How to use the hachoir.field.UInt64 function in hachoir

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github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / misc / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield UInt32(self, "unknown[]", "Version number?")
        yield UInt32(self, "count", "Number of entries")
        yield UInt32(self, "entry_size", "Size of each entry")
        yield UInt32(self, "header_size", "Size of this header")
        yield UInt64(self, "uncompressed_size")
        yield UInt64(self, "compressed_size")
        yield UInt64(self, "block_size", "Block size in bytes")
        for i in range(self["count"].value):
            yield UInt64(self, "block_location[]", "location in compressed data of 1st block boundary in uncompressed data")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / archive / View on Github external
yield filesizeHandler(UInt32(s, "compressed_size", "Compressed size (bytes)"))
    yield filesizeHandler(UInt32(s, "uncompressed_size", "Uncompressed size (bytes)"))
    yield Enum(UInt8(s, "host_os", "Operating system used for archiving"), OS_NAME)
    yield textHandler(UInt32(s, "crc32", "File CRC32"), hexadecimal)
    yield TimeDateMSDOS32(s, "ftime", "Date and time (MS DOS format)")
    yield textHandler(UInt8(s, "version", "RAR version needed to extract file"), formatRARVersion)
    yield Enum(UInt8(s, "method", "Packing method"), COMPRESSION_NAME)
    yield filesizeHandler(UInt16(s, "filename_length", "File name size"))
    if s["host_os"].value in (OS_MSDOS, OS_WIN32):
        yield MSDOSFileAttr32(s, "file_attr", "File attributes")
        yield textHandler(UInt32(s, "file_attr", "File attributes"), hexadecimal)

    # Start additional field from unrar
    if s["flags/is_large"].value:
        yield filesizeHandler(UInt64(s, "large_size", "Extended 64bits filesize"))

    # End additional field
    size = s["filename_length"].value
    if size > 0:
        if s["flags/is_unicode"].value:
            charset = "UTF-8"
            charset = "ISO-8859-15"
        yield String(s, "filename", size, "Filename", charset=charset)
    # Start additional fields from unrar - file only
    if is_file:
        if s["flags/has_salt"].value:
            yield textHandler(UInt8(s, "salt", "Salt"), hexadecimal)
        if s["flags/has_ext_time"].value:
            yield ExtTime(s, "extra_time", "Extra time info")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / file_system / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield Bytes(self, "signature", 4, "Usually the magic is 'FILE'")
        yield UInt16(self, "usa_offset", "Update Sequence Array offset")
        yield UInt16(self, "usa_count", "Update Sequence Array count")
        yield UInt64(self, "lsn", "$LogFile sequence number for this record")
        yield UInt16(self, "sequence_number", "Number of times this mft record has been reused")
        yield UInt16(self, "link_count", "Number of hard links")
        yield UInt16(self, "attrs_offset", "Byte offset to the first attribute")
        yield MFT_Flags(self, "flags")
        yield UInt32(self, "bytes_in_use", "Number of bytes used in this record")
        yield UInt32(self, "bytes_allocated", "Number of bytes allocated for this record")
        yield UInt64(self, "base_mft_record")
        yield UInt16(self, "next_attr_instance")

        # The below fields are specific to NTFS 3.1+ (Windows XP and above)
        yield NullBytes(self, "reserved", 2)
        yield UInt32(self, "mft_record_number", "Number of this mft record")

        if self["usa_offset"].value:
            padding = self.seekByte(self["usa_offset"].value, relative=True)
            if padding:
                yield padding

            yield UInt16(self, "usa_number")
            for i in range(self["usa_count"].value):
                yield UInt16(self, "usa_value[]")

        padding = self.seekByte(self["attrs_offset"].value, relative=True)
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / misc / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield NullBytes(self, "unused", 6)
        yield UInt8(self, "offsetIntSize", "Size (in bytes) of offsets in the offset table")
        yield UInt8(self, "objectRefSize", "Size (in bytes) of object numbers in object references")
        yield UInt64(self, "numObjects", "Number of objects in this file")
        yield UInt64(self, "topObject", "Top-level object reference")
        yield UInt64(self, "offsetTableOffset", "File offset to the offset table")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / file_system / View on Github external
yield Enum(textHandler(UInt32(self, "type"), hexadecimal), self.ATTR_NAME)
        yield UInt32(self, "size")
        yield UInt8(self, "non_resident", "Non-resident flag")
        yield UInt8(self, "name_length", "Name length in bytes")
        yield UInt16(self, "name_offset", "Name offset")
        yield UInt16(self, "flags")
        yield textHandler(UInt16(self, "attribute_id"), hexadecimal)
        if self['non_resident'].value:
            yield UInt64(self, "runlist_start", "Starting Virtual Cluster Number of the runlist")
            yield UInt64(self, "runlist_stop", "Ending Virtual Cluster Number of the runlist")
            yield UInt16(self, "runlist_offset", "Offset to the runlist")
            yield UInt16(self, "compression_unit", "Compression unit size")
            yield UInt32(self, "unused[]")
            yield UInt64(self, "size_allocated", "Allocated size of the attribute content")
            yield UInt64(self, "size_actual", "Actual size of the attribute content")
            yield UInt64(self, "size_initialized", "Initialized size of the attribute content")

            if self['name_length'].value:
                padding = self.seekByte(self['name_offset'].value)
                if padding:
                    yield padding
                yield String(self, "name", self['name_length'].value * 2, charset="UTF-16-LE")

            padding = self.seekByte(self['runlist_offset'].value)
            if padding:
                yield padding
            yield RunList(self, "runlist")

            yield UInt32(self, "length_attr", "Length of the Attribute")
            yield UInt16(self, "offset_attr", "Offset of the Attribute")
            yield UInt8(self, "indexed_flag")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / file_system / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 1)
        yield String(self, "system_id", 32, "System identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "volume_id", 32, "Volume identifier", strip=" ")
        yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 8)
        yield UInt64(self, "space_size", "Volume space size")
        yield NullBytes(self, "unused[]", 32)
        yield UInt32(self, "set_size", "Volume set size")
        yield UInt32(self, "seq_num", "Sequence number")
        yield UInt32(self, "block_size", "Block size")
        yield UInt64(self, "path_table_size", "Path table size")
        yield UInt32(self, "occu_lpath", "Location of Occurrence of Type L Path Table")
        yield UInt32(self, "opt_lpath", "Location of Optional of Type L Path Table")
        yield UInt32(self, "occu_mpath", "Location of Occurrence of Type M Path Table")
        yield UInt32(self, "opt_mpath", "Location of Optional of Type M Path Table")
        yield RawBytes(self, "root", 34, "Directory Record for Root Directory")
        yield String(self, "vol_set_id", 128, "Volume set identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "publisher", 128, "Publisher identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "data_preparer", 128, "Data preparer identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "application", 128, "Application identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "copyright", 37, "Copyright file identifier", strip=" ")
        yield String(self, "abstract", 37, "Abstract file identifier", strip=" ")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / archive / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield UInt64(self, "zip64_end_size",
                     "Size of zip64 end of central directory record")
        yield ZipVersion(self, "version_made_by", "Version made by")
        yield ZipVersion(self, "version_needed", "Version needed to extract")
        yield UInt32(self, "number_disk", "Number of this disk")
        yield UInt32(self, "number_disk2",
                     "Number of the disk with the start of the central directory")
        yield UInt64(self, "number_entries",
                     "Total number of entries in the central directory on this disk")
        yield UInt64(self, "number_entries2",
                     "Total number of entries in the central directory")
        yield UInt64(self, "size", "Size of the central directory")
        yield UInt64(self, "offset", "Offset of start of central directory")
        if 0 < self["zip64_end_size"].value:
            yield RawBytes(self, "data_sector", self["zip64_end_size"].value,
                           "zip64 extensible data sector")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / program / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield SymbolStringTableOffset(self, "name", "Section name (index into section header string table)")
        yield Enum(textHandler(UInt32(self, "type", "Section type"), hexadecimal), self.TYPE_NAME)
        yield SectionFlags(self, "flags", "Section flags")
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "VMA", "Virtual memory address"), hexadecimal)
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "LMA", "Logical memory address (offset in file)"), hexadecimal)
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "size", "Section size (bytes)"), hexadecimal)
        yield UInt32(self, "link", "Index of a related section")
        yield UInt32(self, "info", "Type-dependent information")
        yield UInt64(self, "addr_align", "Address alignment (bytes)")
        yield UInt64(self, "entry_size", "Size of each entry in section")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / program / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield Enum(UInt32(self, "type", "Segment type"), ProgramHeader32.TYPE_NAME)
        yield ProgramFlags(self, "flags")
        yield UInt64(self, "offset", "Offset")
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "vaddr", "V. address"), hexadecimal)
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "paddr", "P. address"), hexadecimal)
        yield UInt64(self, "file_size", "File size")
        yield UInt64(self, "mem_size", "Memory size")
        yield UInt64(self, "align", "Alignment padding")
github vstinner / hachoir / hachoir / parser / file_system / View on Github external
def createFields(self):
        yield Bytes(self, "jump", 3, "Intel x86 jump instruction")
        yield String(self, "name", 8)
        yield BiosParameterBlock(self, "bios", "BIOS parameters")

        yield textHandler(UInt8(self, "physical_drive", "(0x80)"), hexadecimal)
        yield NullBytes(self, "current_head", 1)
        yield textHandler(UInt8(self, "ext_boot_sig", "Extended boot signature (0x80)"), hexadecimal)
        yield NullBytes(self, "unused", 1)

        yield UInt64(self, "nb_sectors")
        yield UInt64(self, "mft_cluster", "Cluster location of MFT data")
        yield UInt64(self, "mftmirr_cluster", "Cluster location of copy of MFT")
        yield UInt8(self, "cluster_per_mft", "MFT record size in clusters")
        yield NullBytes(self, "reserved[]", 3)
        yield UInt8(self, "cluster_per_index", "Index block size in clusters")
        yield NullBytes(self, "reserved[]", 3)
        yield textHandler(UInt64(self, "serial_number"), hexadecimal)
        yield textHandler(UInt32(self, "checksum", "Boot sector checksum"), hexadecimal)
        yield Bytes(self, "boot_code", 426)
        yield Bytes(self, "mbr_magic", 2, r"Master boot record magic number (\x55\xAA)")