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def test_lytro_lfp_format():
Test basic read/write properties of LytroRawFormat
# Get test images
lfr_file = get_remote_file(LFR_FILENAME)
raw_illum_file = get_remote_file(RAW_ILLUM_FILENAME)
lfp_file = get_remote_file(LFP_FILENAME)
raw_f01_file = get_remote_file(RAW_F0_FILENAME)
png_file = get_remote_file(PNG_FILENAME)
# Test lytro raw format
format = imageio.formats["lytro-lfp"]
assert == "LYTRO-LFP"
assert format.__module__.endswith("lytro")
# Test can read, cannot write
assert format.can_read(Request(lfp_file, "ri"))
# Test cannot read, cannot write
assert not format.can_read(Request(lfp_file, "rv"))
assert not format.can_read(Request(lfp_file, "rI"))
def test_lytro_illum_raw_format():
Test basic read/write properties of LytroRawFormat
# Get test images
lfr_file = get_remote_file(LFR_FILENAME)
raw_illum_file = get_remote_file(RAW_ILLUM_FILENAME)
lfp_file = get_remote_file(LFP_FILENAME)
raw_f01_file = get_remote_file(RAW_F0_FILENAME)
png_file = get_remote_file(PNG_FILENAME)
# Test lytro raw format
format = imageio.formats["lytro-illum-raw"]
assert == "LYTRO-ILLUM-RAW"
assert format.__module__.endswith("lytro")
# Test can read, cannot write
assert format.can_read(Request(raw_illum_file, "ri"))
# Test cannot read, cannot write
assert not format.can_read(Request(raw_illum_file, "rv"))
assert not format.can_read(Request(raw_illum_file, "rI"))
assert not format.can_read(Request(raw_illum_file, "rV"))
assert not format.can_read(Request(lfr_file, "ri"))
assert not format.can_read(Request(lfp_file, "ri"))
def test_read_format():
# Set videofomat
# Also set skipempty, so we can test mean
reader =
for i in range(10):
im = reader.get_next_data()
assert im.shape == (720, 1280, 3)
assert 100 < mean(im) < 115
def test_inside_zipfile():
fname = os.path.join(test_dir, "")
with ZipFile(fname, "w") as z:
z.writestr("x.png", open(get_remote_file("images/chelsea.png"), "rb").read())
z.writestr("x.jpg", open(get_remote_file("images/rommel.jpg"), "rb").read())
for name in ("x.png", "x.jpg"):
imageio.imread(fname + "/" + name)
def test_fei_file_reading():
need_internet() # We keep a test image in the imageio-binaries repo
fei_filename = get_remote_file("images/fei-sem-rbc.tif")
reader = imageio.get_reader(fei_filename, format="fei")
image = reader.get_data(0) # imageio.Image object
assert image.shape == (1024, 1536)
assert np.round(np.mean(image)) == 142
assert len(image.meta) == 18
assert image.meta["EScan"]["PixelHeight"] == 7.70833e-009
assert isinstance(image.meta["Image"]["ResolutionX"], int)
image_with_watermark = reader.get_data(0, discard_watermark=False)
assert image_with_watermark.shape == (1094, 1536)
assert np.round(np.mean(image_with_watermark)) == 137
assert reader.get_data(0, discard_watermark=False).shape == (1094, 1536)
fname2 = fname1 + ".fake"
bb = open(fname1, "rb").read()
bb = bb[:128] + b"XXXX" + bb[132:]
open(fname2, "wb").write(bb)
raises(Exception, F.get_reader, core.Request(fname2, "ri"))
# Test special files with other formats
im = imageio.imread(get_remote_file("images/dicom_file01.dcm"))
assert im.shape == (512, 512)
im = imageio.imread(get_remote_file("images/dicom_file03.dcm"))
assert im.shape == (512, 512)
im = imageio.imread(get_remote_file("images/dicom_file04.dcm"))
assert im.shape == (512, 512)
# Expected fails
fname = get_remote_file("images/dicom_file90.dcm")
raises(RuntimeError, imageio.imread, fname) # 1.2.840.10008.
fname = get_remote_file("images/dicom_file91.dcm")
raises(RuntimeError, imageio.imread, fname) # not pixel data
# This one *should* work, but does not, see issue #18
except Exception:
def _set_platform_resources(resource_dir, platform):
import imageio
# Create file to show platform
assert platform
open(op.join(resource_dir, "platform_%s" % platform), "wb")
# Load freeimage
fname = imageio.plugins.freeimage.FNAME_PER_PLATFORM[platform]
"freeimage/" + fname, resource_dir, force_download=True
# Check if ffmpeg is in PATH
with open( os.devnull, "w" ) as null:
sp.check_call( [ "ffmpeg", "-version" ], stdout=null,
stderr=sp.STDOUT )
return "ffmpeg"
# ValueError is raised on failure on OS X through Python 2.7.11
except (OSError, ValueError, sp.CalledProcessError):
plat = get_platform( )
if plat and plat in FNAME_PER_PLATFORM:
exe = get_remote_file( 'ffmpeg/' + FNAME_PER_PLATFORM[ plat ],
auto=auto )
os.chmod( exe, os.stat( exe ).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC ) # executable
return exe
except NeedDownloadError:
raise NeedDownloadError( 'Need ffmpeg exe. '
'You can download it by calling:\n'
'' )
except InternetNotAllowedError:
pass # explicitly disallowed by user
except OSError as err: # pragma: no cover
logging.warning( "Warning: could not find imageio's "
"ffmpeg executable:\n%s" %
str( err ) )
# Fallback, let's hope the system has ffmpeg
return 'ffmpeg'
""" Get avbin .dll/.dylib/.so
lib = os.getenv("IMAGEIO_AVBIN_LIB", None)
if lib: # pragma: no cover
return lib
platform = get_platform()
lib = FNAME_PER_PLATFORM[platform]
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("Avbin plugin is not supported on platform %s" % platform)
return get_remote_file("avbin/" + lib, auto=False)
except NeedDownloadError:
raise NeedDownloadError(
"Need avbin library. "
"You can obtain it with either:\n"
" - download using the command: "
"imageio_download_bin avbin\n"
" - download by calling (in Python): "
except InternetNotAllowedError as err:
raise IOError("Could not download avbin lib:\n%s" % str(err))
# in this case we raise. Can we try finding the system lib?