How to use the icalendar.caselessdict.CaselessDict function in icalendar

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few icalendar examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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from icalendar.parser_tools import DEFAULT_ENCODING
from icalendar.prop import TypesFactory
from icalendar.prop import vText, vDDDLists
from icalendar.timezone_cache import _timezone_cache

import pytz
import dateutil.rrule
from pytz.tzinfo import DstTzInfo

from icalendar.compat import unicode_type

# The component factory

class ComponentFactory(CaselessDict):
    """All components defined in rfc 2445 are registered in this factory class.
    To get a component you can use it like this.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Set keys to upper for initial dict.
        super(ComponentFactory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self['VEVENT'] = Event
        self['VTODO'] = Todo
        self['VJOURNAL'] = Journal
        self['VFREEBUSY'] = FreeBusy
        self['VTIMEZONE'] = Timezone
        self['STANDARD'] = TimezoneStandard
        self['DAYLIGHT'] = TimezoneDaylight
        self['VALARM'] = Alarm
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class vRecur(CaselessDict):
    """Recurrence definition.

    frequencies = ["SECONDLY", "MINUTELY", "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY",
                   "MONTHLY", "YEARLY"]

    # Mac iCal ignores RRULEs where FREQ is not the first rule part.
    # Sorts parts according to the order listed in RFC 5545, section 3.3.10.
    canonical_order = ("FREQ", "UNTIL", "COUNT", "INTERVAL",
                       "BYSECOND", "BYMINUTE", "BYHOUR", "BYDAY",
                       "BYMONTHDAY", "BYYEARDAY", "BYWEEKNO", "BYMONTH",
                       "BYSETPOS", "WKST")

    types = CaselessDict({
        'COUNT': vInt,
        'INTERVAL': vInt,
        'BYSECOND': vInt,
        'BYMINUTE': vInt,
        'BYHOUR': vInt,
        'BYWEEKNO': vInt,
        'BYMONTHDAY': vInt,
        'BYYEARDAY': vInt,
        'BYMONTH': vInt,
        'UNTIL': vDDDTypes,
        'BYSETPOS': vInt,
        'WKST': vWeekday,
        'BYDAY': vWeekday,
        'FREQ': vFrequency,
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return (start, end_or_duration)
            raise ValueError('Expected period format, got: %s' % ical)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.by_duration:
            p = (self.start, self.duration)
            p = (self.start, self.end)
        return 'vPeriod(%r)' % (p, )

class vWeekday(compat.unicode_type):
    """This returns an unquoted weekday abbrevation.
    week_days = CaselessDict({
        "SU": 0, "MO": 1, "TU": 2, "WE": 3, "TH": 4, "FR": 5, "SA": 6,

    def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
        value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
        self = super(vWeekday, cls).__new__(cls, value)
        match = WEEKDAY_RULE.match(self)
        if match is None:
            raise ValueError('Expected weekday abbrevation, got: %s' % self)
        match = match.groupdict()
        sign = match['signal']
        weekday = match['weekday']
        relative = match['relative']
        if weekday not in vWeekday.week_days or sign not in '+-':
            raise ValueError('Expected weekday abbrevation, got: %s' % self)
        self.relative = relative and int(relative) or None
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        super(ComponentFactory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self['VEVENT'] = Event
        self['VTODO'] = Todo
        self['VJOURNAL'] = Journal
        self['VFREEBUSY'] = FreeBusy
        self['VTIMEZONE'] = Timezone
        self['STANDARD'] = TimezoneStandard
        self['DAYLIGHT'] = TimezoneDaylight
        self['VALARM'] = Alarm
        self['VCALENDAR'] = Calendar

# These Properties have multiple property values inlined in one propertyline
# seperated by comma. Use CaselessDict as simple caseless set.
INLINE = CaselessDict({
    'CATEGORIES': 1,
    'RESOURCES': 1,
    'FREEBUSY': 1,

_marker = []

class Component(CaselessDict):
    """Component is the base object for calendar, Event and the other
    components defined in RFC 2445. normally you will not use this class
    directy, but rather one of the subclasses.

    name = None         # should be defined in each component
    required = ()       # These properties are required
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def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Set keys to upper for initial dict"
        CaselessDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        # set parameters here for properties that use non-default values
        self.subcomponents = [] # Components can be nested.
        self.is_broken = False  # True iff we ignored an exception while parsing a property
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def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Set keys to upper for initial dict"
        CaselessDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self['VEVENT'] = Event
        self['VTODO'] = Todo
        self['VJOURNAL'] = Journal
        self['VFREEBUSY'] = FreeBusy
        self['VTIMEZONE'] = Timezone
        self['VALARM'] = Alarm
        self['VCALENDAR'] = Calendar

# These Properties have multiple property values inlined in one propertyline
# seperated by comma. Use CaselessDict as simple caseless set.
INLINE = CaselessDict(
    [(cat, 1) for cat in ('CATEGORIES', 'RESOURCES', 'FREEBUSY')]

_marker = []

class Component(CaselessDict):
    Component is the base object for calendar, Event and the other components
    defined in RFC 2445. normally you will not use this class directy, but
    rather one of the subclasses.

    A component is like a dictionary with extra methods and attributes.
    >>> c = Component()
    >>> = 'VCALENDAR'

    Every key defines a property. A property can consist of either a single
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raise ValueError('Expected frequency, got: %s' % self)
        self.params = Parameters()
        return self

    def to_ical(self):
        return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING).upper()

    def from_ical(cls, ical):
            return cls(ical.upper())
            raise ValueError('Expected frequency, got: %s' % ical)

class vRecur(CaselessDict):
    """Recurrence definition.

    frequencies = ["SECONDLY", "MINUTELY", "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY",
                   "MONTHLY", "YEARLY"]

    # Mac iCal ignores RRULEs where FREQ is not the first rule part.
    # Sorts parts according to the order listed in RFC 5545, section 3.3.10.
    canonical_order = ("FREQ", "UNTIL", "COUNT", "INTERVAL",
                       "BYSECOND", "BYMINUTE", "BYHOUR", "BYDAY",
                       "BYMONTHDAY", "BYYEARDAY", "BYWEEKNO", "BYMONTH",
                       "BYSETPOS", "WKST")

    types = CaselessDict({
        'COUNT': vInt,
        'INTERVAL': vInt,
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    def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
        value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
        self = super(vInline, cls).__new__(cls, value)
        self.params = Parameters()
        return self

    def to_ical(self):
        return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)

    def from_ical(cls, ical):
        return cls(ical)

class TypesFactory(CaselessDict):
    """All Value types defined in rfc 2445 are registered in this factory

    The value and parameter names don't overlap. So one factory is enough for
    both kinds.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        "Set keys to upper for initial dict"
        super(TypesFactory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.all_types = (
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self['integer'] = vInt
        self['period'] = vPeriod
        self['recur'] = vRecur
        self['text'] = vText
        self['time'] = vTime
        self['uri'] = vUri
        self['utc-offset'] = vUTCOffset
        self['geo'] = vGeo
        self['inline'] = vInline
        self['date-time-list'] = vDDDLists

    # Property types

    # These are the default types
    types_map = CaselessDict({
        # Property value types
        # Calendar Properties
        'calscale': 'text',
        'method': 'text',
        'prodid': 'text',
        'version': 'text',
        # Descriptive Component Properties
        'attach': 'uri',
        'categories': 'text',
        'class': 'text',
        'comment': 'text',
        'description': 'text',
        'geo': 'geo',
        'location': 'text',
        'percent-complete': 'integer',
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self['VJOURNAL'] = Journal
        self['VFREEBUSY'] = FreeBusy
        self['VTIMEZONE'] = Timezone
        self['VALARM'] = Alarm
        self['VCALENDAR'] = Calendar

# These Properties have multiple property values inlined in one propertyline
# seperated by comma. Use CaselessDict as simple caseless set.
INLINE = CaselessDict(
    [(cat, 1) for cat in ('CATEGORIES', 'RESOURCES', 'FREEBUSY')]

_marker = []

class Component(CaselessDict):
    Component is the base object for calendar, Event and the other components
    defined in RFC 2445. normally you will not use this class directy, but
    rather one of the subclasses.

    A component is like a dictionary with extra methods and attributes.
    >>> c = Component()
    >>> = 'VCALENDAR'

    Every key defines a property. A property can consist of either a single
    item. This can be set with a single value
    >>> c['prodid'] = '-//max m//'
    >>> c
    VCALENDAR({'PRODID': '-//max m//'})

    or with a list