How to use the injectable.common_utils.get_dependency_name function in injectable

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few injectable examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github allrod5 / injectable / injectable / testing / View on Github external
:param namespace: (optional) namespace in which the injectable will be registered.
            Defaults to :const:`injectable.constants.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE`.


      >>> from injectable.testing import clear_injectables
      >>> clear_injectables("foo")

    .. versionadded:: 3.3.0
    namespace = InjectionContainer.NAMESPACES[namespace or DEFAULT_NAMESPACE]
    if isinstance(dependency, str):
        injectables = namespace.qualifier_registry[dependency]
        namespace.qualifier_registry[dependency] = set()
        dependency_name = get_dependency_name(dependency)
        injectables = namespace.class_registry[dependency_name]
        namespace.class_registry[dependency_name] = set()
    return injectables
github allrod5 / injectable / injectable / container / View on Github external
def _register_to_class(
        self, klass: type, injectable: Injectable,
        qualified_name = get_dependency_name(klass)
        if qualified_name not in self.class_registry:
            self.class_registry[qualified_name] = set()
github allrod5 / injectable / injectable / injection / View on Github external
matches the qualifier/class and group inside the specified namespace instead
            of raising an :class:`InjectionError `.
            Ambiguous cases where resolving a primary injectable is impossible will
            still raise :class:`InjectionError `.
            Defaults to False.


      >>> from foo import Foo
      >>> from injectable import inject
      >>> class Bar:
      ...     def __init__(self, foo: Foo = None):
      ... = foo or inject(Foo)
    dependency_name = get_dependency_name(dependency)
    registry_type = get_dependency_registry_type(dependency)
    matches = get_namespace_injectables(
        dependency_name, registry_type, namespace or DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    if not matches:
        if not optional:
            raise InjectionError(
                f"No injectable matches {registry_type.value} '{dependency_name}'"
        return None
    if group is not None or exclude_groups is not None:
        matches = filter_by_group(matches, group, exclude_groups)
        if not matches:
            if not optional:
                raise InjectionError(
                    f"No injectable for {registry_type.value} '{dependency_name}'"
github allrod5 / injectable / injectable / injection / View on Github external
    :param optional: (optional) when True this function returns an empty list if no
            injectable matches the qualifier/class and group inside the specified
            namespace. Defaults to False.


      >>> from com import AbstractService
      >>> from injectable import inject_multiple
      >>> from typing import Sequence
      >>> class Foo:
      ...     def __init__(self, services: Sequence[AbstractService] = None):
      ... = services or inject_multiple(AbstractService)
    dependency_name = get_dependency_name(dependency)
    registry_type = get_dependency_registry_type(dependency)
    matches = get_namespace_injectables(
        dependency_name, registry_type, namespace or DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    if not matches:
        if not optional:
            raise InjectionError(
                f"No injectable matches {registry_type.value} '{dependency_name}'"
        return []
    if group is not None or exclude_groups is not None:
        matches = filter_by_group(matches, group, exclude_groups,)
        if not matches:
            if not optional:
                raise InjectionError(
                    f"No injectable for {registry_type.value} '{dependency_name}'"