How to use the hdf5plugin.__init__._FilterRefClass function in hdf5plugin

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Default: 0 (for about 8kB per block).
    :param bool lz4:
        Whether to use LZ4_ID compression or not as part of the filter.
        Default: True
    filter_id = BSHUF_ID

    def __init__(self, nelems=0, lz4=True):
        nelems = int(nelems)
        assert nelems % 8 == 0

        lz4_enabled = 2 if lz4 else 0
        self.filter_options = (nelems, lz4_enabled)

class LZ4(_FilterRefClass):
    """h5py.Group.create_dataset's compression and compression_opts arguments for using lz4 filter.

    :param int nelems:
        The number of bytes per block.
        Default: 0 (for 1GB per block).
    filter_id = LZ4_ID

    def __init__(self, nbytes=0):
        nbytes = int(nbytes)
        assert 0 <= nbytes <= 0x7E000000
        self.filter_options = (nbytes,)

def _init_filters():
    """Initialise and register HDF5 filters with h5py
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        def __hash__(self):
            return hash((self.filter_id, self.filter_options))

        def __len__(self):
            return len(self._kwargs)

        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(self._kwargs)

        def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self._kwargs[item]

class Blosc(_FilterRefClass):
    """h5py.Group.create_dataset's compression and compression_opts arguments for using blosc filter.

    :param str cname:
        `blosclz`, `lz4` (default), `lz4hc`, `zlib`, `zstd`
        Optional: `snappy`, depending on compilation (requires C++11).
    :param int clevel:
        Compression level from 0 no compression to 9 maximum compression.
        Default: 5.
    :param int shuffle: One of:
        - Blosc.NOSHUFFLE (0): No shuffle
        - Blosc.SHUFFLE (1): byte-wise shuffle (default)
        - Blosc.BITSHUFFLE (2): bit-wise shuffle

    """Flag to disable data shuffle pre-compression filter"""
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'lz4': 1,
        'lz4hc': 2,
        'snappy': 3,
        'zlib': 4,
        'zstd': 5,

    def __init__(self, cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=SHUFFLE):
        compression = self.__COMPRESSIONS[cname]
        clevel = int(clevel)
        assert 0 <= clevel <= 9
        assert shuffle in (self.NOSHUFFLE, self.SHUFFLE, self.BITSHUFFLE)
        self.filter_options = (0, 0, 0, 0, clevel, shuffle, compression)

class Bitshuffle(_FilterRefClass):
    """h5py.Group.create_dataset's compression and compression_opts arguments for using bitshuffle filter.

    :param int nelems:
        The number of elements per block.
        Default: 0 (for about 8kB per block).
    :param bool lz4:
        Whether to use LZ4_ID compression or not as part of the filter.
        Default: True
    filter_id = BSHUF_ID

    def __init__(self, nelems=0, lz4=True):
        nelems = int(nelems)
        assert nelems % 8 == 0

        lz4_enabled = 2 if lz4 else 0


HDF5 Plugins for Windows, MacOS, and Linux

(BSD-2-Clause OR MIT OR Zlib)
Latest version published 19 days ago

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