How to use hippiehug - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hippiehug examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github claimchain / claimchain-core / tests / View on Github external
for label, content in claims:
        state[label] = content
    for reader_dh_pk, label in (caps or []):
        state.grant_access(reader_dh_pk, label)

    store = {}
    chain = hippiehug.Chain(store)
    head = state.commit(chain)

    block = store[head]
    block_content = block.items[0]
    nonce = ascii2bytes(block_content['nonce'])

    # Get associated Merkle tree
    mtr_hash = ascii2bytes(block_content['mtr_hash'])
    tree = hippiehug.Tree(store, root_hash=mtr_hash)
    return nonce, chain, tree
github claimchain / claimchain-core / tests / View on Github external
def commit_claims(state, claims, caps=None):
    for label, content in claims:
        state[label] = content
    for reader_dh_pk, label in (caps or []):
        state.grant_access(reader_dh_pk, label)

    store = {}
    chain = hippiehug.Chain(store)
    head = state.commit(chain)

    block = store[head]
    block_content = block.items[0]
    nonce = ascii2bytes(block_content['nonce'])

    # Get associated Merkle tree
    mtr_hash = ascii2bytes(block_content['mtr_hash'])
    tree = hippiehug.Tree(store, root_hash=mtr_hash)
    return nonce, chain, tree
github claimchain / claimchain-core / tests / View on Github external
def test_read_claim_from_other_chain():
    for i in range(1,100):
        alice_params = LocalParams.generate()
        alice_state = State()
        alice_store = {}
        alice_chain = Chain(alice_store, None)
        alice_state.identity_info = "Hi, I'm " + pet2ascii(
        with alice_params.as_default():
            alice_head = alice_state.commit(alice_chain)
        alice_chain = Chain(alice_store, alice_head)

        bob_params = LocalParams.generate()
        bob_state = State()
        bob_store = {}
        bob_chain = Chain(bob_store, None)
        bob_state.identity_info = "Hi, I'm " + pet2ascii(
        with bob_params.as_default():
            bob_head = bob_state.commit(bob_chain)
        bob_chain = Chain(bob_store, bob_head)

        bob_pk =

        with alice_params.as_default():
            alice_state[b"bobs_key"] =  b"123abc"
            alice_state.grant_access(bob_pk, [b"bobs_key"])
            alice_head = alice_state.commit(alice_chain)
github gdanezis / rousseau-chain / hippiehug-package / View on Github external
def main():
	t = Tree()	

	from os import urandom
	rep = 100000
	print("For %s repetitions:" % rep)
	X = [str(x) for x in xrange(rep)]
	bulk = ["x" + str(x) for x in xrange(rep)]

	with Timer() as tim:

	print "Time per add: %.4f ms (total: %.2f sec)" % (tim.interval * 1000 / float(rep), tim.interval)

	with Timer() as tim:
github gdanezis / rousseau-chain / hippiehug-package / View on Github external
def main():
	r = RedisStore()
	t = Tree(store=r)

	from os import urandom
	for _ in range(1000):
		item = urandom(32)
		assert t.is_in(item)
		assert not t.is_in(urandom(32))
github claimchain / claimchain-core / tests / View on Github external
c0 += 1
                claim_label = labels[fof]
                vrf_value = vrfs[fof]
                cap_lookup_key, encrypted_cap = encode_capability(
                        friend_dh_pk, nonce, claim_label, vrf_value)
                capabilities += [(cap_lookup_key, encrypted_cap)]
                cap_index[(friend, fof)] = (cap_lookup_key, encrypted_cap)
        t1 = time.time()
        print("\t\tTiming per encoded capab: %1.1f ms" % ((t1-t0) / c0 * 1000))

        data = encode([enc_claims, capabilities])
        print("\t\tData length: %1.1f kb" % (len(data) / 1024.0))

        # Build our non-equivocable tree
        t0 = time.time()
        tree = Tree()
        for lookup_key, enc_item in enc_claims + capabilities:
            tree.add(key=lookup_key, item=enc_item)
            _, evidence = tree.evidence(key=lookup_key)
            assert tree.is_in(enc_item, key=lookup_key)
            enc_item_hash = evidence[-1].item
  [enc_item_hash] = enc_item

        t1 = time.time()
        print("\t\tTiming for building non-equiv. tree: %1.1f ms" % ((t1-t0) * 1000))

        # Build a chain and a block
        t0 = time.time()
        c0 = 200
        for _ in range(c0):
            chain = Chain(
            payload =, nonce).export()
github gdanezis / rousseau-chain / hippiehug-package / View on Github external
def main():
	t = Tree()

	from os import urandom
	for _ in range(1000):
		item = urandom(32)
		assert t.is_in(item)
		assert not t.is_in(urandom(32))
github claimchain / claimchain-core / tests / View on Github external
tree = Tree()
        for lookup_key, enc_item in enc_claims + capabilities:
            tree.add(key=lookup_key, item=enc_item)
            _, evidence = tree.evidence(key=lookup_key)
            assert tree.is_in(enc_item, key=lookup_key)
            enc_item_hash = evidence[-1].item
  [enc_item_hash] = enc_item

        t1 = time.time()
        print("\t\tTiming for building non-equiv. tree: %1.1f ms" % ((t1-t0) * 1000))

        # Build a chain and a block
        t0 = time.time()
        c0 = 200
        for _ in range(c0):
            chain = Chain(
            payload =, nonce).export()

            def sign_block(block):
                sig = sign(block.hash())
                block.aux = pet2ascii(sig)

            chain.multi_add([payload], pre_commit_fn=sign_block)

            # Pack block
            block =[chain.head]
            packed_block = packb(
                    ("S", block.index, block.fingers, block.items, block.aux))

        t1 = time.time()

        print("\t\tTiming for building a block: %1.1f ms" % ((t1-t0) / c0 * 1000))
github gdanezis / rousseau-chain / hippiehug-package / View on Github external
def main(data):
	c = DocChain()

	for i in range(N):
github gdanezis / rousseau-chain / hippiehug-package / View on Github external
def main():
	r = RedisStore()
	t = Tree(store=r)

	from os import urandom
	for _ in range(1000):
		item = urandom(32)
		assert t.is_in(item)
		assert not t.is_in(urandom(32))


A Merkle Tree implementation with a flexible storage backend.

Latest version published 7 years ago

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