 1:
q = """UPDATE sbmFUNCTIONS SET step=%s, score=%s WHERE doctype=%s AND action=%s AND function=%s AND step=%s AND score=%s"""
run_sql(q, (newstep, newscore, doctype, action, function, oldstep, oldscore))
return 0 ## Everything OK
## Everything NOT OK - perhaps this function doesn't exist at this posn - cannot update
return 1
def __drop_baskets():
query1 = "DROP TABLE basket"
query2 = "DROP TABLE user_basket"
query3 = "DROP TABLE basket_record"
def check_claim_inspireid_contradiction():
iids10x = run_sql("select id from bib10x where tag = '100__i'")
iids70x = run_sql("select id from bib70x where tag = '700__i'")
refs10x = set(x[0] for x in run_sql("select id from bib10x where tag = '100__a'"))
refs70x = set(x[0] for x in run_sql("select id from bib70x where tag = '700__a'"))
if iids10x:
iids10x = list_2_SQL_str(iids10x, lambda x: str(x[0]))
iids10x = run_sql("select id_bibxxx, id_bibrec, field_number "
"from bibrec_bib10x "
"where id_bibxxx in %s"
% iids10x)
iids10x = ((row[0], [(ref, rec) for ref, rec in run_sql(
"select id_bibxxx, id_bibrec "
"from bibrec_bib10x "
"where id_bibrec = '%s' "
"and field_number = '%s'"
% row[1:])
Detect and print system details such as Apache/Python/MySQL
versions etc. Useful for debugging problems on various OS.
import MySQLdb
print ">>> Going to detect system details..."
print "* Hostname: " + socket.gethostname()
print "* Invenio version: " + conf.get("Invenio", "CFG_VERSION")
print "* Python version: " + sys.version.replace("\n", " ")
print "* Apache version: " + ";\n ".join(detect_apache_version())
print "* MySQLdb version: " + MySQLdb.__version__
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
print "* MySQL version:"
for key, val in run_sql("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version%'") + \
run_sql("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'charact%'") + \
run_sql("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collat%'"):
if False:
print " - %s: %s" % (key, val)
elif key in ['version',
print " - %s: %s" % (key, val)
except ImportError:
print "* ERROR: cannot import dbquery"
def insert_record_bibxxx(tag, value, pretend=False):
"""Insert the record into bibxxx"""
# determine into which table one should insert the record
table_name = 'bib'+tag[0:2]+'x'
# check if the tag, value combination exists in the table
query = """SELECT id,value FROM %s """ % table_name
query += """ WHERE tag=%s AND value=%s"""
params = (tag, value)
res = run_sql(query, params)
except Error, error:
write_message(" Error during the insert_record_bibxxx function : %s "
% error, verbose=1, stream=sys.stderr)
# Note: compare now the found values one by one and look for
# string binary equality (e.g. to respect lowercase/uppercase
# match), regardless of the charset etc settings. Ideally we
# could use a BINARY operator in the above SELECT statement, but
# we would have to check compatibility on various MySQLdb versions
# etc; this approach checks all matched values in Python, not in
# MySQL, which is less cool, but more conservative, so it should
# work better on most setups.
for row in res:
row_id = row[0]
row_value = row[1]
if row_value == value: