How to use the igraph.configuration.Configuration.instance function in igraph

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few igraph examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def main():
    """The main entry point for igraph when invoked from the command
    line shell"""
    config = Configuration.instance()

    if config.filename:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Using configuration from %s" % config.filename
        print >> sys.stderr, "No configuration file, using defaults"

    if config.has_key("shells"):
        parts = [part.strip() for part in config["shells"].split(",")]
        shell_classes = []
        available_classes = dict([(k, v) for k, v in globals().iteritems() \
            if isinstance(v, type) and issubclass(v, Shell)])
        for part in parts:
            klass = available_classes.get(part, None)
            if klass is None:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: unknown shell class `%s'" % part
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def main():
    """The main entry point for igraph when invoked from the command
    line shell"""
    config = Configuration.instance()

    if config.filename:
        print("Using configuration from %s" % config.filename, file=sys.stderr)
        print("No configuration file, using defaults", file=sys.stderr)

    if config.has_key("shells"):
        parts = [part.strip() for part in config["shells"].split(",")]
        shell_classes = []
        available_classes = dict([(k, v) for k, v in globals().iteritems()
                                  if isinstance(v, type) and issubclass(v, Shell)])
        for part in parts:
            klass = available_classes.get(part, None)
            if klass is None:
                print("Warning: unknown shell class `%s'" % part, file=sys.stderr)
github igraph / python-igraph / src / igraph / drawing / View on Github external
# Special case if the attribute name is "label" 
        if == "label":
            if attr_spec.alt_name in kwds and kwds[attr_spec.alt_name] is None:
                return [None] * n

        # If the attribute uses an external callable to derive the attribute
        # values, call it and store the results
        if attr_spec.func is not None:
            func = attr_spec.func
            result = [func(i) for i in xrange(n)]
            return result

        # Get the configuration object
        if config is None:
            config = Configuration.instance()

        # Fetch the defaults from the vertex/edge sequence
            attrs = seq[]
        except KeyError:
            attrs = None

        # Override them from the keyword arguments (if any)
        result = kwds.get(attr_spec.alt_name, None)
        if attrs:
            if not result:
                result = attrs
                if isinstance(result, str):
                    result = [result] * n
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for i in vertex_order)

        # Draw the vertices
        drawer_method = vertex_drawer.draw
        for vertex, visual_vertex, coords in vertex_coord_iter:
            drawer_method(visual_vertex, vertex, coords)

        # Set the font we will use to draw the labels
        vertex_label_family = 'sans-serif' if not hasattr(graph, "vertex_label_family") \
            else graph.vertex_label_family

        # Decide whether the labels have to be wrapped
        wrap = kwds.get("wrap_labels")
        if wrap is None:
            wrap = Configuration.instance()["plotting.wrap_labels"]
        wrap = bool(wrap)

        # Construct the iterator that we will use to draw the vertex labels
        if vertex_order is None:
            # Default vertex order
            vertex_coord_iter = izip(vertex_builder, layout)
            # Specified vertex order
            vertex_coord_iter = ((vertex_builder[i], layout[i])
                                 for i in vertex_order)

        # Draw the vertex labels
        for vertex, coords in vertex_coord_iter:
            if vertex.label is None:
github igraph / python-igraph / src / igraph / drawing / View on Github external
def show(self):
        """Saves the plot to a temporary file and shows it."""
        if not isinstance(self._surface, cairo.ImageSurface):
            sur = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,
                    int(self.bbox.width), int(self.bbox.height))
            ctx = cairo.Context(sur)
            sur = self._surface
            ctx = self._ctx
            if self._is_dirty:

        with named_temporary_file(prefix="igraph", suffix=".png") as tmpfile:
            config = Configuration.instance()
            imgviewer = config["apps.image_viewer"]
            if not imgviewer:
                # No image viewer was given and none was detected. This
                # should only happen on unknown platforms.
                plat = platform.system()
                raise NotImplementedError("showing plots is not implemented " + \
                                          "on this platform: %s" % plat)
                os.system("%s %s" % (imgviewer, tmpfile))
                if platform.system() == "Darwin" or self._windows_hacks:
                    # On Mac OS X and Windows, launched applications are likely to
                    # fork and give control back to Python immediately.
                    # Chances are that the temporary image file gets removed
                    # before the image viewer has a chance to open it, so
                    # we wait here a little bit. Yes, this is quite hackish :(
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def _get_response(self, path, params={}, compressed=False):
        """Sends a request to Nexus at the given path with the given parameters
        and returns a file-like object for the response. `compressed` denotes
        whether we accept compressed responses."""
        if self.url is None:
            url = Configuration.instance()[""]
            url = self.url
        url = "%s%s?%s" % (url, path, urlencode(params))
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        if compressed:
            request.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
        if self.debug:
            print "[debug] Sending request: %s" % url
github igraph / igraph / interfaces / python / igraph / remote / View on Github external
def _get_response(self, path, params={}, compressed=False):
        """Sends a request to Nexus at the given path with the given parameters
        and returns a file-like object for the response. `compressed` denotes
        whether we accept compressed responses."""
        if self.url is None:
            url = Configuration.instance()[""]
            url = self.url
        url = "%s%s?%s" % (url, path, urlencode(params))
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        if compressed:
            request.add_header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
        if self.debug:
            print "[debug] Sending request: %s" % url
github igraph / python-igraph / src / igraph / drawing / View on Github external
result = Plot(target, bbox, background=kwds.get("background", "white"))

    if "margin" in kwds:
        bbox = bbox.contract(kwds["margin"])
        del kwds["margin"]
        bbox = bbox.contract(20)
    result.add(obj, bbox, *args, **kwds)

    if target is None and _is_running_in_ipython():
        # Get the default value of the `inline` argument from the configuration if
        # needed
        inline = kwds.get("inline")
        if inline is None:
            config = Configuration.instance()
            inline = config["shell.ipython.inlining.Plot"]

        # If we requested an inline plot, just return the result and IPython will
        # call its _repr_svg_ method. If we requested a non-inline plot, show the
        # plot in a separate window and return nothing
        if inline:
            return result

    # We are either not in IPython or the user specified an explicit plot target,
    # so just show or save the result
    if target is None:
    elif isinstance(target, basestring):