How to use the hardware.component.capacitor.Capacitor.Model function in hardware

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github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / variable / View on Github external
elif self.hazard_rate_type == 2:
            self.hazard_rate_model['equation'] = 'lambdab * piQ * piE'

            # Base hazard rate.
            _stress = (self.operating_voltage + self.acvapplied) / \
                self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.00000192 * ((_stress / 0.33)**3 + 1) * \
                    exp(10.8 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
# TODO: Handle overflow error.
                return True

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / variable / View on Github external
__author__ = 'Andrew Rowland'
__email__ = ''
__organization__ = 'ReliaQual Associates, LLC'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2007 - 2015 Andrew "weibullguy" Rowland'

# Add localization support.
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, Configuration.LOCALE)
except locale.Error:                        # pragma: no cover
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

_ = gettext.gettext

class AirTrimmer(Capacitor):
    The Variable Air Trimmer capacitor data model contains the attributes and
    methods of a variable air trimmer capacitor.  The attributes of a variable
    air trimmer capacitor are:

    :cvar list _lst_piE: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 operating environment factor
    :cvar list _lst_piQ: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 quality factor values.
    :cvar list _lst_lambdab_count: list of base hazard rate values for the
                                   MIL-HDBK-217FN2 parts count method.
    :cvar int subcategory: the subcategory ID in the RTK common database.

    :ivar int specification: default value: 0
    :ivar int spec_sheet: default value: 0

    Covers specification MIL-C-92.
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / electrolytic / View on Github external
elif _srcf < 0.6 and _srcf >= 0.4:
                self.piSR = 0.13
            elif _srcf < 0.4 and _srcf >= 0.2:
                self.piSR = 0.20
            elif _srcf < 0.2 and _srcf >= 0.1:
                self.piSR = 0.27
            elif _srcf < 0.1 and _srcf >= 0.0:
                self.piSR = 0.33
                self.piSR = 0.33
            self.hazard_rate_model['piSR'] = self.piSR

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)

class NonSolid(Capacitor):
    Fixed Non-Solid Tantalum Electrolytic Capacitor Component Class.

    Covers specifications MIL-C-3965 and MIL-C-39006.

    Hazard Rate Models:
        # MIL-HDBK-217F, section 10.13

    # MIL-HDK-217F hazard rate calculation variables.
    # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----
    _piC = [0.3, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]
    _piE = [1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 6.0, 16.0, 4.0, 8.0, 14.0, 30.0, 23.0, 0.5, 13.0,
            34.0, 610.0]
    _piQ = [0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 1.5, 3.0, 10.0]
    _lambdab_count = [0.0061, 0.013, 0.069, 0.039, 0.11, 0.031, 0.061, 0.13,
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / electrolytic / View on Github external
def set_attributes(self, values):
        Method to set the Non-Solid Tantalum capacitor data model attributes.

        :param tuple values: tuple of values to assign to the instance
        :return: (_code, _msg); the error code and error message.
        :rtype: tuple

        _code = 0
        _msg = ''

        (_code, _msg) = Capacitor.set_attributes(self, values[:138])

   = int(values[138])
            self.piC = float(values[139])
        except IndexError as _err:
            _code = Utilities.error_handler(_err.args)
            _msg = "ERROR: Insufficient input values."
        except TypeError as _err:
            _code = Utilities.error_handler(_err.args)
            _msg = "ERROR: Converting one or more inputs to correct data type."

        return(_code, _msg)
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / variable / View on Github external
# Base hazard rate.
            _stress = (self.operating_voltage + self.acvapplied) / \
                self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.00000192 * ((_stress / 0.33)**3 + 1) * \
                    exp(10.8 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
# TODO: Handle overflow error.
                return True

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)

class Ceramic(Capacitor):
    The Variable Ceramic capacitor data model contains the attributes and
    methods of a variable ceramic capacitor.  The attributes of a variable
    ceramic capacitor are:

    :cvar list _lst_piE: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 operating environment factor
    :cvar list _lst_piQ: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 quality factor values.
    :cvar list _lst_lambdab_count: list of base hazard rate values for the
                                   MIL-HDBK-217FN2 parts count method.
    :cvar int subcategory: the subcategory ID in the RTK common database.

    :ivar int specification: default value: 0
    :ivar int spec_sheet: default value: 0

    Covers specification MIL-C-81.
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / fixed / View on Github external
_stress = (self.operating_voltage + self.acvapplied) / \
                self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.00069 * ((_stress / 0.4)**5 + 1) * \
                    exp(2.5 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
                # TODO: Handle overflow error.
                return True

            # Capacitance correction factor.
            self.piCV = 1.2 * (self.capacitance * 1000000.0)**0.092
            self.hazard_rate_model['piCV'] = self.piCV

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / fixed / View on Github external
self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.00086 * ((_stress / 0.4)**5 + 1) * \
                    exp(2.5 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
                # TODO: Handle overflow and zero division errors.
                return True

            # Capacitance correction factor.
            self.piCV = 1.2 * (self.capacitance * 1000000.0)**0.095
            self.hazard_rate_model['piCV'] = self.piCV

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)

class Feedthrough(Capacitor):
    The Paper, Fixed, Feedthrough capacitor data model contains the attributes
    and methods of a fixed paper feedthrough capacitor.  The attributes of a
    fixed paper feedthrough capacitor are:

    :cvar list _lst_piE: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 operating environment factor
    :cvar list _lst_piQ: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 quality factor values.
    :cvar list _lst_lambdab_count: list of base hazard rate values for the
                                   MIL-HDBK-217FN2 parts count method.
    :cvar int subcategory: default value: 41

    :ivar int specification: default value: 0
    :ivar int spec_sheet: default value: 0

    Covers specification MIL-C-11693.
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / electrolytic / View on Github external
self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.0028 * ((_stress / 0.55)**3 + 1) * \
                    exp(4.09 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
                # TODO: Handle overflow and zero division errors.
                return True

            # Capacitance correction factor.
            self.piCV = 0.34 * (self.capacitance * 1000000.0)**0.18
            self.hazard_rate_model['piCV'] = self.piCV

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)

class Wet(Capacitor):
    The wet aluminum electrolytic capacitor data model contains the
    attributes and methods of a wet aluminum electrolytic capacitor.  The
    attributes of a wet aluminum electrolytic capacitor are:

    Covers specifications MIL-C-3965 and MIL-C-39006.

    Hazard Rate Models:
        # MIL-HDBK-217F, section 10.13

    # MIL-HDK-217F hazard rate calculation variables.
    # ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
    _piE = [1.0, 2.0, 12.0, 6.0, 17.0, 10.0, 12.0, 28.0, 35.0, 27.0, 0.5, 14.0,
            38.0, 690.0]
    _piQ = [0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0]
github ReliaQualAssociates / ramstk / rtk / hardware / component / capacitor / fixed / View on Github external
self.hazard_rate_model['lambdab'] = \
                    0.00099 * ((_stress / 0.4)**5 + 1) * \
                    exp(2.5 * ((self.temperature_active + 273) /
            except(OverflowError, ZeroDivisionError):
                # TODO: Handle overflow error.
                return True

            # Capacitance correction factor.
            self.piCV = 1.1 * (self.capacitance * 1000000.0)**0.085
            self.hazard_rate_model['piCV'] = self.piCV

        return Capacitor.calculate_part(self)

class SuperMetallized(Capacitor):
    The Super-Metallized Plastic capacitor data model contains the attributes
    and methods of a super-metallized plastic capacitor.  The attributes of a
    super-metallized plastic capacitor are:

    :cvar list _lst_piE: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 operating environment factor
    :cvar list _lst_piQ: list of MIL-HDBK-217FN2 quality factor values.
    :cvar list _lst_lambdab_count: list of base hazard rate values for the
                                   MIL-HDBK-217FN2 parts count method.
    :cvar int subcategory: the subcategory ID in the RTK common database.

    :ivar int specification: default value: 0
    :ivar int spec_sheet: default value: 0

    Covers specifications MIL-C-83421.