How to use the indra.pipeline.register_pipeline function in indra

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few indra examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sorgerlab / indra / indra / preassembler / View on Github external
def agent_name_matches(agent):
    """Return a sorted, normalized bag of words as the name."""
    if agent is None:
        return None
    bw = '_'.join(sorted(list(set(
    return bw
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def run_preassembly(stmts_in, return_toplevel=True, poolsize=None,
                    size_cutoff=None, belief_scorer=None, ontology=None,
                    matches_fun=None, refinement_fun=None, refinement_ns=None,
                    flatten_evidence=False, flatten_evidence_collect_from=None,
                    normalize_equivalences=False, normalize_opposites=False,
                    normalize_ns='WM', **kwargs):
    """Run preassembly on a list of statements.

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements to preassemble.
    return_toplevel : Optional[bool]
        If True, only the top-level statements are returned. If False,
        all statements are returned irrespective of level of specificity.
        Default: True
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def map_grounding(stmts_in, do_rename=True, grounding_map=None,
                  misgrounding_map=None, agent_map=None, ignores=None, use_adeft=True,
                  gilda_mode=None, grounding_map_policy='replace', **kwargs):
    """Map grounding using the GroundingMapper.

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements to map.
    do_rename : Optional[bool]
        If True, Agents are renamed based on their mapped grounding.
    grounding_map : Optional[dict]
        A user supplied grounding map which maps a string to a
        dictionary of database IDs (in the format used by Agents'
    misgrounding_map : Optional[dict]
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def filter_direct(stmts_in, **kwargs):
    """Filter to statements that are direct interactions

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements to filter.
    save : Optional[str]
        The name of a pickle file to save the results (stmts_out) into.

    stmts_out : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of filtered statements.
    def get_is_direct(stmt):
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def filter_inconsequential_mods(stmts_in, whitelist=None, **kwargs):
    """Filter out Modifications that modify inconsequential sites

    Inconsequential here means that the site is not mentioned / tested
    in any other statement. In some cases specific sites should be
    preserved, for instance, to be used as readouts in a model.
    In this case, the given sites can be passed in a whitelist.

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements to filter.
    whitelist : Optional[dict]
        A whitelist containing agent modification sites whose
        modifications should be preserved even if no other statement
        refers to them. The whitelist parameter is a dictionary in which
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def strip_agent_context(stmts_in, **kwargs):
    """Strip any context on agents within each statement.

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements whose agent context should be stripped.
    save : Optional[str]
        The name of a pickle file to save the results (stmts_out) into.

    stmts_out : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of stripped statements.
    """'Stripping agent context on %d statements...' % len(stmts_in))
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / preassembler / View on Github external
def location_time_matches(stmt):
    """Return matches key which takes location and time into account."""
    if isinstance(stmt, Event):
        return event_location_time_matches(stmt)
    elif isinstance(stmt, Influence):
        subj_mk = event_location_time_matches(stmt.subj)
        obj_mk = event_location_time_matches(stmt.obj)
        return str((stmt.matches_key(), subj_mk, obj_mk))
        return stmt.matches_key()
github indralab / emmaa / emmaa / View on Github external
from import filter_grounded_only
from indra_db.client.principal.curation import get_curations
from emmaa.priors import SearchTerm
from emmaa.readers.aws_reader import read_pmid_search_terms
from emmaa.readers.db_client_reader import read_db_pmid_search_terms, \
from emmaa.readers.elsevier_eidos_reader import \
from emmaa.util import make_date_str, find_latest_s3_file, strip_out_date, \
    EMMAA_BUCKET_NAME, find_nth_latest_s3_file, load_pickle_from_s3, \
    save_pickle_to_s3, load_json_from_s3, save_json_to_s3
from emmaa.statements import to_emmaa_stmts

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EmmaaModel(object):
    """"Represents an EMMAA model.

    name : str
        The name of the model.
    config : dict
        A configuration dict that is typically loaded from a YAML file.

    name : str
        A string containing the name of the model
github indralab / emmaa / emmaa / View on Github external
def filter_eidos_ungrounded(stmts):
    """Filter out statements from Eidos with ungrounded agents."""
        'Filtering out ungrounded Eidos statements from %d statements...'
        % len(stmts))
    stmts_out = []
    eidos_stmts = []
    for stmt in stmts:
        if stmt.evidence[0].source_api == 'eidos':
    eidos_grounded = filter_grounded_only(eidos_stmts)
    stmts_out += eidos_grounded'%d statements after filter...' % len(stmts_out))
    return stmts_out
github sorgerlab / indra / indra / tools / View on Github external
def filter_genes_only(stmts_in, specific_only=False, remove_bound=False,
    """Filter to statements containing genes only.

    stmts_in : list[indra.statements.Statement]
        A list of statements to filter.
    specific_only : Optional[bool]
        If True, only elementary genes/proteins will be kept and families
        will be filtered out. If False, families are also included in the
        output. Default: False
    save : Optional[str]
        The name of a pickle file to save the results (stmts_out) into.
    remove_bound: Optional[bool]
        If true, removes bound conditions that are not genes